Fallout: New Vegas E3 previews

Lexx said:
If your reputation is bad, you have to do something to make it good again.

Give water, err, casino chips to hobos !
Yes, or the more obvious way: Kill dudes of the opposite faction.

I.e. you fucked up with the Legion? Then kill some NCR dudes and vice versa.
I think, it's a question of how fast you gain positive reputation, if you have negative reputation.

You have positive reputation with the NCR and negative with the Legion. Now if you kill Legion troops, you gain ++ (plus plus) reputation for the NCR and -- (minus minus) Reputation for the Legion.

If you have negative reputation with the NCR and positive with the Legion and kill Legion troops, you gain only + reputation for NCR, which means, you "recover" a lot slower. But you get -- reputation for the Legion (because you betrayed them, yadda yadda).

This could somehow balance it and you can't simply 'jump' from one faction to the other (also called faction hopping by me). We got this problems a lot with our reputation system in FOnline: 2238.
That sounds good. GTA2's reputation system was so fscked up that if you had MAX reputation with a group and MIN reputation with another group, and then you decided to kill one of them, the reputation of both groups would probably stay in the middle. :|
They could put some thresholds in the system - if you fuck up badly with some group, you need to do something really meaningful to get on their good side again. So - you kill 50 Ceasar troopers and blow up their outpost. Now you'd need to, for example, supply their mainbase with power from the solar powerplant just to be able to gain any rep with them.

Because who cares if you kill dozens of enemy soldiers if you kill the same amount of one's allies?
The Gamer Limit dude has a degree in English (aka the guys that Arts degree students laugh at).

I would hardly call him a game journalist considering he has 0 journalism experience.
fedaykin said:
After I killed the guy, my character was permanently banned from the hotel and I was forced to restart the demonstration because I broke it.
The guy Actually™ thought this was a bug?

I think he meant that as the demonstration was meant to show of the casino and he could no longer go in it he had to restart.
The fact that he went on to suggest that the game should have directed him to be nice to the lobbyist seems to indicate that he sorta did think that it was an error in the game.
i like how he said he was a hardcore fallout fan and only talked about fallout 3. But on a happier note this game sounds a lot closer to the originals in that its possible to screw up and that hopefully means its a lot more open ended. Lets just hope that new vegas carries on the fallout tradition better than 3 did.
He confirmed that armor wasn’t just about damage resistance this time, that players could deck themselves out in an enemy uniform and bypass the grunts of a hostile faction. Certain enemies, particularly dogs and officers in that faction, would not be fooled and might detect you if you get too close.
About damn time. All Obsidian is doing is adding shit to Fallout 3 that should have fucking been there in the first place. Hopefully they add good writing. AP was weaker than their average game in that department, but it's most likely do to the spy setting, but hopefully they have good writing this time around.

Now I'm going to stop preaching to the choir.
The Gamer Limit dude is getting trolled a lot... Are those from here? Looks like the Codex to me.
Sometimes I just don't get how people think. You have a limited amount of time to play with the demo and the first thing you do is something stupid? Then the game gave a consequence to his stupid action, sounds pretty good to me.
Dario ff said:
The Gamer Limit dude is getting trolled a lot... Are those from here? Looks like the Codex to me.
Does it really count as "trolling" if the statements are true that he's stupid? :)
Reconite said:
Does it really count as "trolling" if the statements are true that he's stupid? :)
The criticism is hidden under A LOT of personal attacks there, so yeah, it can be considered trolling.

They're still saying the truth though, what the hell is the point of the article anyway? I wouldn't write reviews of how I didn't understand what to do in the game if I only got 15-20 minutes to test it. And he's talking about how good looking he is and whatever shit comes to his mind. :roll:
Of course you can. But he's not likely to take it well don't you think?

Doing personal attacks against the person might make him react quite wrong. If he learns to look at the criticism behind those comments, he might learn. Otherwise he'll ignore them.

Constructive criticism on the other hand, might make this guy pay more attention to the comments and learn from them. We're just irritated that game journalists do such stuff for a living, but if we continue spouting them and treating them like shit, they're going to hear us less and less, and start saying stuff that the "other" fans want to hear and we hate. Just because they get more appreciation from them.