Fallout New Vegas RPG

Maybe your character can think that my character has it. Or maybe GU-DR will pick it up on his sensors. Mine is modified.
Hey I was thinking that my guy could look for a hunting rifle to repair his own with, then while he is away from the group the fuel could hit him, that mixed with the hangover shouldn't be good.
Mr Krepe said:
Hey I was thinking that my guy could look for a hunting rifle to repair his own with, then while he is away from the group the fuel could hit him, that mixed with the hangover shouldn't be good.

You don't HAVE to repair your own equipment, you can always pay Jacob to repair your stuff via jury rigging. :p
I'm gonna be AWOL for the next few days, work is going to be taking up more of my time for the week and LR comes out on tuesday and my off time will be used to play that for a few hours before passing out for another shift.

Sorry guys.
Well, I guess I need to clarify something about how I've posted my characters, since I seemed to have failed to get the point across. Jacob and GU-DR split up after the prison break to scavange independently.

Jacob is currently in the room with Tom, Carib, and anyone else that decided to tag along with him. GU-DR was off by the fiend corpses, and is now with Pawnsy trying to get the ghoul doctor to come with it and render assistance.

I will endeavor to make my posts clearer in the future, I'm still getting used to using two characters.
Bahaha! 'Did you fuck it?' I love Pawnsy. I hope there is a way to poison your crotch so people who have sex with you die. If there is, Yasmin is so using it. Not here though. I don't think that'll ever really be needed in an RP.

I'll be posting soon, just have 3 assignments due by Friday and a couple journals I gotta do. Though I should warn you guys, when Skyrim comes out I don't know when I'll be back. And when I am, I'll probably want a Elders Scrolls RP more than anything. Sucks that this isn't Bethesda in general so there's no Elder Scrolls subforum.
Hey I'd join you in an Elder Scrolls RP, though I guess the game would just eat time away. If you know of some Elder Scrolls site with an RP board, could you let me know please? Or with your powers of moderator, perhaps you could ask the admins to create an off-topic RP Board or something, some suggestions :)
I know how that goes Raven, but I hope you'll find the time to come tend to us occasionally. An RP isn't much without a GM.
I won't abandon my sweet Blood Ties, don't worry. I'll just be wishing we were all elves and Orcs instead. And I'm only a mod to keep this forum tidy, I doubt they'd give me a thread for a totally different game.
Just wanted to caify some things. Would anyone like Eric to help them out or is he kinda on his own? If so, then is it okay if I take a different story that parallels your guys in the form of news/intelligence?

The reason I ask is nobody mentions anything when Eric offers to assist folks./\
Don't worry too much. We'll find a use for Eric soon enough. Remember that he just joined the group not twenty minutes ago.
Well I think a big problem is folks have to depend one everyone else to initiate. Back while doing Kilrick, we all had permission to do a little (very little like move other folks characters here or there/initiate encounters), even while folks could be gone.

Also, other folks characters could be referenced doing something therefore adding a little more momentum to the story.

Right now we don't know for sure if there are more fiends in the building, other folks have done nothing but wait for others to post like Eden. Itd be nice if Eric could initiate a fiend battle wich might entiece other people to join in for some free loot without permission from Eden.
Thinking about having the folks who interrogated Eric to return. They would have decent loot plus we could takem by surprise since they don't know the fiends are dead.

they would also have something critical to my chars side story so itd work doubly good.
Chromevod I'll come looking for your character as soon as I get an answer from somebody. I'm expecting something like.

"That's Yas our, for lack of a better term, leader. If you haven't already guessed she can take care of herself and she has her brother with her it's not like they could get in to any trouble."

Which at this point would probably be foreshadowing.

Edit: Actually I think I'll just have somebody in the room say just that I want to go after Jacob and GU-DR so I can start getting to know the characters in the group, besides the people James was locked up with James hasn't actually gotten to know anyone else in the group.