Fallout: New Vegas Fan Interview Part 1

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The questions from the Twitter/Facebook/Blog fan interview are being answered.<blockquote>Will perks be available every level, every other level, every third level, etc.?
From OakTable via Bethesda Blog

Josh Sawyer: We have shifted the perk rate to a game setting within the GECK. We currently have it set to one perk every two levels. Internal feedback to it has been mixed, so it's too early to say if we will keep it at this setting.

Are the Super Mutants in the screen shots graphical stand ins? Will they eventually have the unique appearance of the Mariposa Super Mutants from FO1 & FO2 (as seen in talking head dialogues), or will they appear as they do in the screen shots, almost identical to FO3 Vault 87 mutants?
From Chadious Maximus via Bethesda Blog

JS: Our early Super Mutant and Nightkin models were placeholders. All of them have been re-textured, slightly remodeled, and re-animated to more closely resemble the Mariposa Super Mutants.

What other creatures are in New Vegas, and is it possible to see concept art of a new creature?
From Richard via Facebook

JS: One of my favorites is the Cazador. Cazadores are mutated tarantula hawk wasps that have found their way north from the Sonoran Desert. They aren't very durable, but their poison is deadly and they are very creepy looking.</blockquote><center></center>
Thanks Expresate.

EDIT: Jason Bergman adds in that thread:<blockquote>What does Steamworks mean to you? Senior producer Jason Bergman explains:

"Fallout: New Vegas uses Steamworks for achievements and other features (such as friends lists, cloud storage of user preferences and so on). Use of Steam will be mandatory at retail. So what does that mean? We’ve implemented Steamworks in as light and unobtrusive a way as possible. Yes, you will have to install Steam when you install Fallout: New Vegas if you don’t already have it. And yes, you will have to be online at the time of that initial install. However you can install the game on as many systems as you want (with no restrictions!), and you do not have to be online to play the game after your initial activation. Not only that, but once the game has activated on Steam, you can throw out the game DVD entirely and just download the game over Steam. If you don’t even have a DVD drive, you can just take the CD-Key from the box, enter it into Steam, and download it without ever using the disc at all.

For those concerned, this will have no affect on mod development whatsoever. Modders will still be able to create and distribute their plugins the same way they have in the past.

We made the decision to use Steam after looking at all the various options out there and decided that it provided the best, least intrusive experience for PC gamers. We think you’ll agree." </blockquote>
Re-animated super mutants? This actually sounds great.
Lexx said:
Re-animated super mutants? This actually sounds great.

Yeah, this also confirms that what we saw in the IGN trailer was actually an earlier build. Which makes me happy.
Steamworks huh?

Sounds like GFWL is out.

Good thing if you ask me!

the rest of answers sound very positive as well.
Can't wait.
Why again the number of party members to just one humanoid, and one none humanoid member?

Why not like in Fallout 1/2, with Charisma determining the number of companions.

Edit: grammar error

Remember I kept mentioning the Supermutants were placeholders!


PS: man that's some sloppy PR still, especially since they were in the IGN preview. Ah well.

Wasps. *shrug*

Hurray at perks.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Why again the number of party members again one humanoid, and one none humanoid member?

Why not like in Fallout 1/2, with Charisma determining the number of companions.
The AI is a bit dumb, even with some improvements. The more companions, the stupider the AI looks because it just turns into a huge clusterfuck.

Also, sweet! I got my question answered!
Brother None said:
We currently have it set to one perk every two levels.
I dig. Hopefully they keep it.

All of them have been re-textured, slightly remodeled, and re-animated to more closely resemble the Mariposa Super Mutants.
Sounds good to me. Note: sounds good. I wonder what they look like...

JS: One of my favorites is the Cazador. Cazadores are mutated tarantula hawk wasps that have found their way north from the Sonoran Desert.
Forget new creatures, what about rats and pigrats?! I'm sure these things are probably just the equivalent of bloatflies.

They aren't very durable, but their poison is deadly and they are very creepy looking.
So... is poisoning back?
I'm hoping that melée creatures like the Cazador (cool idea, by the way) move faster in this game. I can't tell you how many mirelurks, mole rats, dogs, and knife-wielding maniacs I've killed without taking a scratch by running backwards and shooting them. Deathclaws and Yao Guai were dangerous mainly because they could actually move fast enough to hit you.

EDIT: Poison was in Fallout 3, but only one creature (Radscorpions) had it. It wasn't long-term like Fallout 1 though. More of a extra DPS thing.
I hate using companions in gamebryo games, that engine just cannot decently handle it. So why bother.
Dario ff said:
Heh, the every two level perk seems like a mix to please both Beth fans and us. :)

yeah, here's hoping they keep it that way. or maybe even a perk every 3rd level.

what's the word on traits btw? haven't seen them mentioned at all concerning F:NV. do we simply expect them not to be there, or have Obsidian said anything about it?

anyways, I really hope they make the perks a bit more interesting. the one's in FO3 were so fucking boring. all they did was raise your stats, skills and/or give you new ways to powergame.
Speaking of Deathclaws, is there any word on what they look like in the game? I quite fancy the original Fallout Deathclaw model.
Paul_cz said:
I hate using companions in gamebryo games, that engine just cannot decently handle it. So why bother.

Because you'll always have people asking for them. Heck, there were no real followers in Oblivion, and low and behold there's hundreds of mods adding them.

I, personally, don't mind followers.
verevoof said:
Speaking of Deathclaws, is there any word on what they look like in the game? I quite fancy the original Fallout Deathclaw model.

Probably like in FO3. And the FO3 model was actually pretty damn close to the original.
It's close, but its not the same. Note the long spikes on the back (haha, yeah, like I need to tell you). I don't know, I just prefer the original.

On companions, I like companions, but they need to have some sort of use to them instead of just combat. Companions in Fallout 3 were unnecessary because they really brought nothing to the table that you the player couldn't do. I'm hoping that Obsidian improved not only the companion combat, but gave them use, skills that you as a player don't have. Then, of course, that would mean that players can't be a master of all trades. Or shouldn't be, anyway.

Edit: Fixing sentences (gasp!).