Fallout: New Vegas unimpressive at E3 2010 Best Of lists

Thing is, that these lists represent nothing about the quality of the actual game.

I remember how many rewards AOC won at these things. And then look at the game itself at that time...
aenemic said:
if F:NV turns out alright, maybe even great, I still have no faith in Bethesda keeping the good parts and learning from their mistakes for FO4. my dream scenario (that is, the realistic one) is that Obsidian will keep developing Fallout spin-offs as sort of a separate series, while Bethesda cater to the bigger audience with the core series.

do really want to? i jsut checked it up, apparently i was wrong, beth aint just publishing rage, they basicly bought ID.

so their portfolio for the next year+ is:
* Doom 4 - shooter + MP
* Brink - shooter with up to 8 player COOP MP.
* RAGE - post apocalyptic game + racing + MP (or FO3 with less talk)

looks like beth is continue down the same path, they started with oblivion, games that appeal to wider range of players.

means FPS shooters sometimes with RPG elements and MP.
i assume they will use ID tech 5 engine as its theirs, which means no open world... (which would actually be a good thing if they was developing an RPG, i am tired of open worlds full of generic crap )
Public said:
At least The Witcher 2 is there :)
i thought its still released date its still TBA , ill have to check it out, if so its good news indeed
mor said:
aenemic said:
if F:NV turns out alright, maybe even great, I still have no faith in Bethesda keeping the good parts and learning from their mistakes for FO4. my dream scenario (that is, the realistic one) is that Obsidian will keep developing Fallout spin-offs as sort of a separate series, while Bethesda cater to the bigger audience with the core series.

do really want to? i jsut checked it up, apparently i was wrong, beth aint just publishing rage, they basicly bought ID.

so their portfolio for the next year+ is:
* Doom 4 - shooter + MP
* Brink - shooter with up to 8 player COOP MP.
* RAGE - post apocalyptic game + racing + MP (or FO3 with less talk)

looks like beth is continue down the same path, they started with oblivion, games that appeal to wider range of players.

means FPS shooters sometimes with RPG elements and MP.
i assume they will use ID tech 5 engine as its theirs, which means no open world... (which would actually be a good thing if they was developing an RPG, i am tired of open worlds full of generic crap )
I am not sure of what relevance it is but if I am not completely mistaken here its not Bethesda which bought something but actualy Zenimaxx. Where is the difference ? I dont know it.
Lazlo said:
alec said:
This is sorta logical, really: the "newness" of the product is gone. FO3 had a lot going for it, this is just "more of the same".

Sad but true. F3 wasn't the kind of smash-hit that has gaming 'journalists' tripping over themselves to cover, especially now that we haven't seen a single nuclear explosion or man in space marine armour.

I am curious if New Vegas will sell better or worse than F3. My gut reaction is worse - as has been said, it doesn't have the allure of EXCITING NEW FRANCHISE REBOOT BETHESDA STYLE. I might be wrong. I hope so.

Don't think anyone could put it better than this. I don't believe it will do as well at all. I know a lot of people who bought FO3 without even knowing a thing about it, just the hype that was surrounding it from E3 and other rants and raves. I, personally, think FONV will be a much better game than FO3 was, though, but no one will see it as such because it's basically, as Alec said, more of the same.

Crni Vuk said:
I am not sure of what relevance it is but if I am not completely mistaken here its not Bethesda which bought something but actualy Zenimaxx. Where is the difference ? I dont know it.

ZeniMax is the parent company owning Bethesda. They have also purchased id Software. Bethesda does not own id, id is owned by the same company that owns Bethesda.
Well, I just talked with a guy who came back from E3. Apparently, a lot of people there at the Fallout: New Vegas were Bethesda producers and what not instead of Obsidian guys. The dude I talked with said he felt underwhelmed because they couldn't really say anything interesting about it; they only talked about weapons, basic plot elements, and their (optional) slow-mo cam.
Rawden said:
I, personally, think FONV will be a much better game than FO3 was, though, but no one will see it as such because it's basically, as Alec said, more of the same.

i'll have to disagree, "better" is subjective, i suspect that for the original FO3 target audience FONV will be worse but personally for me its will be a step in the right direction.

OakTable said:
Well, I just talked with a guy who came back from E3. Apparently, a lot of people there at the Fallout: New Vegas were Bethesda producers and what not instead of Obsidian guys. The dude I talked with said he felt underwhelmed because they couldn't really say anything interesting about it; they only talked about weapons, basic plot elements, and their (optional) slow-mo cam.

that because beth are the publishers and Obsidian just coding the stuff.

btw i dont think that beth has revealed any projects of its own at the moment they are only publishing other ppl work.

Rawden said:
ZeniMax is the parent company owning Bethesda. They have also purchased id Software. Bethesda does not own id, id is owned by the same company that owns Bethesda.
correct if i am wrong but wasnt this some kind of merger? lets say the both studious are now different division.
Well New Vegas is currently second on the GameFAQs poll of the day (very very very far behind the new Zelda) so it's not all doom and gloom. :P
Alphadrop said:
Well New Vegas is currently second on the GameFAQs poll of the day (very very very far behind the new Zelda) so it's not all doom and gloom. :P
Expected. Gamefaqs is full of children... I mean Nintendo and Square Enix fans.
The dude I talked with said he felt underwhelmed because they couldn't really say anything interesting about it; they only talked about weapons, basic plot elements, and their (optional) slow-mo cam.

They talked about the things that interest them.

also I'm surprised that NV didn't get more love. Sure there was nukes in FO3s showing. But NV has SPACE BEAMZ and MACHINE GUN GRENADE LAUNCHRZ
mor said:
Rawden said:
I, personally, think FONV will be a much better game than FO3 was, though, but no one will see it as such because it's basically, as Alec said, more of the same.

i'll have to disagree, "better" is subjective, i suspect that for the original FO3 target audience FONV will be worse but personally for me its will be a step in the right direction.

OakTable said:
Well, I just talked with a guy who came back from E3. Apparently, a lot of people there at the Fallout: New Vegas were Bethesda producers and what not instead of Obsidian guys. The dude I talked with said he felt underwhelmed because they couldn't really say anything interesting about it; they only talked about weapons, basic plot elements, and their (optional) slow-mo cam.

that because beth are the publishers and Obsidian just coding the stuff.

btw i dont think that beth has revealed any projects of its own at the moment they are only publishing other {It's "people". You can write legibly. Don't bother crying about it.} work.

Rawden said:
ZeniMax is the parent company owning Bethesda. They have also purchased id Software. Bethesda does not own id, id is owned by the same company that owns Bethesda.
correct if i am wrong but wasnt this some kind of merger? lets say the both studious are now different division.

A division of ZeniMax, yes. Sorry if I was unclear.
Eternal said:
also I'm surprised that NV didn't get more love. Sure there was nukes in FO3s showing. But NV has SPACE BEAMZ and MACHINE GUN GRENADE LAUNCHRZ
Pfft, Space beams and machine gun grenades launchers don't remind me of Fallout. My boss told to watch the intro of the first Fallouts before going to that presentation, and the first thing that was the most important was a Nuke. FO3 had Nukes as well! Impressive, it really brought back the franchise!
I'm really not to concern about NV blowing folks away at E3,because when it's all said and done .most people that liked FO3 will buy this game.
Eternal said:
The dude I talked with said he felt underwhelmed because they couldn't really say anything interesting about it; they only talked about weapons, basic plot elements, and their (optional) slow-mo cam.

They talked about the things that interest them.

also I'm surprised that NV didn't get more love. Sure there was nukes in FO3s showing. But NV has SPACE BEAMZ and MACHINE GUN GRENADE LAUNCHRZ

You're an idiot, especially given this is actually being made by the Van Buren and some of the Fallout 2 devs and you still come out with condescending crap like this.. I think people like you will NEVER be pleased with anything new that has the fallout name, even if it was the development team of the first one producing it.
Yazman said:
Eternal said:
The dude I talked with said he felt underwhelmed because they couldn't really say anything interesting about it; they only talked about weapons, basic plot elements, and their (optional) slow-mo cam.

They talked about the things that interest them.

also I'm surprised that NV didn't get more love. Sure there was nukes in FO3s showing. But NV has SPACE BEAMZ and MACHINE GUN GRENADE LAUNCHRZ

You're an idiot, especially given this is actually being made by the Van Buren and some of the Fallout 2 devs and you still come out with condescending crap like this.. I think people like you will NEVER be pleased with anything new that has the fallout name, even if it was the development team of the first one producing it.

its doesnt matter who develops it, when the game is based on FO3 ...

obviously we are not pleased with FO3 being FP (and crappy FP at that) in my opinion FO3 is a generic crap for the masses, FONV already looks better but it still based on a generic crap...

the truth is that FO3 got most of its hipe from slow motion exploding heads and nothing else, because this is whats the masses and brings the big bucks ...
mor said:
obviously we are not pleased with FO3 being FP (and crappy FP at that) in my opinion FO3 is a generic crap for the masses, FONV already looks better but it still based on a generic crap...

They've actually finetuned the FPS experience in New Vegas.

the truth is that FO3 got most of its hipe from slow motion exploding heads and nothing else, because this is whats the masses and brings the big bucks ...

That's bullshit, if you ask me. Bethesda was sitting on a goldmine and they knew it. They "inherited" a franchise that had already proven its worth in the past (FO and FO2 are really classics, that's well-documented) and one that had a strong fanbase, and they managed to grab it within the perfect time period (a big decennium) - a time short enough to have the memory of FO not erased from the memories of gamers, yet long enough to hold within it the promise of something big, a big event, a surprise just waiting to happen. It's the perfect recipe for success, really. If you couple that with Bethesda's quite impressive and agressive ad campaign at the time (and they do really have a knack for that kind of stuff if you ask me) then the success of FO3 was just "an accident" waiting to happen. Catering to the (young) gamers with big ass nukular explosions and slow-mo-headshots was just the icing on the cake.

At this point in time it's logical that New Vegas attracts less attention from the gaming masses. Again: as far as we know right now, it's just more of the same. If the game proves to add something extra to that, it might do better in the long run, but we're not quite there yet.
Alec's right.

And also adding their lies about: 200 endings, the new generation RPG (which basically is just a shootter with RPG elements, which has been done many times) and suppose a big come back of classical cRPGs.