Slavers don't just let you take their stuff without sufficient sneak skill
It's ludicrously easy to do it though, I managed to clean out every container with ~30%≤ Sneak
and stealing from people has various amount of steal skill threshold you need to have in order to get your stuff
For the life of me I thought I figured it out, but now I'm not sure how this rework actually works. The inability to view the NPC inventory due to insufficient Steal skill level is cool, but it's like the game no longer checks your % for the purpose of actually stealing stuff? I have like 115% invested and still fail on the first attempt most of the time which is???? I think there was a "sweet spot" when I had somewhere around 60-70% Steal, and was able to casually grab/plant 6-7 items in one go, but after going higher it's as if the skill was "reset" and it feels as if I effectively again have >10% lol. Weird.
as for the fire worshippers try to walts around the vault and the church without worshipper robes and you'll see hostility, they just let their own take stuff not just everyone. you can't even mess with scientists computer if you don't sneak
Not quite right. I ran around their cathedral and Phoenix vault in metal armor and literally no one batted an eye at me. You can literally bypass any guards with dialogue and sufficiently high Speech...which is ok, if the dialogue explanation made sense. But 99.99% of the time it goes something like:
>HEY MOTHERFUCKER! The fuck are you doing here, who let you in?
>Oh, hi guys, sorry I must've took a wrong turn. I'm just looking around, heh... [Speech 90 or whatever]
>Ahhh, makes perfect sense, feel free to zoom around, we're sure you'll find your way out eventually
>Thanks fam ))))
>Run along now chap
I'd prefer it if they just escorted you out or turned outright hostile if you lacked the robes/they notice you, and you had to make a diversion of some sort for them to go away so you could sneak through or something.
Also, what the fuck was that with the Resistance dudes having totally different characters depending on the floor/level of the cathedral/vault you were on lol? They were changing the whole time. And again, no monks were reacting to them, apart from the guards in Aaron's room and the two priest in the leftmost room of the Overseer level in the Vault. Maybe I did something in the wrong order, or stole/hacked too many things, since after completing the quest, Marcos also disappeared for me and was nowhere to be found although the resistance guys at the base were thanking me for helping them win. But, it is what it is, eh.
would just ei'd say the main sin of this game is too early acess to stealthboy, that just makes all sneak checks a breeze,
never had to use it imo
either this or You play an *enhanced* character as well :p... well there's also the possibility you took the thief route and forgo all the other skills, and gimped your game's experience this way..
Nope, I don't endorse cheating :p I just went all in on skill points with IN9 Skilled and Villa Traditions plus using the coupon to raise IN to 10 once I got the Legend City random encounter. Also bartering everything I loot/steal for manuals from the book bitch in Phoenix, for even more skill points. I wanted to squeeze out as much content as possible from the game in one go and it's working pretty good so far (except that I gimped myself in combat by dumping EN on an Unarmed build X_X). Current char sheet:
The game is not perfect.. but it's OK in my book.. volounteer work, absolutely free, decent completely new story, excelent new maps, brilliant quests, and new mechanics to spice it up.. what more do you want.. It's all for free for fucks sake.. So You can't argue with your money's worth, now do You?
The only reason I'm "arguing" is precisely because the mod is so good...and it could have been outstanding, with just a bit more polishing (same as Nevada tbh). I'm loving it so far, the main story, the mechanics, the worldbuilding, the side quests, everything really and it just pains me a bit when I run into some things that feel either broken, unfinished or even abandoned. It's like "criticizing" something not because you want to drag it through the mud, but because you want it to shine even brighter than it's already shining. The potential is there without a doubt, definitely, and I would love to throw money at BlackDesigner and his team if they were to accept it. I hope he doesn't decide to just hang his hat after Dayglow and stops doing Fallout altogether, I'm forever greatful for both Nevada and Sonora, flawed gems that they are