Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

Yes, the Dayglow update is out.

It's not a normal location you can enter from the global map. Instead once your character reaches LVL 7 you can meet a new NPC who will take you there.

Supposedly like with Gamebryo Fallout DLCs you have to finish the main questline there to return to Sonora.

It's very big, apparently over 2x the Reno from Nevada. New music, items and creatures included.

While looking for some gameplay I actually found a full Polish translation of base Sonora (with author already working on Dayglow), so I'm currently playing through Sonora.

Really fun experience so far, with a lot of options to solve problems. Loads of new cool weapons, but my current PC can't really use them (Strength 2 and Good Natured), so that is something I'll have to try in another playthrough.
The music really sells the ambience of locations.

I'll see if I reach Dayglow before the translation comes out, I might wait for it or try to push through blindly just to check how it looks.
Sounds great! A bit reminiscent of how Dead City works in ATOM RPG? But it's just a location not a separate world map?

Are there anymore useful links? I'm looking to write a news update.
Fuckkkkkk very unfortunate to hear about the English translation development hell. I’ve been wanting to play this for so long.
Sounds great! A bit reminiscent of how Dead City works in ATOM RPG? But it's just a location not a separate world map?

I think more accurate would be the Enclave Oil Rig- all travel is through green grids like in normal locations and can't be entered normally from global map.
I could not find any videos online, so I'll report back when I check it out.

Are there anymore useful links? I'm looking to write a news update.

There's an announcement on VKontakte page of Nevada Band, but there's not much more than on the page Gustar linked.

San Diego is ready to receive you, wanderer from Sonora! But do you have the courage to enter it? After all, you may not come back...

"Dayglow" is a massive DLC for Fallout Sonora. It will allow you to be in the legendary city of Dayglow and participate in its formation. Content is available to characters with level 7 or higher.

Fuckkkkkk very unfortunate to hear about the English translation development hell. I’ve been wanting to play this for so long.

If there's interest here I might be able to do the English translation based on the Polish translation.

I'm not a native English speaker and it obviously wouldn't be 1:1 translation of original Russian text, like the current translation team does.

English translation based on Polish translation would be fine for me. Then someone who knows Russian can pick up from there and fine tune it comparing it to the original text.
If there's interest here I might be able to do the English translation based on the Polish translation.

I'm not a native English speaker and it obviously wouldn't be 1:1 translation of original Russian text, like the current translation team does.
I'd take anything at this point.

Also I just realized the project lead for the english translation is the same project lead of the Fallout 2 in Fallout 4 mod, so that's also out the window.
As one who has built new art for the original Fallouts I will say this, it's not easy to create something that fits into the original aesthetic seamlessly. There's a strange magic about the original artwork, and matching it isn't easy. The walls above probably need a little more tweaking.

Even these small stairs I built don't quite fit into the aesthetic. That's one reason I prefer to modify the original art over new art. Still I can't wait to play this game.

I realise it's four years later but shouldn't there be dilapidated versions of those stairs as well? Then they would probably blend in better than when they are as good as new.
Just finished the Dayglow and I would like to share my impressions, I will try to avoid any major spoilers.
The city is big and full of content, it took me around a day to finish main and side quests. Dayglow has two smal ghoul towns - the Old town and San-Isidro. Old town wants to build connections with humans by trading tech they find in ruins while the San-Isidro wants to isolate itself from humans and use old tech to build ghoul's paradise, you can choose between them but there is no branching storylines like in NV or Sonora itself. Between those towns there are ruins that are full of robots, mutants, few crazy ghouls and some human scavengers. I love the atmosphere and the feel of the city (as abstract as it sounds), It gave me strong fallout 1 vibes during my first hours, we have a simple but understandable conflict with room for player's choise and dialogues that are well contained but not shallow. Funny enough, I don't think there are many use of speech skill in the DLC, most of the time I found stealth most usefull of all thing. Also whatever the character is ghoul or not will affect your run. For example, human can't trade in some places at first while ghoul will get a discount there, it also affects dialogue quite a lot, for example leader of San-Isidro will welcome ghoul with open arms and will be rude to a human character.
I think the weakest parts of the DLC are the start (You just meet a robot who tells you to go to the Dayglow, there is some mystery around who send it at the start but it's all for nothing) and the ending, which is very abrupt, unsatisfying and feels almost like a fanfiction. But overall I still greatly enjoed new content, maybe even more then most of Sonora.
We also have some new art from Alexander Berezin, just look at the one of new talking heads, looks both unique and in touch with original design of ghouls before Bethesda put so much meat on them.

