Wild_qwerty scripting in konfuze is extreamly easy, and most of it dosent have to be done as Konfuze has a strong dedicated community that writes scripts for the engine. I'm not sure, but i think you may be confuseing scripting and programming. So: the scripting will be easy, the programming will be hard, and having to find someone to do it makes it even harder

The dialog will have to be hard coded (programmed) as konfuze as it is only supports one line of dialog with no response options or anything.
Hatchen, thats exactly what im doing

but im not taking any of the FOT tiles or sprites, just the weapons/items. Any new sprites or whatnot we need for new features or character customization will be edited forms of existing sprites (changed hair color etc...). The game will have the look of FO 1&2 and have items and such from FO 1, 2, and FOT (eventually).
So everyone knows exactly whats being done and has to be done ill post my to do list.
This is everything i plan to include for the first release, other things (char. customization, POH, Perks, etc will be included in any number of later updates)
FO:AM Fallout: Aftermath
Zealous Studios
Project "to-do" list for internal alpha.
|Engine Additions|
Konfuze programmed to look and feel exactly like fallout.
Strength Abbriviation: ST
Perception Abbrivation: PE
Endurance Abbrivation: EN
Charisma Abbrivation: CH
Intelligence Abbrivation: IN
Agility Abbrivation: AG
Luck Abbrivation: LK
Statistics to be removed:
Magic, Defence, Speed.
II.Derived Statistics..............
|Hit Points|****HP will be modified as a character grows in level.
Starting hit points are equal to 15 + (2x Endurance) + Strength.
|ArmorClass|****AC=Agility can be modified by armor.
AC subtractes from the to hit chance of the attacker. Example: you are wearing light
leather armor, with an AC of 15%. Your attacker has a base to hit of 50%. His final
to hit chance is only (50%-15%) 35%.
|Damage Threshold|****starts at 0 is increased by armor.
The DT is subtracted from the hit point damage of the attack. Example: Assume the above
attacker succeeds. His attack does 20 points of damage. You have a DT of 4. The first
four points of his attack are stopped, with only 16 getting through the first phase of
your armor.
|Damage Resistance.|****starts at 0% is increased by armor.
DR is expressed as a percentage. This is the percent of the remaining damage that is
nullified. Example: The 16 points from the above attack are still coming. You have a
DR of 20%. The damage is reduced by (16 x .2) 3.2 points of damage (round down), or
3 points. the final attack does only 13 points of damage.
|Melee Damage|**** not hand-to-hand, just Melee
Starting melee damage is equal to Strength - 5, with a minimum of 1.
|Healing Rate|**** HP is gained by the value of the healing rate ever 2 minutes.
Starting healing rate is equal to 1/3 Endurance with a minimum of 1.
|Critical Chance|**** the critical chance is a %.
Starting critical chance is equal to your luck.
III. XP Table......................
Level XP Required Title
2...........1,000............Vault Scion
3...........3,000............Vault Verteran
4...........6,000............Vault Elite
6..........15,000............Desert Wanderer
7..........21,000............Wanderer of the Wastes
8..........28,000............Elite Wanderer
10..........45,000............Desert Strider
11..........55,000............Strider of the Wastes
12..........66,000............Strider Elite
13..........78,000............Vault Hero
14..........91,000............Wandering Hero
15.........105,000............Striding Hero
16.........120,000............Hero of the Desert
17.........136,000............Hero of the wastes
18.........153,000............Hero of the Glowing Lands
20.........190,000............Living Legend
21.........210,000............Last, Best Hope of Humanity
I. Tiles
Need to be resized, etc for use with konfuze
Basically done, need to skin in-game and play with the .frm files to make everything fit
III. Sprites
Need to be made stuitable for konfuze.
Nothing done yet, still need to work up concept ideas, but i know the origional towns from
FO1 will be included.
I. Shady Sands
Nothing done, tiles need to be converted.
II. Vault 15
nothing done, tiles need to be converted.
III. Raider camp
Nothing done, tiles need to be converted.
IV. Junktown
Nothing done, tiles need to be converted.
V. The Hub
Nothing done, tiles need to be converted.
VI. Boneyard
Nothing done, tiles need to be converted.
VII. Cahtedral
Nothind done, tiles need to be converted.
VIII. The Glow
Nothind done, tiles need to be converted.
VIIII. The Brotherhood
Nothind done, tiles need to be converted.
X. Military base
Nothing done, tiles need to be converted.
XI. Wilderness between areas
nothing done, tiles need to be converted.
More places will most likely be added after EVERYTHING else is done.
IV. V1.5 External additions........
|Tag Skills|
a. Small Guns. Starting Small guns skill is equal to 35% + (1% x Agility)
b. Big guns. Starting Big Guns skill is equal to 10% + (1% x Agility)
c. Energy Weapons. Starting energy weapons skill is equal to 10% + (1% x Agility)
d. Speech. Starting speech skill is equal to 25% + (2% x Charisma)
e. Barter. Starting Barter skill is equal to 20% + (2% x Charisma)
f. Gambling. Starting Gambling skill is equal to 20% + (3% x Luck)
g. Outdoorsman. Starting Outdoorsman skill is equal to 5% + (1% x the average of your intelligence and endurance)
h. Sneak. Starting sneak skill is equal to 25% + (1% x Agility).
i. Lockpick. Starting Lockpick skill is equal to 20% + (1% x the average of your perception and agility).
j. Steal. starting steal skill is equal to 20% + (1% x Agility).
k. Traps. Starting traps skill is equal to 20% + (1% x Agility).
l. First Aid. Starting first aid skill is equal to 30% + (1% x the average of perception and intelligence)
m. Doctor. starting doctor skill is equal to 15% + (1% x the average of your perception and intelligence).
n. Science. Starting science skill is equal to 25% + (2% x intelligence).
o. Repair. starting repair skill is equal to 20% + (1% x intelligence)
1. One Hander. -40% to hit with two-handed weapons, and +20% to hit with one handed.
2. Finesse. -30% damage on attacks, Critical chance +10%
3. Heavy Handed. +4 points of damage in melee combat, -30% to critical hit.
4. Good Natured. +20% to Frist Aid, Doctor, Speech and Barter, -10% to small guns, big guns, energy weapons, and melee. one time bonus.
5. Gifted. All Stats +1 all skills -10%. -5 skill points per level.
will have to add more.
|Burst Weapons|
Burst weapon damage must be calculated depending on the ROF (rate of fire(how many bullets it
fires) of the current weapon and the distance between the player and the target.
Reloading must take a specific amount of time as to leave the player vunerable while reloading
and it must be an action activated by the player.
|Thrown Weapons|
Thrown weapons would be best calculated by some challange to the strength and preception of the
player, perception for accuracy and strength for distance, there has to be some deviation
to account for real world misses.
|Hand to Hand combat|
Melee, no HtH, Already pretty well worked out with Konfuze.
Critical Hits and misses.
Critical hit possibilitys:
Doing extra damage (x1.5, x2, or x3)
Ignoring the armor of your target
Critical Faliure possibilitys:
Running out of ammo
Jammed gun
Newly deceided upon additions:
Isometric konfuze!!!! must have.