Fallout of Nevada

Has anybody tried this?

1. Run -> cmd -> C:\Games\Fallout Nevada\master.dat\text\english\dialog
2. ren *.msg *.txt
3. translate.google.com/toolkit -> upload txt files
4. translate files from russian to your lang
5. download them back
6. replace files in dialog folder and (ren *.txt *.msg) back
7. enjoy
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That's going to mess up the .msg files, because the translator sometimes rearranges the layout of the sentences (e.g. {123}{text} may become {text} 123 or something similar and that will crash the game when you get to that dialog). The only viable solution is to export the text strings alone, without all the additional stuff, then translate and put them back in (at least that's how I did it).
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Just copy-paste won't do any good, as mentioned above. I used a simple solution, replaced {/} with </> by using "FAR"(useful find and replace tool, work with multiple files and file extensions). Got some decent results. Missing {/} can be checked with .msg tools available online. After that, it was just copy-translate-paste about 900 files. It took me about 3 days, during my spare time, pure fun btw:mrgreen:. And that was the easy part.:V Well, G*.*Gle has some "file/s translate plugin" which looks like a work of ":ugly:", []<--- the sign reads: I don't care. From there starts the road in hell :mrgreen: on foot:twisted:. It's gonna be a long year, vacation is just 2 months from now and my back is already killing me:yuck:. Btw, did about 50 files, they all sound like when you take a stupid character:silly:X :drummer:, just priceless.:cookie:
If anyone's interested, I've started an english-languaged LP of Nevada. Don't have the privileges to post the link here, it seems, but the start of it can be easily found in the video section of Fallout 2 steam community. Now, I don't consider myself to be the best LPer ever, but it's not like anyone else has both desire and the language skills to do it (or so it seems). And, well, maybe thing like that will make the Nevada's great quality better known amongst the western community and accelerate the translation somehow? Who knows.
so "FON Translation ALL" wil not work with version 1.0 ?
I can understand maybe 20% of content its not enough
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Don't have the privileges to post the link here
You can easily fool the script, usually all you need is to make at non viable link by separate the http (or sometimes the www or .com part) It won't be recognized as a link, but we can easily assemble and use it.
Ohhh LP as in Lets Play... while I thought it was something related to the translation effort discussed above.. well good luck with your run, I hope have fun :)

Just copy-paste won't do any good, as mentioned above. I used a simple solution, replaced {/} with </> by using "FAR"(useful find and replace tool, work with multiple files and file extensions). Got some decent results.
I am not familiar with FAR, but for my meager needs Notepad++ provide everything I need. You should be able to drop all the files into it and replace\fix a lot of stuff either with basic substitutions or regex expressions.
If anyone's interested, I've started an english-languaged LP of Nevada. Don't have the privileges to post the link here, it seems, but the start of it can be easily found in the video section of Fallout 2 steam community. Now, I don't consider myself to be the best LPer ever, but it's not like anyone else has both desire and the language skills to do it (or so it seems). And, well, maybe thing like that will make the Nevada's great quality better known amongst the western community and accelerate the translation somehow? Who knows.

I've been watching your LP for the past few days and it was really good.Falout of Nevada must be really really great.Any chance to continue it ? It will be good to see it to the end.

Hopefully those saves still exist:wiggle:
I was watchin' it too, but over 2 month's there are no new videos. Hope that mr. Comanndo will continue the series...
I think not. Start asking questions again. :smile:
Bad news also: Dev-team is no longer exists and there will be no official english translation.
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Really? Fantastic. Is there something questionable moments in the game's msgs?
Pretty sure there is a lot to consider. IIRC there is a lot of language far from dictionary/academic vocabulary as well as some sentence constructions.
And yeah, simply - there is a lot of text.
There's however a work in progress... i'm secretly:eyebrow: working on unofficial EN translation for FON, for my own amusement that is. There's a hell lot of work still left:twitch:. No promises or guarantees or announcements... but "this time next year":mrgreen:.
Be sure to let several people to proofread it. Preferably native speakers.
Even original suffers considerably from the lack of proofreading.
What's the total word count for the game's dialogue??

I'm wondering if it's worth getting a kickstarter going and paying a translation company to do it, expedite this shit... I'm tired of waiting