Fallout: New Vegas faction profiles

Lexx said:
It is a 12.7mm pistol. One can say, it's the new 14mm pistol.

I'd say that it's simply a reengineered SIG-Sauer 14mm, since 14mm ammo is extremely rare (pre-War European export rounds). But since item descriptions are not included, it's just another arbitrarily added weapon.
and the Slaver's Guild (I think they mean Caesar's Legion).

I know you probably were just meaning that as a minor correction, but to me it seemed one of the biggest zingers I have ever seen. The cynicism at game journalists' lack of knowledge, the despair at how they could possibly mess that name up, the derision with which you hold the whole sorry system that has led us to this point - all perfectly summed up in 6 perfect words.
I dislike how the Brotherhood is called "quasi-knightly" because aside from their rank names, they have absolutely nothing to do with such organisations.

Actually, they are more similar to real knightly orders like the Templars than you might think (one of the scribes in FO1 even says so). They do not resemble the typical fantasy knights, but they do resemble the real ones.
From Scribe Brenden in Fallout 1:

I've been researching information about our predecessors from before the war and about the societies of the outside world. I think that the Brotherhood comes closest in organization to the Knights Templar of the so-called 'Dark Ages'.

I've come to the conclusion that the Brotherhood functions mostly like a pseudo-religious organization. We have the strong military hierarchy, combined with codes of honor passed down from our ancestors. Combine this with our technical skills and I think that there are two paths of development for the Brotherhood: a techno-religious dictatorship or a benevolent research society.

Ultimately we have a command hierarchy, with the Elders at the top. The most influential positions, then, are the Elders and the High Elder. A charismatic High Elder could direct the Brotherhood almost completely. We need to be careful to make sure that we have a leader who is both strong and visionary. Thankfully,
I think that General Maxson fits that description.

According to my research, the Knights Templar were a military brotherhood which focused upon the acquisition of wealth and knowledge. Although they had some religious overtones in their structure, their quest for knowledge ultimately made them a secular organization. I think that they would have been a more theocratic organization if they had a greater interest in wealth and power, since the church of that era was primarily involved in control of gold and land.
Hah, I didn't got the newsletter yet.

By the way, did I ever mentioned, that Sawyer liked my APA mod for Fallout 3? :wiggle:

/Edit: I wonder if they added the Enclave sign on the armor because I added it on my armor as well. So far, I never saw any reference picture with it beeing on the armor. :>

/Edit²: Here is the newsletter.
Also listened to it. It sounded quite good at first, different than both the older games and Fallout 3. Until the fucking horn section came blaring in.

That said, even though they're still using strings here for the soundtrack, it seems to me to fit a bit more with the general atmosphere than F3. It feels a bit more ethnic or exotic, and a bit more "dangerous" or hostile than the F3 stuff.

Even though I greatly prefer the more electronic approach of the older games, you can do a lot more with an orchestra than simply going "epic fantasy". I hope they do that for New Vegas.
I see two possibilities:

1. The armor can be found like the T-51b in Fallout 3 or...

2. Some ex-Enclave guy is giving it to you (either with you killing him or he is giving it to you.)

Third would be, that the enclave is back or so, but I doubt this. :>
Lexx said:
2. Some ex-Enclave guy is giving it to you (either with you killing him or he is giving it to you.)

He's pointing a gun at you. :)

The armour looks cool, but if the Enclave is back in business, I will laugh in the face of agony (or something along those lines). :roll:
The player character is wearing it so he has the pip boy glove on his left hand.
They did add armoured gloves to the power armour that came with Broken Steel which was a nice touch so hopefully this one will have them too.

Judging by the bad condition of the armour I doubt the Enclave are back proper.
I like the armour.

Hey Lexx! I got uber cool idea - maybe we should make a classic turn-based combat with top down view Fallout 3 mod, so Sawyer maybe will like that too? :wiggle: