Brother None said:
Anthropologists are the last person I would ask about taxonomy, and every anthropologist I know disagrees with your assessment of "race", by which you mean ethnicity.
How many anthropologists do you know? Do you think you know enough anthropologists to make a sweeping claim that they all disagree with my assessment of race - which you, quite frankly, do not know.
Hell, they'll use the word because that's normal, but they'll always put it in quotation marks in that typical smug anthropologist way of indicating they disagree with a concept, like "radical Islam" or "failed state".
Anthropologists generally oppose the classical concept of "race", or just your buddies?
In a biological sense specieism is an apt term simply because the races can't intermix, but that definition is useless since both super mutants and ghouls are infertile anyway. Biology isn't exactly fitted to define radical mutations which bring forth a single-generation race, but the fact that they are radical mutations of a species means they are easier to slot in as a race than as a new species.
It's not useless at all.
If tomorrow a fossilized skeleton of a Neanderthal-Sapien hybrid were found, there would still be a
Homo sapien and
Homo neanderthalensis. Just the same if say two creatures that can obviously reproduce, such as, oh
Pan paniscus and
Pan troglodytes, we can still see that they are both considered separate species, and will always.
But, uh, what difference does it make? Whether they're species or races, Fallout clearly took racism as we define it now and transplanted it to racism towards ghouls and super mutants.
None, because racism is a stupid concept that holds no true meaning. Things like discrimination, prejudism, etc. exist in Fallout, but due to the fact that ghouls and super mutants are not sapiens, it can hardly be lumped under the Trotskyite catch-word racism. Speciesism is a more apt term to use.
If I were to taxonomically define ghouls and super mutants, they would fall under the Homo genus, but would be separate species. Like
Homo superior and
Homo inferior. I wonder what those ghouls would think of that?
I do agree that the creators of Fallout use the speciesism between humans, super mutants and ghouls as an allegory to racism, don't get me wrong. But other than some Shi calling you
lǎo wài, there is no racism to speak of.