aenemic said:
if F:NV turns out alright, maybe even great, I still have no faith in Bethesda keeping the good parts and learning from their mistakes for FO4. my dream scenario (that is, the realistic one) is that Obsidian will keep developing Fallout spin-offs as sort of a separate series, while Bethesda cater to the bigger audience with the core series.
do really want to? i jsut checked it up, apparently i was wrong, beth aint just publishing rage, they basicly bought ID.
so their portfolio for the next year+ is:
* Doom 4 - shooter + MP
* Brink - shooter with up to 8 player COOP MP.
* RAGE - post apocalyptic game + racing + MP (or FO3 with less talk)
looks like beth is continue down the same path, they started with oblivion, games that appeal to wider range of players.
means FPS shooters sometimes with RPG elements and MP.
i assume they will use ID tech 5 engine as its theirs, which means no open world... (which would actually be a good thing if they was developing an RPG, i am tired of open worlds full of generic crap )