Fallout repeats last year's E3 showing

Interesting poster, anyone have any idea what the boy in the background is doing, he's posed odd.

I do find it funny that they'd give us a poster, no information, they have nothing to show, nothing to hype yet except their name on a generic fallout poster... so they do that.
It would be fantastic if they had a little teaser trailer at E3. I can just visualise it...opening up on a deserted cityscape with Ron Perlman voicing "War. War never changes".
PhredBean said:
Interesting poster, anyone have any idea what the boy in the background is doing, he's posed odd.

What? Do they not have football in Utah? He is clearly changing directions in a passing route in preperation for his father's pass.

Anyways, after Oblivion I'm still very pessismistic about this game, but at least the poster shows some level of awareness that Fallout is the future of the '50s and not a generic sci-fi post apocalyptic future. Sure beats chick with power armor that still shows off the anatomy.
greatatlantic said:
What? Do they not have football in Utah? He is clearly changing directions in a passing route in preperation for his father's pass.
Shit, that's a football? I thought the dad was holding a pie. I think I need a new glasses perscription.. and maybe some pie.
I'd like to point out that it's not 'The Pip-boy' or the 'fallout boy' in the background but rather the 'Vault-Boy'. The pipboy is the fallout equivilent of a palm pilot where as the little guy who has his pic on all the perks is the 'Vault Boy'

/end nerd
Hence the sic!s. But it's Fallout boy, because one of the devs said so, never mind he's wearing a Vault suit :)

Right, so I'm seeing the same sort of reactions around the place.

"oh yayzs betghesda kniows whatg rhey r doing!!!1!"

Bullshit. How does this poster give anyone hope? It's like drawing a badly proportioned Zerg critter looking over a bunch of marines with a big caption of "Starcraft 2." Would you honestly react with:

"yayzoirs bethseda knkows staercrft has zerg an d hbumans!!! they r dkoin g a gud job!!1"

Are we really that fucking disillusioned that we see the very presence of Vault Boy as a sign of good things? He'd have to be one of the most recognisable game "characters" of all time. It's that fucking obvious that he's a major part of Fallout that even the imperceptive drones over at Bethesda couldn't miss it.

And as for the '50s kitsch of the family, it's part way there, and a step in the right direction. But what the fuck is the poster about? Preparing for future picnics? It's a meaningless collection of clumsy Falloutish references. I'm not willing to judge the game on a single poster, but I don't see why everyone seems to think it's satisfactory.

Just one question, who does one know that's not Vault Man, all grown up from his childish youth? No, that's bad idea, maybe the suicide would have been better option than this living. Well, there is no way to go back that road again, cause the bridges were burned, and the Vault is closed and there are no weapons here. :)
blacknerd said:
wow. I just don't get it...Bethesda is a company first and foremost, they have the highest rated game on XBOX360 right now (its a fact) so they have to market/milk THAT to death for business reasons, they spent god knows how long developing the game....I mean cut the guys some slack - fallout 3 is in GREAT hands, period.

I assume you're being sarcastic, otherwise you probably need know that it's also a fact that the said game with the highest rating sucks ass.
Well it could have looked like this :


or like this :


or even like this :


It didn't. It's a cool poster. Why would we say that it sucks ? It doesn't ! The person who drew it did good job and seems not to be a complete stranger to the fallout license like the people who did POS were, period. It doesn't mean that Fallout 3 will not suck major cocks, no, it means that at least one person involved in the project is not a complete moron. At least I suppose...
Yeah, it seems a montage of an old Vault Boy/Fallout Boy pic with a drawing made with some old WWII/50's paranoia posters and sketches from the other games, looks really nice.

That doesn't mean we can get to any conclusion regarding how the game will turn out, either in a negative or positive tone.

It's just a nice poster.

Now for the slogan, that really seems to have a subtext underneath the Vault tek theme...
Erm... will it - or won't it suck ass? No one knows!

Just like Section8 wrote - it does not say a thing about the game itself.

Just compare this poster to BOS.
BOS's poster looks dirty, while in the game I've got impression that between nuclear-holocaust-of-the-world-known - and the time when game lasts - Great Hoover made his way across the world... (I've got same impression playing F:T)

Then again, looking at the released poster, I've got this impression, that it looks too... tidy. But it's just a freakin poster, people!
Let's try to stay calm until anything more will be known.

IMHO - great poster, it builds up the heat around Fallout. I'd probably crap my pants seeing it - if not for all those inclarities around the game (not to mention, that it still looks to tidy, yet dark. Maybe others will be better, this one is clearly to build the tense up...).

PS.: Hi everyone! :P
I like the poster. It's obviously a 'collage' of cliches referring to the world of Fallout, but it does the job.
If this is a sign of things to come (which I'm not saying it is, hence 'if'), then we can maybe, just maybe, begin to sleep a little sounder.
Wild_qwerty said:
I'd like to point out that it's not 'The Pip-boy' or the 'fallout boy' in the background but rather the 'Vault-Boy'. The pipboy is the fallout equivilent of a palm pilot where as the little guy who has his pic on all the perks is the 'Vault Boy'

/end nerd
The developers referred to him as Fallout boy, which is why I said Fallout boy. Vault boy can be correct as well, but PipBoy certainly isn't. Fallout boy isn't incorrect, though.

The point is that it does have a decidedly fifties feel about it, and that does fit the setting. Which means that they're not as clueless as the Fallout: BOS people at least.
Is it just me or are there a lot of people freaking out for no reason in this thread? Most of the comments consist of "Cool poster", yet people are already posting rants either against Bethesda or against the few people making negative comments made about Bethesda. Let's keep the comments focused on the poster and not let this devolve into 10 pages of rants, ok?
Now for my constructive comment I'll say that the poster looks weird. It doesn't give us any info or any indication how the gameplay will be. So... there's nothing much to talk about. Who cares?
dagorkan said:
Who cares?
Well we do, or why else would we still be hanging around here(NMA), or is it to hear good news about eating manly smack and whose it is best, cause I can tell you, we aren't for that, or are we. :?
dagorkan said:
Now for my constructive comment I'll say that the poster looks weird. It doesn't give us any info or any indication how the gameplay will be.

Precisely. Let's just pocket this piece of drawing (not bad, as they go) and wait for concrete info.