Fallout: New Vegas screenshots

Santoka said:

I think you're missing the point. Orcs are a fictional creature whose appearance varies under the pen. There is no definite orc appearance to refer to. The FO3 muties are called "orcs" as a joke because they mimic the uruk-hai appearance which has been popularized by the LOTR movies and do not stay true to the original FO mutant look. Consider this look, coupled with the gnarly looking plate armors... is it any wonder that people resent what looks like has been ripped right out of the Return of the King in their Fallout?

Making sense has nothing to do with this; there's no arguing about what "true orcs" look like (because there's no answer to that), but what Fallout muties should've looked like (because there is an established answer to that). It was a drastic thematic change, and a terrible one at that.
coliphorbs said:
Making sense has nothing to do with this drastic thematic change.
OK then, point taken. :oops:

But he did say "why do they look like orcs again".
They've always looked like orcs, now they only look like LotR movies orcs instead of W40L orkz, but personally, I believe the change in design was for the best, they don't look like a different race and retain more human features.
Tagaziel said:
Uh, no.

Paladins are a class in the Western Brotherhood, the defenders and fighters.

It's under Lyons that it became a generic military rank.


I guess I was thinking more along the lines of alignment. Paladins in Fallout are not lawful good champions of the helpless. They do not become a generic "soldier" class if they do something bad.
Hmmm... The graphics are "ok" to me, but if the story, dialogue, acting and AI are as poor as in F3... I dunno...
Santoka said:
But he did say "why do they look like orcs again".
They've always looked like orcs, now they only look like LotR movies orcs instead of W40L orkz, but personally, I believe the change in design was for the best, they don't look like a different race and retain more human features.

Maybe the heads, but I never thought of orcs when I saw them, probably because of their weird hunched back posture.

I don't dislike the FO3 supermutant design anyway (except for the design change per se), but I hate the costant sneer Bethseda gave to them.
Santoka said:
Mistrz said:
Also I think that we can say farewell to old Fallout guns. I think that none of it will return in new vegas... unfortunately.

Fallout2 already fudged up all the Fallout weaponry, what will you miss most ? H&K G11, H&K P90c, XL70E3, Pancor Jackhammer, H&K CAWS, Super-duper power-fist or mega-death-avenger-minigun-from-hell ? Or will it be the .223 unique gun found all around the game ; it was unique in FO and even was described as such in FO2... :?
I just want the 10mm hg and smg, the 14mm heavy duty pistol and no non-sensial late 20th century movie guns. :P

Why do you say fudged up? At the time FO2 came out I think they tried pretty hard to get in some good, cutting edge modern weaponry. I don't think anyone can disagree that the weapon base needed to be expanded at that point anyway.
Well no, I would disagree.
That expended weapon base was not necessary on its own, those weapons added almost nothing on their own. They could have added more variations to existing weapons, more customization in different branching ways. This would have brought variations, more fun and interaction.
The expended weapon base was also badly/lazily designed, all those real ultra modern late 20th c. guns broke immersion for me. They didn't fit any of FO2's settings. Why not come up with funkier, falloutier, 50'sier guns instead, when the only thing that changed was the inventory pic, not even the game-world sprites ?

That's why I think they fucked it up, with "cool" guns.

And for me, adding late game high tier weaponry is a retarded-diablo idea, not RPG design.
Where has this guy been living all this time?

It's well known that Fallout's setting is based on the fifties' science fiction. As such, modern weaponry is totally out of place. Along with many other things that may and may not have been included in both of the Fallout games.