Fallout: New Vegas unimpressive at E3 2010 Best Of lists

Fallout 3's success was as much due to Oblivion as due to any other factor.

The game was immensely popular among the Xboys and bought Bethesda a whole new legion of fans even if it lost them some from Daggerfall and Morrowind.

Then Bethesda announced it was doing Fallout 3 and it brought a bunch of those fans over to the different franchise.

Succeess generally breeds success.
Yazman said:
You're an idiot, especially given this is actually being made by the Van Buren and some of the Fallout 2 devs and you still come out with condescending crap like this.. I think people like you will NEVER be pleased with anything new that has the fallout name, even if it was the development team of the first one producing it.

These are the guys who made Fallout...


*Tim Cain - producer, lead programmer, original game design
*Chris Taylor - lead designer, original game design
Scott Bennie - designer
Brian Freyermuth - designer
*Leonard Boyarsky - art director, lead artist, original game design
*Jason Anderson - lead technical artist, original game design
*Gary Platner - lead artist
Michael Dean - artist
Sharon Shellman - artist
Eddie Rainwater - artist
Scott Rodenhizer - artist, clay modeller
Tony Postma - concept artist
Jesse Heinig - programmer, additional game design
Dan Spitzley - programmer
Tim Hume - Mac programmer
Charles Deenen - audio director
Chris Borders - voice supervisor
Feargus Urquhart - division director

And no disrespect to Chris Avellone or J.E. Sawyer, but I don’t see their names…and Feargus wasn’t really a hands on guy during the process. Maybe they contributed to Fallout 2, but Fallout 2 was really a quick attempt by Interplay to cash in on the interest garnered by Fallout 1.

*Generally considered key figures in the games concept and development. (please correct me if I’m out here). :look:
I really liked Scott Bennie's work on Star Trek - the 25th Anniversary and Judgment Rites, to bad he gets so little recognition for it.
These are the guys who made Fallout...

he said Van Buren and Fallout 2, not Fallout (although they do have Feargus and Scott Everts from the FO1 team).

That said, bizzarely enough, the people currently at Interplay were more involved in the creation of Fallout 1.
Yeah, but Fallout is what should matter and not Fallout 2. :P Fallout 2 was just more of the same + some interface improvements + lots of shitty pop references. Fallout 2 is still a good game, but compared to 1, it's way off.
On the other hand, I'd say that what I read in the Van Buren design docs was much better than FO2.
Yes. But here comes the next problem, sadly: What you read.

This doesn't mean, that it would have been in the game later, as much as I would love it. (Anyway. I hope, that New Vegas will build up on it and not remove or change stuff :>)
New Vegas seems to be, essentially, Van Buren: FPS with elements taken out, added in, changed, swished around and modified. It's really a clusterfuck of different things. Like Fallout 2's New Reno with a Van Buren-esque setting/story/whatever and Fallout 3's gameplay (yet modified).

Don't care if you guys are going to go all "NEW VEGAS IS NOT VAN BUREN" on me, because I know that and I'm not saying that. The similarities are definitely there though, I think the game being an "FPSRPG" is one of the many points where it falls short.
There are similarities mostly because they are referencing some setting elements, but it's more of a sequel to the game that never was than an actual remake, since they are not actually reusing any of the actual plot. It's no more a remake of Van Buren than of Fallout 2.
Comparisons to Fallout 3 aside, the NV demo was pretty boring. Gambling minigames and some mediocre combat don't really make for an exciting demo. Tactical? I guess it was tactical. You can attack from this direction, or that direction.

I don't get The Old Republic, though. That trailer they showed was absolutely retarded. I'd rather play KOTOR3.
Forhekset said:
I'd rather play KOTOR3.
obviously :wink:

Forhekset said:
I don't get The Old Republic, though. That trailer they showed was absolutely retarded.
i dont know what trailer you speak about but their 2 cinematic trailer are the best eye candies i seen in a long time.

or all the holo time line or basically anything they did http://www.swtor.com/
is just amazing, its by far the biggest investment i remember.
(its not surprising considering they try to revive the ip bringing new blood, thus the anim tv series with its own game etc..)

the only problem is that the game itself doesn't look to good but maybe its because its only first stages or me not liking MMORPG's.