Fallout PnP canceled, new license announced

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Glutton Creeper announces:<blockquote>Greeting NMA, we would like you give you the lowdown on the converted Fallout PnP: d20 project. Since Bethesda is stonewalling our license to Fallout PnP products (4 total), and Interplay has assured us that they have done everything in their power to oblige our contract, but Bethesda is preventing them from honoring the license with the same cease and desist order. We have agreed with Bethesda to cease the production of the Fallout PnP series and are seeking restitution from Interplay for our losses, but this chapter of the battle is not finished.

After 4 months of addition work, we have converted the first of the four Fallout PnP products to our new line of Post Apocalypse Role-Playing titled “Exodus”. This title was stumbled upon when we researching apocalyptic prophecies. Thus out of the ruins of Fallout, Exodus was born, a new era of man returning to a world he left destroyed in the December of 2012.

The Exodus Survivor’s Guide is the first of two books that will see the printer in this line. The other will combine two of the other cancelled and convert Fallout PnP products titled Exodus Overseer’s and Campaign Guide. This will take a lot longer to replace the Fallout IP with the Exodus IP, as it contains more than the Survivor’s Guide, but will be worth the wait.

The Exodus Survivors’ Guide contains the information that is necessary to create an Exodus character in the wasteland of new humanity set in the mid 2030’s. This guide details character creation to include humans and the two Trans-Gen Mutant races, wasteland backgrounds, character traits, and the d20 Modern staples of talents, skills, and feats (with a host of new skills and feats). Our custom class is a new feature that allows a character to build a d20 modern character without the class limitations presented in d20 modern. This guide also contains the d20 modern SRD for easy reference, new equipment (to include wasteland tech and chemicals), additional combat rules (such as advanced grappling and targeted hit locations) and wasteland advanced classes. Finally a brief overlay of southwest states and the organizations and factions within are included to enhance the character creation process, as well as a pre-reference appendix to classify the history of companies that created items that are found in this guide.</blockquote>Link: Glutton Creeper's vastly improved website: Exodus.
Black said:
Ausir said:
They fucking deserved it. I hope they fail miserably for us to laugh at.
Hm? Why such hate?

I think because they themselves once threatened legal action against someone who was setting up their own free Fallout PnP game. Or something like that.
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Yeah, Elodious was working on a free, fanmade Fallout d20 PnP and they threatened to sue him for it, so he removed it from his website and from NMA.

Not to mention the samples they released of their game were the biggest rape of the Fallout world since FOBOS.
Beth are pricks for stonewalling these people.

These people are bigger pricks for stonewalling a not-for-profit effort.

But, two wrongs don't make a right.

Amazing the power of greed. :(

Edit: fixed typo
I think that they are doing what they (and Bethesda) should have from the start.
It's pretty amusing that the "Fallout PnP" cover looks so non-Fallout that it could be so easily incorporated into their Exodus game.
Ausir said:
Not to mention the samples they released of their game were the biggest rape of the Fallout world since FOBOS.

True. I still cringe when I think about their civilian Power Armour.
xdarkyrex said:
Oh wow seems I didn't know enough to make a statement hear.

Thank god for the greed of Bethsoft I suppose...

Please, if Interplay had actually made a contract that was worth the paper it was printed on then Bethesda wouldn't be able to do anything about it.
So the fault lies with the Prince of Lies himself, Herve. Another in a vastly long line of broken deals.
By the way, maybe now Bethesda will sell the license for a Fallout PnP game to some real RPG publisher, like Fantasy Flight Games, Green Ronin or Mongoose (but not some moloch like Wizards of the Coast or White Wolf) instead of the One Illiterate Guy in a Garage Company aka Glutton Creeper? From what I know, some of them have actually been interested in a Fallout game before, but Interplay wasn't interested in licensing it back then (until they suddenly sold the license to the Wyatt guy).
Or Steve Jackson Games which would be pretty ironic :) .
Now I wish Bethesda would follow the example and made their own post-apo world, becuase, Fallout is too subtle and too intelligent for them.
i recall reading about the fallout PnP game and being mildly interested in it, but i never really checked it out...

after reading all the bs that seems to surround it, i'm kind of glad that i never bothered to really look at it.

ah, ignorance is such bliss.
I'm all for underground, self-financed stuff, but only as long as it's good (i.e: done with at least a modicum of professionalism). I went to check out the Glutton Creeper website a while back and the quality of the writing was dire.
this is kinda screwy cause wasn't this PnP another Interplay rape of Fallout? Cause it seriously looked like FO:BOS:D20! If Interplay raped fallout once then sold it to Bethsoft to rape it again at least beth kept the PnP from raping it thrice.

Cause we all know 2 rapes dont make a right but 3 rapes is just too much even for a Quentin Tarantino movie.