I may regret this decision but..

Gather as much ziomals with Fo2 lore knowledge, that are willing to translate the game to english, I'll participate in translating too.. The inaction of the previous team is getting on my nerves as well, I wasn't the most active team member there.. true.. mea culpa.. but the project went down the drain or at least i think so.. and it pains me to see my name under that development, especially that the development isn't pulling through, like it promised, and there is no news on any progress for like two months now, so might as well start lookin for folks with more Zeal to do the job.. I just hope the zeal won't be made of hay... as it would mean the project will end as quickly as the previous's team.

As for me I'm also a ziomal but controversely started playing Fallout before it had a Polish translation out, at least before i was aware of any decent one. ( anyways I usually play PC games in english), also got 5 years of Russian from our old school national education system plus Youtube especially Blok Ekipa/На Раёне. was an addendum to my Russian education. Basic understanding of Russian, similarity of word meanings/sounding in another Slavic language is a benefit to understanding as well, plus ofcourse Yandex translate to speed things up. Espacially that I'm lead to belive that Yandex translator was machine learned to translate Fallout, as it sometimes does the job flawlessly especially that Russians call stimpack a "stimulator" and yandex does translate it to "stimpack" natively, without any human attention. there's ofcourse a need to fix logic of english sentences from time to time, plus there is a lot of Russian word shenanigans, that neither me nor the yandex could tackle, that's where a native would have to come in. and perhaps i could persuade some of the ppl left on the project, to assist us from time to time, although, we need a good project manager who isn't going to back out on us, because of other stuff he/she has to do. Dispositivity is a major keyword here.
Just finished the Dayglow and I would like to share my impressions...

Sounds dope. Btw, a few questions, I see that Dayglow is walled off by:

1) Level 7 req
2) You can transit there only through dialogue

Does this transit work two ways? As in you can go there and back to the world map and back to San Diego again, whenever you want to (once you "unlock" the location ofc)? If not, does it matter at what point you visit the place? Do you break it if you go there with like lvl.20 and everything is just too easy?

Also, what did you mean by:

...whatever the character is ghoul or not will affect your run.

You can become a ghoul or start Sonora as a ghoul now?? :aiee:

Also, the spoiler tag you've used in your post has a few typos so it's not visible, reposting here so others can see the talking head image, it's looking insanely good:
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Does this transit work two ways? As in you can go there and back to the world map and back to San Diego again, whenever you want to (once you "unlock" the location ofc)?

You can only enter it once and leave it once, there's no option to come back. You can leave without completing anything, you get a warning and asked for confirmation if you really want to do it.

There's also 100 weight limit, similarly to Honest Hearts.

If not, does it matter at what point you visit the place? Do you break it if you go there with like lvl.20 and everything is just too easy?

I feel like you'll definitely break it if you visit it just before triggering the ending (so around LVL 16-17), unless the difficulty of skill checks is increased by at least 20% compared to hardest ones in base Sonora (around 100%)

You can become a ghoul or start Sonora as a ghoul now?? :aiee:

It's actually part of the base game, did it yesterday.

After checking it out I decided not to take it and reloaded a save.

Consequences of becoming a ghoul
Extra energy and poison resistance, you lose Rads without having to visit doctor or using Radaway.

But you lose all Charisma.
A bit of a silly question but...are there any sexual encounters or "romances" in this game or the released DLC like they were in Fallout 2?

