Fallout PnP canceled, new license announced

Vault 69er said:
Ausir said:
Not to mention the samples they released of their game were the biggest rape of the Fallout world since FOBOS.

True. I still cringe when I think about their civilian Power Armour.

What civilian power armour was that? I wrote the FOD20 equipment rules and the only examples of power armour in my submission were the ones from the FO1 and 2.
Draconis13 said:
this is kinda screwy cause wasn't this PnP another Interplay rape of Fallout? Cause it seriously looked like FO:BOS:D20! If Interplay raped fallout once then sold it to Bethsoft to rape it again at least beth kept the PnP from raping it thrice.

Cause we all know 2 rapes dont make a right but 3 rapes is just too much even for a Quentin Tarantino movie.

I see it the other way, 2 wrongs don't make a right, but 4 rapes makes everything right.
Matt Helm said:
Vault 69er said:
Ausir said:
Not to mention the samples they released of their game were the biggest rape of the Fallout world since FOBOS.

True. I still cringe when I think about their civilian Power Armour.

What civilian power armour was that? I wrote the FOD20 equipment rules and the only examples of power armour in my submission were the ones from the FO1 and 2.

It wasn't in your descriptions, but rather in this piece of art by Craig Petersen:


and the artist's explanation that a civilian version of the armor was developed at some point and that it was the version used in Tactics.

Anyway, we're not saying that everything written for the game must have been bad, I'm sure at least some of you probably are good writers (like Jason Mical, who also wrote the best fan-made known Fallout PnP), but I can't say that about Wyatt himself.
Ausir said:
Yeah, Elodious was working on a free, fanmade Fallout d20 PnP and they threatened to sue him for it, so he removed it from his website and from NMA.

Not to mention the samples they released of their game were the biggest rape of the Fallout world since FOBOS.

I hate today's trends...

all we ask for is something worthy of our love that doesn't destroy the fallout world we love so much.
Even though they are using the original cover because it seems different enough to do so, I think it still might be close enough (art and some concept ideas) that it might make Bethesda raise an eyebrow.

First look at the chick that still has that vault suitish thing. Then you have that mutant that kinda looks like Beths mutant orc, they might not like that one. Even though the ghoul doesn't quite look like the ones we know off, still might be close enough. Then there is the idea of the human race and two races that came from them; the mutants and ghouls. I think that is still too close to fallout. Then what about their "Overseer"? I bet they are keeping the bits of falloutish things they had before, but instead of a vault 13, you would have a vault 31.
By the way, maybe now Bethesda will sell the license for a Fallout PnP game to some real RPG publisher, like Fantasy Flight Games, Green Ronin or Mongoose

Or Steve Jackson Games which would be pretty ironic

and very cool. :)

t wasn't in your descriptions, but rather in this piece of art by Craig Petersen:


and the artist's explanation that a civilian version of the armor was developed at some point and that it was the version used in Tactics.

Looking at that picture I immediately thought of Mad Magazine and what they would have done with Fallout. :lol:
You can get sued for developing game rules?


I mean, you just make up skills and apply stats to Fallout monsters/weapons and your good. Anybody with some D&D books and some time on their hands could do it.
El_Smacko said:
You can get sued for developing game rules?

you can make your own game rules, but it can't be for fallout or anything fallout stands for, as Fallout and all it's associated junk is protected under copyright law.

that would be like making a burger and calling it a "Big Mac", you're gonna get sued.

you'd be fine if you made something that was your own creation and in no way resembled Fallout besides broad generic areas (eg, post apocalyptic setting)
Ausir said:
Matt Helm said:
Vault 69er said:
Ausir said:
Not to mention the samples they released of their game were the biggest rape of the Fallout world since FOBOS.

True. I still cringe when I think about their civilian Power Armour.

What civilian power armour was that? I wrote the FOD20 equipment rules and the only examples of power armour in my submission were the ones from the FO1 and 2.

It wasn't in your descriptions, but rather in this piece of art by Craig Petersen:


and the artist's explanation that a civilian version of the armor was developed at some point and that it was the version used in Tactics.

Anyway, we're not saying that everything written for the game must have been bad, I'm sure at least some of you probably are good writers (like Jason Mical, who also wrote the best fan-made known Fallout PnP), but I can't say that about Wyatt himself.

Maybe I'll develop my own free version of FOD20, I know there were a lot of things I would have done differently than ended up in the final version of the game (but I am sure that any game writer who contributes to a project says that).

