This is looking pretty ridiculous. Those dog creatures, what the hell? And I don't mean that in a good way. Awkward.
Lexx said:Me? I never wrote that.
I think that this is Hoover Dam. First I wasn't sure, but now I am pretty much. Check my painting skills, it's pretty obvious to me:
I am not 100% sure yet, if it fits my expectations or not. I somehow expected the plattform with the gun on it to be bigger. I like, that they haven't overdone the broken street, like on the concept art. Also the NCR flag on the gun is missing, which is sad-- could be my first mod. :>
/Edit: And I have to say, the artillery in the concept looks much better, imo.
Ausir said:That Eyebot might suggest the Enclave appearing again, whether in the main game or through DLC.
Doubt it. Although I wouldn't be surprised if they returned in Bethesda's FO4.
Communist Cake Commander said:Am I the only one who saw new walking animations?
I doubt one would expect a 1:1 recreation of weapons anyway. Some people just like you created a few Fallout 1 and 2 weapons for F3 and it looked close enough for me as it was possible to clearly identify the items. And thats more then enough if you ask me.Lexx said:Now I remember about the plasma rifle too. I just wonder how they have realized it in Fallout 3-style, without changing the animations or similar. Because, the original model can't be build 1:1 (or at least very close to 1:1) that simple. Same with the flamer-- When I created my model for Fallout 3, I needed to change the handle, because it didn't fit.
Surf Solar said:What's the problem with those dogs? Sure they are no beauties, but I don't really mind theyr look..
MKSaibot said:Surf Solar said:What's the problem with those dogs? Sure they are no beauties, but I don't really mind theyr look..
I think its the most half assed thing ive seen in a video game in awhile ill leave it at that.
its probably the out-dated game engine.randir14 said:The animations of the guys dancing on stage...when I read Obsidian had created new animations I didn't think it would be possible to do worse than Bethesda, but there you go.
Expresate said:Doesn't look like the character is gliding anymore. There's more motion to it if you get my meaning.