Also...any chance to blow a nuclear warhead or something similarly crazy?

Finally, are there any feats/perks that one can acquire by completing quests?
Does this transit work two ways? As in you can go there and back to the world map and back to San Diego again, whenever you want to (once you "unlock" the location ofc)?
Sadly, you can go there only once. What worse is that it has a limit to how much items you can carry in the Daylow and out of it like in Honest Hearts, 20 max for entering and 100 when you leave. I can understand the limit for entering the place as it will ensure at least some challange for high level characters at first but you get nice armor and guns at the end of dlc some of which I had to leave there because of the carrying limit.
Do you break it if you go there with like lvl.20 and everything is just too easy?
Sonora is shorter then Nevada, I finished it three times and I don't think any of my characters got past lvl 18 (If I'm not misremembering things), so there probably isn't much difference when it comes to level and carrying limit doesn't allow you to take your best stuff and most of non combat options weren't skillgated (which is a bit of a problem for me because Sonora had many skill checks, but I think Dayglow lacks them for the sake of accessibility). Although if you want to go through Dayglow with combat only, you probably want to get a bit higher then lvl 7, as some of the battles were quite hard on my character.
You can become a ghoul or start Sonora as a ghoul now?
You can choose to become a ghoul in one of the quests, but don't get your hopes up. You get some stat changes, but not much beyond that in the original game, some character will ask what happened with your face and all, but nothing special outside of Dayglow where it makes your game way easier and people finilly recognise you as a ghoul. The option was in the game even on the realise, but I think it was made mostly for the DLC.
Also, the spoiler tag you've used in your post has a few typos so it's not visible
Thank you, I didn't use forums for years and forgot how to do it.
A bit of a silly question but...are there any sexual encounters or "romances" in this game

Found only 1 in base Sonora
You can offer to "massage" one of the Jackal cannibals, screen fades to black and you get very poisoned

Also...any chance to blow a nuclear warhead or something similarly crazy?

I think Sonora has the biggest amount of locations you can destroy out of all Fallouts (including other TCs and Gamebryo games).
You can blow up Watts Electronics factory in Garage City, uranium mines in Flagstaff, Fire Temple and Vault beneath in Phoenix, hydroponics lab in Casa Nueva, fuel depot occupied by raiders, derelict oil rig and both HQs of main factions (Ranger dam and the Brotherhood nuclear destroyer).

Finally, are there any feats/perks that one can acquire by completing quests?

You can get Reputation feats for joining main faction or becoming monk, killing a lot of humans/animals/mutants (separate for each category), reaching LVL 12 without killing anybody and either joining or destroying Blue Shield gang.

Becoming ghoulified is one of the possible outcomes for certain quest which gives you a perk with benefits and a perk with a SPECIAL penalty.
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..are there any feats/perks that one can acquire by completing quests?

The game has a global variable that's counting the damage you get throughout the game.. getting past~1000 in that particula gvar by means of reciving damage, will aso gvie you a perk/karmic triat mention and a bonus to your resistances.

I heard that the best spot to get this feat is to travel the desert alone and encounter swarm of mantis with five of the mentioned bug in the encounter. having enaugh of healing items + removing your armor will get you the perk in one go, you simply need to pass turns and let the mantis do the work + ocasional heal-up. You'll get notified by text float over your head, and in the message log when you get it.

Yeah so I've got a question of my own, where does one find this freaking robot that seposedly takes you to dlc?

i'm almost lvl 12 now practically concluding Phoenix, only Iron Mike trainings and the ring fights left, expanding the playthrough by savescumming on the slot machines inbetween the training sessions. i thought I'll find the robot in Phoenix as that's where one usually hits lvl 7, but bummer nowhere to be found. i don't literally want to loose all my eq if this robot is a freaking random encounter, since there's only 20lbs of entry eq..
also are weightless items like stimpacks, zipo lighters, caps, certain drugs, unaffected by this rumored 20lbs limit?
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