Fallout: New Vegas "Mocking JRPGs" Advertisement

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
This should all bring us some big smiles and exclaimed surprise. It seems an advertisement for Fallout: New Vegas being shown in Japan blatantly mocks JRPG cliches.
</center><blockquote>They're angry about their particular genre of choice, and they've taken up picket signs to protest some of the problems they see.

Says one, "A game where you just follow the scenario is like living life on rails."

Another: "What's the point of playing again if there's no change to the story."

The girl to the left: "When did games become something that you watch?"

The tall one in back: "I think it would be nice if the main character had a mission aside from just wiping out evil."

Suggests the one sitting in front: "The world has been prepared. After that, you're free to do as you please!"</blockquote>You can see it yourself posted on an actual Japan-specific news site and The Vault where you can find Ausir who happily brought this news.
As much as I shouldn't be surprised that someone made this I am, because of all places Japan is the last place I'd expect. I would have thought it would run in the USA where competition between the JRPG and WRPG crowd is long-running and close. Then again if this was indeed an attempt to troll running in the home country of those games is just pure gold. Unexpected, unrivaled comedy gold.

:rofl: ,
The Vault Dweller
Haha, sweet.

I remember when BioWare said something about "it's not an RPG even if you put a J in-front of it", which is kinda rich coming from them in recent years. At least New Vegas looks to be an actual RPG of sorts, even if it's of the Action kind.
That's not what "cliché" means...

Also, I'm seeing eight signs but only five captions. I bet one of the others says "I'm secretly against negative campaigning".
The top left one says "I want game where you can drink out of toilet and kill samurai on ufo"

Also: this looks like an incredibly cheap-ass campaign. How are the ads in AmeriKa?
I doubt your translations ( but have no idea how to enter the chanracters to put into bablefish.. :) )

there are 8 signs for a start and you only list 5 translations.

2 of the signs have crosses in their background, one says NO and the other says STOP so they would be negative comments where as yours are all statments..
oh man... thats good :clap:

*incoming butthurt emo teens with feathered hair and 8 foot broadswords imminent*

pic stolen from neogaf.

Re: Fallout: New Vegas "Mocking JRPGs" Advertiseme

How ironic...

Jap Advertisement said:
The girl to the left: "When did games become something that you watch?"
I don't know... maybe when they introduced a game mechanic that consists in pushing a button and letting the game play by itself?
well its indeed interesting to say that when you consider that more and more "western" games and in particular "RPGs" are really becoming more interactive movies then games novadays ...

Many on the things that they writte there in the picture could be said about quite a lot of games released in Europe / US as well. I mean REAL rpg gameplay has become rare.
Hahaha, these are pretty great. You have to wonder how the Japanese still aren't sick of JRPGs yet, a genre that has barely evolved at all.
Re: Fallout: New Vegas "Mocking JRPGs" Advertiseme

LionXavier said:
How ironic...

Jap Advertisement said:
The girl to the left: "When did games become something that you watch?"
I don't know... maybe when they introduced a game mechanic that consists in pushing a button and letting the game play by itself?

That's the point of the ad.
I think LionXavier was reffering to VATS. Mocking VATS was certainly not the point of the ad.
Re: Fallout: New Vegas "Mocking JRPGs" Advertiseme

LionXavier said:
How ironic...

Jap Advertisement said:
The girl to the left: "When did games become something that you watch?"
I don't know... maybe when they introduced a game mechanic that consists in pushing a button and letting the game play by itself?

Technically speaking, that's the same mechanic in Fallout 1 and 2. The only difference is you can use your turn to decide where to move, rather than using the entire turn to attack one enemy.

So, in a way, they're taking pot shots at the old Fallout games as well... Which doesn't really make sense, considering that they helped make them.

Whenever I think of a game that you watch more than you play, I always think of Metal Gear Solid 4. I don't think any other game will manage to outdo MGS4 when it comes to that. Not that there's anything wrong with MGS4. I still think fondly of it. :D
Re: Fallout: New Vegas "Mocking JRPGs" Advertiseme

PaladinHeart said:
Technically speaking, that's the same mechanic in Fallout 1 and 2. The only difference is you can use your turn to decide where to move, rather than using the entire turn to attack one enemy.
Technically speaking, that's not true at all.

The point most people don't seem to get when comparing targeted shots to V.A.T.S. is that one is turn-based, and the other is a cheat system which lets you continue playing straight after taking your "turn".
Re: Fallout: New Vegas "Mocking JRPGs" Advertiseme

Reconite said:
Technically speaking, that's not true at all.

The point most people don't seem to get when comparing targeted shots to V.A.T.S. is that one is turn-based, and the other is a cheat system which lets you continue playing straight after taking your "turn".

I never mentioned Fallout 3 and/or VATS. I was talking about JRPGS. But hey, let's just lump it all together, shall we? It's all targeted, and every every click is you telling your character what to do, rather than you doing it in real time (like any run-of-the-mill FPS).

I'm not saying they're just alike, and I'm not saying they're different. I'm saying any system where you tell your character what to do is "something that you watch?". Even in KOTOR you only control the movement of your character in real time. Everything else is just "you watching it".

You telling me that I don't know the difference between targeted shots and VATS is just plain insulting.

But, even with your butchered vision of my statement, if you only used VATS in Fallout 3, and stood completely still while the enemies take their "turn" then the system is kinda like turn based. Good luck though. I suggest at least hiding behind something, because armor in Fallout 3 doesn't actually... do anything at all. :P

Edit: I just checked, and "technically speaking" is basically just filler. Maybe I should refrain from using it in the future? It does seem kinda silly. I could change it or remove it and my statement would still be the same.