Fallout: New Vegas E3 Trailer

This is looking pretty ridiculous. Those dog creatures, what the hell? And I don't mean that in a good way. Awkward.
Lexx said:
Me? I never wrote that.

I think that this is Hoover Dam. First I wasn't sure, but now I am pretty much. Check my painting skills, it's pretty obvious to me:

I am not 100% sure yet, if it fits my expectations or not. I somehow expected the plattform with the gun on it to be bigger. I like, that they haven't overdone the broken street, like on the concept art. Also the NCR flag on the gun is missing, which is sad-- could be my first mod. :>

/Edit: And I have to say, the artillery in the concept looks much better, imo.

Compelling evidence there sir, I do believe you are correct.
Ausir said:
That Eyebot might suggest the Enclave appearing again, whether in the main game or through DLC.

Doubt it. Although I wouldn't be surprised if they returned in Bethesda's FO4.

Of course they will be back in Bethesda's next Fallout, and the next, and the next, and so on.

And everytime you defeat them they will swear that they will be back and that Earth and all its inhabitants will be theirs, muahahaha!

For frick sake... just let it go dammit.
Communist Cake Commander said:
Am I the only one who saw new walking animations?

No, but whether they're better or worse is up for debate.

Actually, now that I re-watch the trailer I think it looks much better. Doesn't look like the character is gliding anymore. There's more motion to it if you get my meaning.
I did, and the new Nightkin skins look great.

I'm looking forward to this game, mostly because I believe in Obsidian being able to make a great game but also to spite people who keep telling me "Durr, this is the same thing as Fallout 3, I've played it for like 50 hours and I still haven't beat it so I won't buy this because it's the same thing"
Dunno why but I'm looking forward to it too. I think it's more of the possibilities that might exist rather than what was actually shown though.
Lexx said:
Now I remember about the plasma rifle too. I just wonder how they have realized it in Fallout 3-style, without changing the animations or similar. Because, the original model can't be build 1:1 (or at least very close to 1:1) that simple. Same with the flamer-- When I created my model for Fallout 3, I needed to change the handle, because it didn't fit.
I doubt one would expect a 1:1 recreation of weapons anyway. Some people just like you created a few Fallout 1 and 2 weapons for F3 and it looked close enough for me as it was possible to clearly identify the items. And thats more then enough if you ask me.
Well it beat the crap out of the first gameplay trailer that's for sure . . .

I think the only thing I was like "Oooh wtf!?" in a bad way was the dog creature thing's, they looked like a 5 year old drew them up and serously everyone at Obsidian had to be high on som shit (notice I said shit) to let those get into the game.

Other then that though the game look's like another console port as that's all F3 & New Vegas is, a game made for console's that you can play on PC. New Vegas isn't going to be nearly as populated as I thought especially after watching that trailer. My hype for the game went up at least a little bit now though, I did expect a little better animation's I guess but its the F3 engine.

At least it will be better then F3 for the most part.
The gamebryo engine they use has trouble supporting more than about 15 people at a time so it was doubtfull it would be crowded.
What's the problem with those dogs? Sure they are no beauties, but I don't really mind theyr look..
it has not all to be tied with the engine. I think the F3 is good enough to allow sophisticated animations.

How do they say. Its the artist that makes the tools. Not the the tools the artist. With other words. It depends how much time you spend working on it to make it look good.
Surf Solar said:
What's the problem with those dogs? Sure they are no beauties, but I don't really mind theyr look..

I think its the most half assed thing ive seen in a video game in awhile ill leave it at that. A 5 year old who has never drawn before could have come up with those dog's in about .05 second's in his head.
I rewatched it, and the eyebot part reminds me very much a F:T intro, the one with hummer. Ride though the desert finished with glimpse of the city.

About those dogs, I think they aren`t finished yet.
MKSaibot said:
Surf Solar said:
What's the problem with those dogs? Sure they are no beauties, but I don't really mind theyr look..

I think its the most half assed thing ive seen in a video game in awhile ill leave it at that.

You are complaining about a game which is not even finished?
And even when this dog will look like that in the game... Wow, I whish I had such problems.. :D
Yea I liked that a lot, reminded me of Tactic's too

Im not the only one who complained about the dog fyi and it's the little thing's that matter.
randir14 said:
The animations of the guys dancing on stage...when I read Obsidian had created new animations I didn't think it would be possible to do worse than Bethesda, but there you go.
its probably the out-dated game engine. :x
Expresate said:
Doesn't look like the character is gliding anymore. There's more motion to it if you get my meaning.

I can't really see it. I watched the trailer again a few times, but can't really notice anything big in the animations, except the new super mutant club-swinging animation.

Also, I'll guess that's Black Mountain from a different perspective:
Another new animation was that knife swipe by that Legionnaire.

Oh the engine can do good animations but it looks like it takes a lot of effort to get them right. An example would be the guy slow mo walking away from the explosion at the end. Look at the wobble of his legs.