Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road released on Steam/PSN NA

I hope I will play this soon... and I want to update my mod, dammit! From what I see, it's very "The Pitt" esque... So far, my favorite DLC is Dead Money... because of the brilliant story and setting.

Those who played it, what's it like? Worth the time? Too linear, or is there anything cool besides weapons?

And, the most important of all now, can it stand right next to the brilliant Old World Blues?
GeeZee said:
I hope I will play this soon... and I want to update my mod, dammit! From what I see, it's very "The Pitt" esque... So far, my favorite DLC is Dead Money... because of the brilliant story and setting.

Those who played it, what's it like? Worth the time? Too linear, or is there anything cool besides weapons?

And, the most important of all now, can it stand right next to the brilliant Old World Blues?

It's very linear, but this was said countless times before the release, I think bashing now is not fair.
It's start in point A and go to point B. Make up your mind about Ulysses in the middle of the road. End.

But the atmosphere is really great, the first time I entered the Divide I stoped for a good 5 minutes looking at the place thinking "WTF happened here?!".
BTW, he change his speak depending on whom you are alligned, Vegas/NCR/Legion.

Concerning OWB, just asking, but what you considered brilliant? I liked a lot the dialogs and conversations, but the combat is very easy and making enemies bullet spoonges was lame.
OWB is on the bottom of my list because of that, Dead Money first.
Starwars said:
That said, all the Avellone designed DLCs remind me that, while I love Avellone's writing and ideas, he's not really my nr 1 choice for Fallout. I prefer my Fallout to be a lot more straight and down-to-earth, more like Honest Hearts (not counting the fact that it was a bit light on content). Avellone's DLCs for Fallout feel a bit too "high fantasy Fallout" for my tastes even though I really like them on their own.

Funny. I had *just* been thinking the same thing...and it surprised me when I had the realization. To see somebody else have it...well, I know I'm not crazy at least. But I agree it's kind of fine for the DLCs as you mentioned, as these all seem to be very differently themed on purpose. And MCA has gone on record stating this. So, yeah. The DLC taken as a bunch seem to fit nicely together...whether you actually like them (or DLC at all) or not.

Also, as has been said: great atmosphere.
Just finished it after a marathon session. Didn't manage to get all the warheads and I'm missing one log, but based on the others I'm not sure how much more I'll learn.

As everyone has said, it is very atmospheric and very linear. . I didn't have a problem with the linearity because it was expected and because HH and OWB exhausted any appetite I had for fetch quests in another DLC. The atmosphere is very subdued and haunting, like DM. I left my radio off the entire time and just listened to my footsteps and the howling wind.

The environments are excellent, well thought-out and very fun to play through, with lots of nooks and crannies to poke your head into. Linear doesn't mean the entire thing is in a hallway, there are still some fairly large open spaces, so snipers aren't completely screwed. Linear does mean that there will be set pieces and one in particular is really cool. My favorite section has been the High Rd.

Ulysses is great. Often annoyingly vague, but still a really excellent character. It's an absolute shame he wasn't in NV, because he could have been the one really good reason to go Legion (besides to murder everyone).

The new weapons are pretty "meh"(except for 2), the new perks are decent, and the new recipes are useful, if pretty boring. Really, do we need more ways to increase poison resistance? The new armors are cool, I guess. They all kinda look the same; little variation.

Combat is the same, as always, so if you don't like it you're screwed. For pacifist characters, don't bother; there are very few speech checks and none to get you around any obstacles or enemies.

My biggest complaint is pretty spoilery so I won't post about it till later. But it didn't kill my enjoyment of the DLC, you should definitely walk this last road, if you can.
Finished it too. I'll guess it's the FNV DLC I like the most now, simply because of it's atmosphere and all. The enviroment is pretty cool looking, Ulysses is cool, I am fine with the new armors and weapons and all.

Needed ~3 to 4 hours, so it's the shortest of all four DLCs, most likely due to it's linearity and because there are no fluff-quests. Still it's worth the 10 euro, especially if one has bought the other DLCs as well.
I asked somewhere else aswell, who are the Kid/The Father like we saw before in the VO credits? If it's too spoiler-y - don't answer please.
Lexx said:
Finished it too. I'll guess it's the FNV DLC I like the most now, simply because of it's atmosphere and all. The enviroment is pretty cool looking, Ulysses is cool, I am fine with the new armors and weapons and all.

Needed ~3 to 4 hours, so it's the shortest of all four DLCs, most likely due to it's linearity and because there are no fluff-quests. Still it's worth the 10 euro, especially if one has bought the other DLCs as well.

Pretty much my opinion too. Though I needed 6 1/2.
Forgot to add: I am soooo happy that there is no The Road reference in LR. Got worried when the news about "the Dad" and "the Kid" came up, but even if this is a reference to The Road, it's very, very, very subtle and most people probably would never notice it. At least there are no such NPCs in the gameworld or a quest related to it, etc.

About the kid and the father: I'll guess it's the persons from the wallpapers in the games, that "Ralphie" radio show(?). Not sure, though. Could have a different meaning (meta-meaning? :>) as well, but writing about it here now would be a tad spoiler-y.
Starwars said:
That said, all the Avellone designed DLCs remind me that, while I love Avellone's writing and ideas, he's not really my nr 1 choice for Fallout. I prefer my Fallout to be a lot more straight and down-to-earth, more like Honest Hearts (not counting the fact that it was a bit light on content). Avellone's DLCs for Fallout feel a bit too "high fantasy Fallout" for my tastes even though I really like them on their own.

Thats kinda what Avellone does. Everytime. Its not like this is any different since Planescape.

Also while I can "understand" your opinion. Its pretty dangerous. Especially if you develop any type of story in a setting .

Because at a certain point its less about if the writing is interesting or makes sense in the setting itself than to be compatible with your own vision of the setting (That doesn't even have to be shared by everyone)

Thats also a part of what went wrong with Fallout 3. If you read some older stuff and dev diaries you will soon notice that the Lead Writer and co. had their own, strong opinion of how certain things in the Fallout world "should" be.

Thats why I love Avellone. Hes toying with settings in unique stories while still working in the boundaries of said setting.
Lexx said:
Forgot to add: I am soooo happy that there is no The Road reference in LR.

Agreed. It would feel a bit out of place.

What I also wanted to ask - what are those red lights in the divide moving around one could see in the Trailer?

Man I finally want to play. :|
Only... rockets? :( I hoped for some more "mysterious" thing.. Oh well.


Makes me wonder why one would shoot them in the air and why they fly in curves though.
I'm through now as well and will see what I missed in there, 2 more for the one achievement for example.

Little spoilers:

1. I like the Seymour easter egg (fry's dog from futurama)
2. I like the little NV easter egg that ED-E is the CGI one from the trailer.
Surf Solar said:
Kradath said:
2. I like the little NV easter egg that ED-E is the CGI one from the trailer.

Wasn't this obvious from the maingame already?

Yes, but I never thought of that much again until suddenly I heard that "Yippieh-Yeaaah" in LR, it just made me laugh. I often catch myself humming it.
Surf Solar said:
Only... rockets? :( I hoped for some more "mysterious" thing.. Oh well.

Makes me wonder why one would shoot them in the air and why they fly in curves though.

Actually, I think these are the flares from the new flare gun. Before certain encounters (read: ambushes), they are fired off by the Marked Men.

The rockets from the new rocket launcher are also red, but they do not arc.