I'd like to join your game.
Name: James Taylor
Nick Name:"The One Man Caravan"
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Classification: Human
Occupation: One Man Caravan and Gun for Hire
Eyes: Blue

ark Brown
Height: 6'2"
Race: Caucasian
Affiliations: unspecified vault and small trading town outside the vault, caravans, Followers of the Apocalypse, (a secret debt to the Enclave)
Bio: I was born in a vault in the West, in the NCR. At the age of 10 I left the vault with my mother and father along with a group of 20 more people that had decided to set off and try to settle the wastes in an attempt to reduce the overcrowded population of the vault. This group set out with the intention of setting up a trading town in an attempt to gain vital supplies that the vault needed to keep running. I grew up learning the finer points of the mercantile skills and how to shoot. It was up to every resident of our small town to protect it in time of attack from the raiders, supermutants, and other groups that sought our destruction. I've been carrying my trusty 10mm pistol since the day I left the vault and its never let me down. When I became a man I decided to set out to explore the wastes and try to open up new trading routes to back home. I won my trusty brahmin Lucy in a game of cards and she's been traveling with me ever since, she's the biggest reason I'm known as the one man caravan. With her I've traveled all over the wastes. I bought my sniper rifle from the Gun Runners, for a pretty penny I might add. I worked with the Followers of the Apocalypse for a time where I learned some about medicine and a lot about prewar technology (including computers and several types of robots) and how to adapt it for use. The Followers came to trust me even though I was not a proper member and eventually hired my services to ferry supplies to their heavily under supplied New Vegas branch, and that's how I came to the Mojave wasteland.
Weapons: .308 sniper rifle, a weathered 10mm pistol (heavily modded with a scope, increased magazine, silencer and other various improvements)
Followers: Lucy (Brahmin) equipped with leather armor and many bags
Clothing: leather armor, reinforced
Items: 8 stimpaks, 2 doctors bags, 800 caps, 4 homemade flash grenades, assorted shell casings and gun powder & flash powder, assorted wares (guns, armor, food, assorted), Pipboy 3000A
Likes: nuka-cola, sunset sarsaparilla, whiskey, computers and electronics
I would like to join your game and will defer to you on how to introduce my character to your game. I even come bearing flash grenades which would allow you to get the drop on a group of raiders and rescue your friend without him getting cut to ribbons or shot full of holes but it is up to you if you wish to take advantage of them.