In the first release of the game for factions here is what you can expect to see: All factions that were in Fo1

. basically im redoing everything from Fo1 in mmo first, then ill expand into fallout 2 then tactics, and ill have to look into the Burrows.
Hatchen, that is a brilliant idea, the first release of the game will not use APs and will have no limit on weapons fire/actions. But i didnt really like it having to stay that way as that isint really fallout style so ill add implimenting timed AP regeneration.
As for being from a Vault or it being random, uh.. no

as if you were from a vault you would not leave that vault without a reason (Broken water chip, rebuild civilization, that sort of thing) and i want the game to be as non linear as possible. Therefore you will be from a small town (possibly shady sands as that seems to be a good noob town) and from there its compleatly your decesion, no major story line or imminent quests (however there will be small side quests (steal this for the brotherhood, kill that man for the mobsters) but the quests will be compleatly volentary.
Keep the ideas coming, there helping lots
*edit* Forgot land

, as for the land, it will start out with just the area from FO1, then FO2, but not tactics as that takes place to far to the east. Beyond that i dont know yet.
And does anyone know the exact time intervul betwen AP regeneration in FOT?
*edit again*

damn, i missed weapons and traits as well lmao, well, as for traits, we will have what is in the FO1, then FO2, then FOT, although you can probably expect to see some from PnP or some compleatly new ones. For weapons, same as everything else, FO1, FO2, FOT then possibly PnP and new weapons.