As to civilian power armour, it's not something I would put in my game but you know that anything the military gets eventually spills over to the public sector.
Ausir said:
Yeah, Elodious was working on a free, fanmade Fallout d20 PnP and they threatened to sue him for it, so he removed it from his website and from NMA.

Not to mention the samples they released of their game were the biggest rape of the Fallout world since FOBOS.

The quote here is incorrect, since 1) we offered a guy a job that had a fan-made d20 fallout game and 2) after he refused, we asked him to remove the game from their Yahoo groups as it was a conflict of interest. No threats of suing anyone here.

The only company capable of suing anyone at that time for a license infringement would have been Interplay.
runab0ut said:
If I may ask, is the free version of the d20 game is still available somewhere?

Not that we should care, but beware of Bethesda on this, as they are on a Fallout hunt to eliminate anything copyright Fallout 3 and anything that refers to a Fallout PnP game.

You'll get a nice email from them, demanding the immediate removal of said material.
hatchen said:
Even though they are using the original cover because it seems different enough to do so, I think it still might be close enough (art and some concept ideas) that it might make Bethesda raise an eyebrow.

First look at the chick that still has that vault suitish thing. Then you have that mutant that kinda looks like Beths mutant orc, they might not like that one. Even though the ghoul doesn't quite look like the ones we know off, still might be close enough. Then there is the idea of the human race and two races that came from them; the mutants and ghouls. I think that is still too close to fallout. Then what about their "Overseer"? I bet they are keeping the bits of falloutish things they had before, but instead of a vault 13, you would have a vault 31.

Currently the cover, yes this cover, is being altered from the original, and is not completed at this time, but will be soon enough. There is no Vaults or any Fallout IP in the Exodus game. Things such as real life weapons are, but this will be covered at our website in the near future.
El_Smacko said:
You can get sued for developing game rules?


I mean, you just make up skills and apply stats to Fallout monsters/weapons and your good. Anybody with some D&D books and some time on their hands could do it.

You can't get sued creating rules, but can for using a Intellectual Property such as Fallout without permission from the owner, regardless if it is distributated for free.
Matt Helm said:
As to civilian power armour, it's not something I would put in my game but you know that anything the military gets eventually spills over to the public sector.

Sure, but not so soon and not actually during the war.
Matt Helm said:
As to civilian power armour, it's not something I would put in my game but you know that anything the military gets eventually spills over to the public sector.
I haven't seen civilian tanks around, so why would there be a civilian power armour?
More notably, why would there be civilian power armour when power armour was still somewhat experimental and certainly not widespread?

GluttonCreeper said:
You can't get sued creating rules, but can for using a Intellectual Property such as Fallout without permission from the owner, regardless if it is distributated for free.
You can get sued for creating the rules if the rules are a blatant copy of existing, copyrighted rules.

Also, please don't quadruple post, we do have an edit button.
GluttonCreeper said:
The quote here is incorrect, since 1) we offered a guy a job that had a fan-made d20 fallout game and 2) after he refused, we asked him to remove the game from their Yahoo groups as it was a conflict of interest. No threats of suing anyone here.

The only company capable of suing anyone at that time for a license infringement would have been Interplay.

Oh, that guy. Eh, his version was ok, though I remember arguing with him on his beastiary. Some of his monster's stats were way off. I wanted to run a Fallout game but really didn't want to use what he'd written up so I spent about 3 weeks converting info from the Original Fallout PnP game (the one that used the in-game stats and the same rule engine the games did) into a d20 game. It was good, it was rough, and it sucked. It wasn't Fallout's fault nor was it my own. After running a few more official d20 games I realised that it was the damned engine. I'll admit that the problem could have been more focused on the D20 Modern system than D20 as a whole, but I've never really been happy with it.

D20 just, well, sucks. Its a generic system that tries to be specialized and it can't keep pace with the other systems out there. It's got ease of use and that's it.

My point is that Fallout deserves a better system if we're going to see a PnP version come out. Too many franchises hammer their settings into the D20 mold and none of them come out looking that good in the end.
For a good Fallout game I think the best bet is to either use GURPS or UNISYSTEM. I'm not a fan of GURPS but I gotta admit, they do sci-fi and modern alot better than D20.
I think for a Fallout game the best bet is to use... SPECIAL (of course, modified to fit PnP better). Why license any other ruleset?