Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road released on Steam/PSN NA

Oho, the first New Vegas DLC that I could purchase online without any problems to workaround.
Dammit. I'm so impatient. I'm at work for one, then I have practice as soon as I get home for couple hours. I hereby declare the toking and bourboning will commence directly after and shall not end until it is time to pass out.
I am having trouble with Steam - the last 2 days I have been unable to launch Steam :(

Don't tknow why either.

So enjoy the game those who can ;)
1C/Cenega does everything possible to avoid getting paid for their licensing.

I damn miss those old, boxed games. Now with digital editions, everyone does what they want and when they want - Dead Money coming out for 1C more than month after other versions being prime example.
Played for a while now. Pretty cool so far, imo. I am not too deep into it yet, but the feeling / atmosphere is nice.
GeeZee said:
1C/Cenega does everything possible to avoid getting paid for their licensing.

I damn miss those old, boxed games. Now with digital editions, everyone does what they want and when they want - Dead Money coming out for 1C more than month after other versions being prime example.

Heh, for now I would be glad if it is a month. Recently we had Steam officially launched here in Russia. And all Bethesda games became unavailable for this region.
Well I don't get to play it until about 7pm (BST) tommorrow because I start a new job.
Grrrr and such.
Three hours in. The atmosphere is cool but it's extremely linear, and Ulysses' ramblings are way too vague to be interesting. Really kind of a waste. More "show don't tell" mistakes on why the NCR doesn't work.
This your first DLC in NV Brother None?

Ulysses *is* very rambling and sorta "floating" but I think it almost fits with the story arc in the DLCs. It's very drama-speak and I think it fits in well for the ending chapter, as weird as that may sound. It feels more like it's about the Courier's personal journey than anything else. I guess he reacts differently if you're a Legion supporter when you first speak to him?

That said, all the Avellone designed DLCs remind me that, while I love Avellone's writing and ideas, he's not really my nr 1 choice for Fallout. I prefer my Fallout to be a lot more straight and down-to-earth, more like Honest Hearts (not counting the fact that it was a bit light on content). Avellone's DLCs for Fallout feel a bit too "high fantasy Fallout" for my tastes even though I really like them on their own.
Starwars said:
This your first DLC in NV Brother None?

Nope. I ran through the three others, all gifted by NMAers, a few weeks ago. Old World Blues was by far my favorite.

Funny you mention MCA, some of the dialog with Ulysses reminded me of some of the end-game dialog in other Avellone games, like at the end of Torment. Except there all this higher-plane bruahaha works, in Fallout it just comes across as pointless meandering.
Hey why I don't get those gifts? I can't use the damn credit card, curses...

A bit of a shame the story of Victor seems to have been cut out of the original game, and doesn't appear to be shown in this last DLC, I'm a bit disappointed.
Beat it. I found it almost unplayable at Level 40+ on Very Hard and very easy when I switched to Normal. Very linear, maybe 7 locations not on the main path.

I'm still not sure anything made sense...