Fallout: New Vegas E3 previews

To no surprise, I broke the demo a few more times, and eventually I just gave up to go play Brink.

He just wouldn't learn now would he?

First attempt: "All I want out of life is to kill this receptionist!" :bang: :thump: "Kicking me out? Banned? Hey! Don't push!"

Second attempt: "Hmm.. so killing the receptionist got me banned. Wonder why? Must be a bug.. How about I KILL HIM! Yeah! That'll do." :bang: :thump: "Ah, feck! Stupid broken game"

And so the minutes went by.
guys, stop insulting this journalist.

he is a next-gen reporter.

it is not his fault that choices and consequences were never explained to him or what the consequences to his actions would be.

its not his fault, it is obsidians fault for making a game this hard. games should NEVER be this difficult. it is totally obsidians fault.

it cant be bethesdas fault because they made the bestest game ever, FO3.

its not the journalists or bethesdas fault that this is what has become expected. this is what next-gen gamers want, so thats what next-gen reporters/journalists encourage.
Now if we see Oblivion which was the best RPG ever released and now Fallout 3 is the bestest ... what would happen when Bethesda is making another RPG ? ... I mean seriously now ... it might have a possibilty the paradoxon of making something that is perfect even more perfect it could cause the Universe to collapse of sher awesomness and create another simpler Universe ~ some theories say that already happend.
when bethesda releases another RPG, then what has happened will happen again...

fallout 3 will become a bug ridden piece of crap with tons of flaws...

and then that newest rpg will become Next-Gen and become instantly the bestest RPG ever made.