Fallout: New Vegas E3 previews

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
A few more previews. There's a ScrewAttack video ("Some of you may know I am a huge Fallout fan, I have every achievement in Fallout 3!"), but it's not very interesting. RandomNPC seems positive about the engine:<blockquote>In spite of a bullet from an anti-material rifle bouncing harmlessly off a tree branch – a VATS glitch familiar to Fallout 3 veterans – New Vegas boasted noticeable improvements on the Fallout 3 engine. In particular, animation appeared smoother and crisper, and the game appeared to handle large numbers of NPCs more easily; the NCR-Legion battle featured a good eight or so NCR rangers assaulting multiple Legion defenders. Whether this is a one-off scripted event or more common throughout the game is not clear, though the Vegas strip was also well populated.</blockquote>Gamer Limit hated the experience because - I shit you not - he wasn't being directed where to go. And it has a typo in its title ("iteslf").<blockquote>That’s the thing, without someone talking you up, guiding you, showcasing the high points of the game, etc. Fallout: New Vegas is way too vast to experience through a demonstration. It’s not a game where you can just pick-up and play. There are options about how you talk to people that determine the path you follow. For example, upon meeting a hotel lobbyist, all I wanted to do was fight him, so I picked all the confrontational dialogue boxes.

After I killed the guy, my character was permanently banned from the hotel and I was forced to restart the demonstration because I broke it. Someone whispering in my area that I need to be nice to the lobbyist, so that I can see all the casino games and witness how luck plays a larger role would have piqued my interest. Instead, I felt like a wandering child walking into the middle of the street.

To no surprise, I broke the demo a few more times, and eventually I just gave up to go play Brink. With no direction and a limited time to play, it’s impossible to get the full spectrum of New Vegas. In all honesty, this is a game that would have greatly benefited from a hands-off demonstration – showcasing all the new and improved characteristics.</blockquote>And people wonder why I don't like referring to what I do as "game journalism". Anything to keep from being associated with people like the author of the above.
Man the way he talks makes me want to deck the bastard. "Me lady's man! Me put Intellishunz SPECIAL points in Endurans and Strong!"
I actually shuddered when he said "so I killed everybody".

this newspost disgusts me.
Give it a few years Brother None... You'll announce yourself as a gaming journalist whenever you can and will be able to write marvelous previews just like this guy.

Pretty amazing though.
I actually kind of agree with the guy on one point though, a hands off demo would've been way better than what they put out. The content of the demo's (the E3 one and the first one released to the press) both had me shaking my head a bit... Bethesda's just not that great at showing off their games.
Can it get any closer to the bottom of the barrel? Both the ScrewAttack guy and The Gamerlimit one seems to have wanted to watch a movie instead... sheesh...
Humanity's extinction has been well-earned. Sure, there may be a few sentient people left, but it doesn't matter. 99.99999% are a waste of carbon.
indeed like EVERYONE of the Bethesda team which was involved in the Fallout 3 development. All of them have been die hard Fallout fans since the begining. Even those which admited on their blog that they never played Fallout 1/2.
The guy at Gamer Limited, I want to see what the girl would write about him visiting & playing the game if she had to. I bet it would go like this . . .

"So this weird guy comes in to play"

"He really didn't seem to know much about our game at all"

"I felt bad for the guy, I don't think he really knew how to play heh"

"I told him good job and gave him a :clap: "

"then I rolled my eyes :roll: "

Well, did you really expect anything less review-wise when they opened up FO to mainstream console gamers (PS2 title aside, which was never this popular).

***edited for missing parenthesis
The interesting thing is that the people showing off fallout new vegas have really no clue about the game. I don't they they are obsidian's people. I think they are just some random guys bethesda hired last minute to just show people to the game console and that's it.
So that Gamer Limit dude killed someone in a casino and is now wondering, why he is banned there forever?
Lexx said:
So that Gamer Limit dude killed someone in a casino and is now wondering, why he is banned there forever?
Speaking of which. I hope New Vegas doesn't have the "kill half of the town > come back 3 days later and everyone loves you again" thing. That is the most baby-friendly mechanic ever. Or was it already confirmed by Obsidian that they ditched that thing?
Well, with reputation system, this isn't needed anymore. If your reputation is bad, you have to do something to make it good again. Else the people will not react different. Or: they should not.
EnglishMuffin said:
The interesting thing is that the people showing off fallout new vegas have really no clue about the game. I don't they they are obsidian's people. I think they are just some random guys bethesda hired last minute to just show people to the game console and that's it.

Ya, you're pretty right on. if you're not too familiar with conventions they usually hire models to promote their products/services. I remember quite a few years ago going to a NACS convention in vegas and getting a Hustler chick to take a pic with me. i still have the pic its pretty lol