Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

This is what happens when you have a society that tells men that their natural urges and arousals towards women is "wrong" and "unnatural". You have a generation of men that now indulge in fetishes or degeneracy as according to most Twitter puritans admiring Miranda butt from Mass Effect 2 is wrong but wanting to fuck deathclaws and lizard people is okay and normal. I hate current year social justices politics so goddamn much.

Goddamn does OdinSword have yellow fever and bad. Normally I wouldn't care what race a person is attracted too but with Odin it is disturbing as most Asian women he writes tend to end up having a slave collar on their neck. I mean, the way how he writes women in general makes me feel uncomfortable.

SJWs are part of plan to get people to stop procreating. hence if men want to "Date" their imaginary snake waifus instead of an actual woman. then mission complete. and men and woman stop finding each other attractive in favor of their imagination what their ideal fetishized woman or man looks like. be it scalie or furry or just an outright animal. In other words Lust instead of Love.
SJWs are part of plan to get people to stop procreating. hence if men want to "Date" their imaginary snake waifus instead of an actual woman. then mission complete. and men and woman stop finding each other attractive in favor of their imagination what their ideal fetishized woman or man looks like. be it scalie or furry or just an outright animal. In other words Lust instead of Love.

It sounds as it would fit the plot and lore of Deus Ex.
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It sounds as it would fit the plot and lore of Deus Ex.

Jesus Christ! How incompetent was the lead dev for this? Not only did Tgspy not know of what content was in the mod but he also hated New Vegas and the OG Fallout's. This is the last guy who should be in charge of a large scale mod for New Vegas or any Fallout game for that matter.
View attachment 18184
Jesus Christ! How incompetent was the lead dev for this? Not only did Tgspy not know of what content was in the mod but he also hated New Vegas and the OG Fallout's. This is the last guy who should be in charge of a large scale mod for New Vegas or any Fallout game for that matter.

There is a chance that tgspy knew about fetish stuff, but he's playing dumb to save his face. To be honest I don't know what is worse, lying perverted moron or just a moron.
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View attachment 18184
Jesus Christ! How incompetent was the lead dev for this? Not only did Tgspy not know of what content was in the mod but he also hated New Vegas and the OG Fallout's. This is the last guy who should be in charge of a large scale mod for New Vegas or any Fallout game for that matter.

me calling them what they are " fallout 3 fanboys.' is somehow me being elitist because i don't like what bethesda has done to fallout after actually going back and playing 1 and 2.

even then i knew something was wrong when i went back to fallout 3 after new vegas and noticing how bad it was in comparison to the point i never touched it again after that. so yes i got into the series with 3 but then i realized new vegas was better then played 1 and 2 and realized how much betehsda screwed up the series. so atlest i'm not some brainwashed bethseda fan.

i don't even like the way betehsda designs thier games in general. they are just so shallow compared to other rpgs.
Jesus Christ! How incompetent was the lead dev for this? Not only did Tgspy not know of what content was in the mod but he also hated New Vegas and the OG Fallout's. This is the last guy who should be in charge of a large scale mod for New Vegas or any Fallout game for that matter.
Honestly, him saying that New Vegas is a genuinely shit game and that the game inverted the good of Fallout 3 is far more retarded than not knowing what content his crap mod had.
Honestly, him saying that New Vegas is a genuinely shit game and that the game inverted the good of Fallout 3 is far more retarded than not knowing what content his crap mod had.
Well Fallout 3 did have a superior repair mechanics so there is that...

What kind of putz thinks the excuses of "despite being the head of the mod team neither I or the team itself never played through it once and never knew any of this shit was in there nor did I catch any of this while bug fixing" is acceptable. it gets even worse if when you think about the big picture of things.
fuck you, asshole.
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There is a chance that tgspy knew about fetish stuff, but he's playing dumb to save his face. To be honest I don't know what is worse, lying perverted moron or just a moron.
He's lying. How do I know he's lying? I overheard him in the infamous interview saying that writers of their (dis)respective parts of Frontier worked isolated from each other due to their inflated ego and as such, not wanting to communicate with other team members about tying the work into something cohesive. Tgspy so much wanted this thing to come out he gave free pass to everything those 'tards would implement just so they continue to work and not be offended by reality checking and unfavorable playtesting reviews. Everything from nasty dialogue with females to Deathshead on a budget was unfolding before the manager in real time.

No wonder original team memebers left.
revision installed.
GMDX or die
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Some of the critiques (the bad take on the Enclave/Trump, not being lore-friendly, the foot thing) I hear over and over again, but for me the cardinal sin of this mod is its main quest just isn't fun. It's overly long, railroaded, lacking a unified tone, and tries to beat the courier over the head with guilt for things they had no agency in and the situations of people they gave us no reason to care about.
I love these guys! If one good thing came out of this shit show of a mod is that I found these guys. Glad to see them blowing up.

Yeah, they're great. As soon he said he was going to the theme park first, I knew it was going to be hilarious.

Some of the critiques (the bad take on the Enclave/Trump, not being lore-friendly, the foot thing) I hear over and over again, but for me the cardinal sin of this mod is its main quest just isn't fun. It's overly long, railroaded, lacking a unified tone, and tries to beat the courier over the head with guilt for things they had no agency in and the situations of people they gave us no reason to care about.

I didn't like when Lonesome Road tried the guilt tripping, I am sure as hell am not going to like when bad fan fic writers try it. Trying to place blame for the Divide's(its amazing how many people get this wrong) destruction is like saying mailmen who delivered letters with anthrax should be charged criminally.
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Oh! Learned from someone on the Four Decent Friends comment section that /v/ found out that Tgspy is friends on Nexus with two cub diaper furries that have Ink Bunny accounts like Zu. Also according to /v/, don't look these two guys up! They are super degenerates. This rabbit hole goes deeper. While I feel sorry for the people that made the worldspace, interiors, armors, effects, meshes and textures, the writers and lead devs are nothing but a bunch of fucking degenerates who took advantage of peoples love for New Vegas, which is funny as the lead devs and writers hate New Vegas and the OG Fallout's. God, the lead devs remind me of the monorail salesman from The Simpsons.
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God, the lead devs remind me of the monorail salesman from The Simpsons.
We hear you guys love New Vegas
Check out our mod it's quite heinous.

Is it friendly with the lore?
Only if you've never played a Fallout game before!

Can I have sex with Lizard Men?
You bet your life my sick ass friend!

What about the kids who are underage?
How do you think we got to the top of the Nexus Page!