Fallout New Vegas RPG

I hope our my group bumps into some active fiends, as I want to get my character injured in some way, like a character defining moment sort of thing.
Are two of the near the cells?
Just wondering.
I think there are two upstairs and one downstairs or is what is going on in All tied up not apply?
Hmm shouldn't fights be regulated by dice rolls or something? I mean no offense, but just writing that you sniped 3 guys and killed another because you did is kind of boring.
Well, Walpknut, since pretty much nobody is treating this like a board game and leaving the enemy encounters up to me the way a DM would, why should I dice roll when I can just say "she stabbed him"? Besides, I doubt people are really going to roll dice every time they go to shoot something and be honest about it.

What's going on in All Tied up is...well, funny to read to say the least. Like the Fiends patrolling and beating them up for interrogation. I've only stepped in there once to point out to the men that they couldn't hear our group, but Fiends patrolling and interrogating is just funny. They don't care about regular routine, they just need to keep them alive. They also don't care what they know, because it has nothing to do with what they are up to. But c’est la vie. The way I see it, Fiend’s are just fucking with them cause they are bored. The last three would be up there near the prisoners regardless.

Sorry Chrome, you just chose the wrong way to go.
Walpknut said:
Hmm shouldn't fights be regulated by dice rolls or something? I mean no offense, but just writing that you sniped 3 guys and killed another because you did is kind of boring.

They should, but that's easier if both of you are in the same room. For the most part Raven's seems to let you do combat your way. Though she did place in the warning that if you make things too easy for yourself she reserves the right as GM to kill you at an undisclosed time later as punishment.

Plus with dice rolls, there's the fact that honesty is hard to ensure over the net, while easy when the players are within punching distance.

RavenJeanGraves said:
Sorry Chrome, you just chose the wrong way to go.

Damn. :lol:
RavenJeanGraves said:
but Fiends patrolling and interrogating is just funny. They don't care about regular routine, they just need to keep them alive. They also don't care what they know, because it has nothing to do with what they are up to. But c’est la vie. The way I see it, Fiend’s are just fucking with them cause they are bored. The last three would be up there near the prisoners regardless.
Well I was roleplaying under that premise as you can read on the topic, I even make fun of the more "super prepared and observative" messages in-character.
Exactly, Chrome. And I never said kill. But you cannot always get out of fights scratch free, and if I notice anyone being too precious with their character, sure, they'll cop a cazador to the face. Or I'll write combat where you unavoidably get hit straight up, as a reminder to rp fairly. Yas has festering bullet holes in her thigh making her limp like an old man, and once the meds wear off Evan in a couple hours (I'm going off realistic drugs, not the few minutes of a high the game gives you), he's pretty much going to need to be dragged. Injured, vulnerable characters are more fun.
Still, by telling me there's no fiends down there you've pretty much given me no excuse to not scavange my filthy little brains out... for the most part. Still gotta operate under the assumption there are some at the moment.

Well, you asked. I wasn't going to say how many there were, but you guys like to take the initiative a little too much and give yourselves baddies to fight, so what is SUPPOSED to be a almost deserted ******** *******, turns into a swarm of Fiends and fucks up the story. But you chose the wrong way, so your guy niw has to carefully poke around a bunch of completly useless office like rooms :p Really. That way is dead, there aren't even weapons or food. It's just bathrooms and piles of used drugs/skeletons of previous prisoners.
Sounds like how most of my scavanging in New Vegas goes honestly. I always end up finding the crappy stuff first. Oh well, them's the breaks. At least now I can say that's what I find instead of waiting for you to fill me in.
Yeah, this'd be so much easier if everyone was in the same room so I could actually let you guys know what the hell this places looks like when you walk in. But for the most part you fill things in ok yourself. Though i was really tempted to make that whiskey that...was it Tom? drank turn out to be piss in a whiskey bottle. Seriously, who goes into a Fiend hideout and starts drinking the first bottles of brownish liquid you find? Still tempted to, actually...
Oh well, in response to not finding anything, I will have an amusing conversation with a stupid robot. Frustration ensues.

Edit: Oh GU-DR, you're such a troll.
Oi, Reno, no, no, no. You chose to go check out downstairs, you stay downstairs. You can't just insert yourself into the action. Both teams are going at the same time, by the time Brad found out there was nothing and got to the other group, they'll have killed the Fiends. It's not like they are waiting around while the others search.
Yeah, I understood the liquid could be seen as piss, that was why I said Tom could see it had been unopened, I ain't one for drinking piss, not now, not ever.
Raven? Is there any chance of Tom being shot? Or is it highely unlikely given the chance that there is only 3 fiends left?
No, but he could be stabbed easily enough. And I love how there is conveniently an unopened bottle of whiskey in there, right in the front door, where Tom can see it. Bit too coincidental, ey? Sounds like a trap to me.
Well Carib will remain upstairs in the small room with the corpses, assessing the items. He will move when Raven gives the word.