White Knight
Water Chip? Been There, Done That

TheWearyGunman said:James chuckled softly. "Do you remember about a year ago, when that small offshoot of the Khans hired you to take out a small oil refinery in the Mojave?" He let out another chuckle. "I was working as a guard there. I insisted that they put me in charge of security because I had noticed several very dangerous flaws in their security set-up, but they weren't having any of it, thought I was making shit up to get a raise. I kept trying to push my case, but they refused, and eventually fired me. I packed up and relieved them of a few small valuable objects that were laying around... in a locked safe... hidden behind a painting... in the locked administrators office. But I digress. As I was leaving, I saw you approaching with a group of Khans, and decided that this was just to sweet to resist. I set up on a ridge overlooking the refinery, and decided to watch the show. It was a work of art, you tore through that place like a hurricane, exploiting damn near every flaw I pointed out, and you had that entire building under lock in key in less than 20 minutes. As I was packing up to leave, you came out of the building and noticed me, before I could even react, you had your rifle out and managed to do this to me." He pulled up his sleeve to show a small scar on the edge of his right shoulder, caused by a bullet grazing the flesh. "That shot was over 500 yards, and you managed to hit me in no time flat. I was impressed... also in pain... but mainly impressed."
(You've made up a part of somebodies backstory without their permission. Edit your two posts.)