Fallout: New Vegas tidbits

gumbarrel said:
My point was, that at the end of the day, your sexuality will play a part in how you act, which some people prefer to denie. I don't care if someone is gay so even if he acts like the most stereotypical flaming queen, i won't be bothered, since I don't find that wrong.

Soo... how does being a heterosexual/bisexual/married bisexual affect the way someone acts? Because so far, you've only implied that being gay somehow affects your everyday behaviour.

blindberg said:
NCR are apperantly somewhat homophobic, I played a man flirting with a ncr man, and he commented that the ncr wasnt so accepting to homosexuals and the legion were better in that regard.

Fun fact: Caesar considers homosexuality a weakness and all exposed gay men are crucified.

Doesn't stop Centurions, though.
Rarely is there a gay character whose identity doesn’t completely revolve around their sexuality.

That's one perk of living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. No reality television to teach you how to be a caricature.
I would be curious as to how many players 'plooked' Davin in Fallout 2...I thought that was a brave design decision by BlackIsle, and had no problems screwing Davin, of course I regretted have a whining monkey following me everywhere - until he bit the dust. :roll:
Davin and Miria were there just for lulz, though. They weren't serious companions like Arcade and Veronica.
you know Veronica is kinda strange. Neat. But strange. Cause I would not have expected here to be in the Brotherhood. Though when this "ever been in love ?" question poped up in the dialogue I made my self ready for some "yeah he was great guy" story just to get surprised by the answer later. That was kinda great.