Fallout: New Vegas E3 Trailer

Lexx said:
That's what you do in Fallout 3. You shoot stuff for no reason.
No, everybody knows that you shoot down Eyebots so you can gut them and make them into a helmet. Didn't YOU play the entire game with an Eyebot Helmet?
Member of Khans said:
We shall see, shall we?

I think the Caesar's Legion uniform is silly.
Thats what I can agree with totally.

Not that I have any issue with the roman-theme they choose. But they could have made it look more wasteland like.

A football helmet with an mohawk on top of it for example and extra metal plates added on it to just "resemble" an armor but still make it clear that its not much more then a football suit with junk on it.
OakTable said:
Lexx said:
That's what you do in Fallout 3. You shoot stuff for no reason.
No, everybody knows that you shoot down Eyebots so you can gut them and make them into a helmet. Didn't YOU play the entire game with an Eyebot Helmet?

I never liked that "metal helmet". It looked ugly to me and I gunned down everyone who was running around with it. :> Like I wrote earlier, I didn't liked most of the clothes (and headgear) you could find in Fallout 3. New Vegas looks much more appealing to me regarding fashion. And I even like the legion clothes- It looks somewhat Fallouty to me. At least better than "pre-war clothes" that looks like they have been bougth in a shop 5 minutes ago.
The Dutch Ghost said:
13pm said:
Ceasar's legion? Just a stupid concept from the beginning.
Don't you find the hatred for that a little overdone?

No. Caesar's Legion was probably the dumbest idea in Van Buren, and it's as silly as any idea that was in Fallout 3. Obsidian gets no free pass for being Obsidian.

That and the New Reno-esque look, as if this is another one of those nonsensical "thriving on gambling and prostitution!" cities that made no friggin' sense, is what worries me more than left-overs from Fallout 3, which we've learned to live with by now.
I wonder if the concept of roman empire has been inspired by the comicbook Jeremiah (yes the one that "inspired" the tv-show of the same name, except the tv-show is upper crap compared to the comic). Basicly in a post-apocalyptical USA, a rich crazy dictator of a little kingdom disguise his army in the roman army, and try to improve it's influence by slaving the neighboring populations. The crazy dictator is just trying to emulate the romans, no to build an empire, but at least it make the story coherent, like the emperor norton : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Norton
Not the best plot the author ever came up with, if you ask me, but there are many other album of greater quality, so I can forgive him. Not sure if I forgive Obsidian if they screw up...

For now, the roman armor make as much sense to me as the samurai armor, but I am waiting to play the game before passing final judgement.
I wonder if we will this time see places in the gameworld, where people create / grow food or if there will be - once again - no such thing in the whole area.

And I still like the Legion. :> I agree that it becomes shitty, if it's too much, but well...
I guess the Caesar's Legion will always remain a matter of taste for the members on this forum.

Some like them, others hate them.
Grayswandir said:
I wonder if the concept of roman empire has been inspired by the comicbook Jeremiah (yes the one that "inspired" the tv-show of the same name, except the tv-show is upper crap compared to the comic).
I think it's inspired by Sawyers interest in ancient history/mythology. He doesn't have a problem shoe-horning his own interests into the Fallout universe, even if they don't really fit.

But this is a new game, and he should try to add new things. At least this isn't as bad as half the stuff in Fallout 2.
If that's the case I am a little disapointed in Sawyer then. I also am very fond of the story of this little town that hated tyrans so much it became a republic, that differentiate freedom and liberty and when it's army grow too strong, it became an empire dictature. But if I were to use this as backstory for a PA faction, I certainly wouldn't name it Rome, and wouldn't dress their soldier with 2300 years old uniform. There is already a New Rome in Fallout, and it's Vault City.
And the megalomaniac plot, well, it's coherent but lolz.
Grayswandir said:
If that's the case I am a little disapointed in Sawyer then.
I don't think you should be. If he's going to create anything decent, then he needs to work with stuff that interests him.

It's like when a new writer takes over a long-running comic book character. You can't expect him to only work within the constraints of the previous author. Otherwise, we'd never get anything new or interesting.
13pm said:
Well, all animations suck, but you cant' expect anything else from a ridiculously outdated game engine. But those dancing dudes... Man, I wish I could unsee it.

I don't believe it has anything to do with the engine. The animations in this video look quite nice:

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Pbyhpsv-6sM&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed>
Grayswandir said:
If that's the case I am a little disapointed in Sawyer then. I also am very fond of the story of this little town that hated tyrans so much it became a republic, that differentiate freedom and liberty and when it's army grow too strong, it became an empire dictature. But if I were to use this as backstory for a PA faction, I certainly wouldn't name it Rome, and wouldn't dress their soldier with 2300 years old uniform. There is already a New Rome in Fallout, and it's Vault City.
And the megalomaniac plot, well, it's coherent but lolz.

But no one is using 2300 year old armors. They are just stylized that way to resemble Romans. Bigest and most durable fucking empire ever created!
Men in skirts, super mutants in drag and a city that looks and feels as horribly out of place as New Reno did.

Wow. They really nailed it this time. :roll:

Mistrz said:
Bigest and most durable fucking empire ever created!

Not the biggest. Not by a longshot.
Elhoim said:
13pm said:
Well, all animations suck, but you cant' expect anything else from a ridiculously outdated game engine. But those dancing dudes... Man, I wish I could unsee it.

I don't believe it has anything to do with the engine. The animations in this video look quite nice:

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Pbyhpsv-6sM&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed>
Bethesda sucks at animation. Turns out their animation head failed his college course on animation. Twice. I'm not joking. Obsidian is also mediocre at animations but not as much as Bethesda.
Lexx said:
At least better than "pre-war clothes" that looks like they have been bougth in a shop 5 minutes ago.
Don't forget the neat and clean underwear after losing clothes/armor.