Fallout: New Vegas E3 Trailer

It was quite an enjoyable thing to watch until the actual gameplay video started.

Well, I like the environments. They look more Fallouty than those in Fuckout 3. I think this is the only thing I liked.

I did not see too much difference in the look of supermutants. And, well, I think these dudes are getting pretty old too. As Enclave thing did. (Hope this eyebot doesn't mean it's in).

Mirelurk kings? The fuck?
Oasis vault? The fuck?
Rockets animations suck. Hope this won't be another super weapon.
Well, all animations suck, but you cant' expect anything else from a ridiculously outdated game engine. But those dancing dudes... Man, I wish I could unsee it.
Too much neon. Isn't it a post-nuclear world after all? Is electricity that easy to get?
Snakedogs? The fuck?
Ceasar's legion? Just a stupid concept from the beginning.
Explosions. Explosions. Explosions. Jesus...

I assume we might have the same problem with this game as with F3. You don't feel this is a post-apoc world. It is full of weapons, energy and food. But somehow most of the people are idiots and don't use them. Somehow they live without farming, without crafting and other things like that. But then they somehow have money to gamble. Or at least don't die of hunger. They don't fight for ordinary things like food or water but do use orbital lasers, nuclear catapults and shoot cars to explode.

Oh, well, I'm going too much offtopic. Sorry guys. Hope Obsidian is keeping those things in mind.
I think that those miralurks will live in some cavern near Hoover damn. I wish in leak were living water monsters as in VB concept.
Too bad the game can't look like the CGI with the eyebot in the beginning. Oh wait, other games these days do have those kind of graphics, but I digress.

I may buy this game, although I never even finished FO3, so I don't know.
In regards to the Oasis Vault, it seems like an ok idea. You give a Vault an extra large supply of seeds, something goes wrong, and the whole place turns into a jungle. At least it's not idiotic like Harold turning into a tree with the ability to see through other tress.

Animations are mediocre, but I can ignore a lot of them. A preview said that Goodsprings was hunting geckoes and that it had a couple of those mutant rams in a farm, so I assume Obsidian gets that people need to get their food from somewhere.
13pm said:
Ceasar's legion? Just a stupid concept from the beginning.

Don't you find the hatred for that a little overdone?

The costumes might be out of place but the idea is something different for a change.

I like them more than yet another slaver gang, and they sound like an fun opposition to the NCR.
Cesar`s legion is great idea IMO. I`m supporting it. I liked concept in VB, I`m glad they are here now. And costumes looks really how they should. Costumes inspired in ancient Rome army, made out of avaliable junk.

Not all factions can afford endless suply of brend new PAs.
Speaking of PA - it surprised me they didn't show a shiny Power Armor in the trailer. Maybe this time there won't even be such things? Would be "fresh" in my book.

The satellite dishes remind me of Black Mountain. Maybe every bigger faction has his own super weapon? Sounds gay, somehow.
I think that BoS will be there. I hope that they`ll be more of flavour faction rather then main one.


Or maybe this is Bloomfield and those are space crafts?
Looks bad as expected
the legion looks like crap but at least is a new faction...
the slaver faction is not new at all (slaver guild+paradise falls) but this one maybe is more developed...
I really hope to see a good story with C&C elements to bring this game up to another level (compared to F3).
Actually Lexx, I would not be surprised that this is the Repcon factory, and these are some kind of manned rockets the Ghouls there managed to put together.

Of course they probably need the player's help to actually make them lift off, and knowing Fallout something hilariously bad happens to the Ghoul space expedition.
Bleh, I don't really want to believe in this. In my mind, the rocket factory is some really cool shit and not a big dome with exaggerated 50s comic-rockets. :>
I was hoping to see some of that black NCR gear but I think that was just concept's I could be wrong though. There was the one with the gas mask & trench coat I guess.
Surf Solar said:
MKSaibot said:
Surf Solar said:
What's the problem with those dogs? Sure they are no beauties, but I don't really mind theyr look..

I think its the most half assed thing ive seen in a video game in awhile ill leave it at that.

You are complaining about a game which is not even finished?
And even when this dog will look like that in the game... Wow, I whish I had such problems.. :D
i guess the snakedogs will be the main plot of the game. :crazy:
OakTable said:
At least it's not idiotic like Harold turning into a tree with the ability to see through other tress.
I couldn't agree more.

OakTable said:
A preview said that Goodsprings was hunting geckoes and that it had a couple of those mutant rams in a farm, so I assume Obsidian gets that people need to get their food from somewhere.
Whoa, if that's true, that's good news.
i dunno.. since the trailer 's main focus was combat .why not show the player using the iron sights ? just saying.
There was one small scene where the player was using iron sights. It was probably a second long.
I'm staying optimistic, I still think it'll be a good game but the more footage I see the closer I think it'll be to F3.

One big thing that bugs me is the landscape in some of the screenshots - parts of it just look like the Capital Wasteland. Same big grey rocky outcrops everywhere, matched with similarly grey ground, all with that lovely sickly green tinge. Maybe some of the footage is out of date, at least I hope so. I would've thought Obisidian would at least have the courtesy to mess with the colours so we can at least pretend we're in a different part of the country.