Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

Sorry but the weapon damage degrading every shot is just stupid, that's S.T.A.L.K.E.R levels of bullshit where weapons fall apart every 3 mags, it was one of the main reasons the combat in fallout 3 sucked since to make weapons reliable most of the time, you'd have to have 100 repair and a massive pile of hunting rifles for example, otherwise you would be using a 23% hunting rifle to repair a 35%, only to regret it immediatly because it just barely added a point, making it cheaper to just loot a weapon off a dead corpse than investing on that skill.
Not really, FNV has plenty of weapons that break faster than their FO3 counterparts. For example in FO3 you need to shoot a 10mm pistol 556 times to go from 100% to 0%, in FNV you only need to shoot it 395 times to go from 100% to 0%. So your pistol will break almost twice as fast in FNV than in FO3. Since 10mm Pistols are worth 225 caps in FO3 and 750 in FNV, I would say that repairing the FNV one using other pistols is more expensive, same for repairing it using vendors (since the vendor repair price is directly tied to the caps value of the weapon).
Making it more worth to just pick up a new weapon from an enemy in NV than in FO3 (specially since lower durability has less penalties in FNV than FO3, making a lower durability weapon in NV being more usable).
The repair rate per skill point is the same in FNV and FO3, so you need exactly the same amount of hunting rifles to repair from 0% to 100% in both games, the thing is that if you have 50 repair skill in FO3, you can only repair to 70% and if you have any repair skill in NV you can repair to 100%.
Also i don't know about you, but i remember the prices being MUCH HIGHER than that in the base game without even using yup's patch.
That's the base price of the item, since prices in both games depend on the Barter skill of the character + any discounts that can affect that vendor (for example Trudy in Goodsprings will offer a discount if the character is Accepted by the town's faction, Gob in Megaton will offer a discount if the player treated him nicely, etc.).

The Barter formula for prices is the same for both games At skill level 0 (impossible to achieve during normal game), the PC is selling items at 45% of their base price and buying prices at 155% of their base price. Then every 5 skill points invested in the Barter skill will increase price efficiency by 2.25.
An "average" character (Charisma 5 and Luck 5) will start the game with a barter score of 15, and will be selling items at around 51% of their base price, while buying them at around 149% of their base price.
So it's pretty much impossible to represent the value of items in the games without using their base value, since the prices can range from 45% to 90% for selling and from 155% to 110% for buying + adding all the discounts possible for each trader.
The only thing durability should affect in guns is the chance for jamming. A gun doing less damage by degrading makes no sense because the bullet is the thing causing the damage and not the gun itself. Melee weapons are the ones that should do less damage the worse their condition are.
Although, one can argue that having damaged spiral grooves inside the gun barrel and or any other type of damaged/slightly bent/partially clogged (sand/dust, grime, etc), gun barrel will prevent the projectile from reaching top speed and accuracy (projectiles won't go straight), making the shot be less lethal.
Having damaged cylinders (or any other part where the combustion that propels off the projectile happen) can cause the force of the explosion to spread or dissipate more than if the gun is in peak condition, which will make the projectile have less force behind it, making it less damaging.
Another thing is that having damaged sights can make it harder to hit the intended area of a target, making each shot less efficient.
This is Fallout (and a Bethesdified version of it, which makes it worse). So guns, medicines, drugs, clothes, armors, radiation, hunger, thirst, sleep, etc. all work differently than the real world.
After all, the logic that in the Fallout universe bullets fired from the same gun should always deal the same damage immediately falls flat if we consider the original games.
In classic Fallout games weapons always dealt damage in a range. For example a Hunting Rifle always dealt 8 to 20 base damage in Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics.
The fact that weapon damage is relatively static in new vegas was definitely an improvement over fallout 3 (one of many...)
I just reread my previous post, and had to go and check the FNV's durability formula, and I was wrong about the tiers. It has 2 tiers, which is the weapon damage output will not be affected until it reaches 75% durability (1st tier), but then each shot will reduce the condition of the weapon like in FO3 (2nd tier). The formula is still different and more simplified in FNV. So for that I have to apologize.
But this means that FNV weapon condition also affects the damage. 75% to 100% has no penalties, but then it starts to go down.

I previously made a mistake on the FNV weapon durability system. For that I am sorry.

I will have to edit my previous post to remove the wrong info, so I won't be spreading misinformation around. This is why I usually avoid posting when I'm sick and tired, but I just couldn't resist sticking my nose in this discussion :whatever:.
Well, I'm back into avoiding posting until I get better, I guess. :hide:
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To be honest, I despise the repair system and durability in notFallout 3. It was frustrating to see weapons become worse with each shot, plus, repairing weapons is expensive. In fact, fixing a weapon from 0 to 100 costs double the value, making Jury Rigging that much better.

New Vegas tried to get away from it with weapon repair kits, Raul and such. The condition thresholds are great, since your armour can provide actual protection and not become worse after being shot by a 9mm, like power armour did.

It may not be perfectly balanced, but I will take New Vegas over an abomination that is 3.
What shocks me is that they put their fetishes in the game and for some reason didn't think that normal, well functioning people wouldn't be sicken by it. This is what happens when you don't have a dissenting voice in the project and just fill your team with a bunch of gremlins from Discord and Reddit. You end up believing that adding in sick and questionable shit is a good idea and that the ones who have a problem with it are the ones who have something wrong with them.
Reading about this stuff and hearing about other modding communities just being degenerate filth is just going to make me look at all people who identify as modders to be secret weirdos who should be dealt with accordingly. speaking of weirdo modders who need to be dealt with accordingly.
Although, one can argue that having damaged spiral grooves inside the gun barrel and or any other type of damaged/slightly bent/partially clogged (sand/dust, grime, etc), gun barrel will prevent the projectile from reaching top speed and accuracy (projectiles won't go straight), making the shot be less lethal.
It would be less accurate but it wouldn't be less lethal. So why indeed yes you could make the argument, you'd just be really fucking wrong.
Having damaged cylinders (or any other part where the combustion that propels off the projectile happen) can cause the force of the explosion to spread or dissipate more than if the gun is in peak condition, which will make the projectile have less force behind it, making it less damaging.
the fuck is this jumbled mess? You know having a hole in your gun that shouldn't be there is a funny thing since it doing less damage isn't your problem, it is the fact it is going to BLOW UP IN YOUR FUCKING HANDS that is the problem. Also Revolvers have a cylinder gap that gas escapes from and they work fine. So while yes having a damaged gun would be doing less damage, it isn't because "The gas pipes are clogged" it is because you aren't hitting the thing you are shooting at.
The only thing durability should affect in guns is the chance for jamming. A gun doing less damage by degrading makes no sense because the bullet is the thing causing the damage and not the gun itself. Melee weapons are the ones that should do less damage the worse their condition are.
Gun jamming is just antifun in any game it's in. There are plenty of other stats that can be effected.
i think the thing about critical failures is their supposed to be funny but gun jamming isn't really that funny its just an annoyance. not that i think there shouldn't be any gun jamming period i think its an alright mechanic but i can see how it just gets annoying rather then funny like critical failures were. i mean there was a whole trait in the originals designed to appeal to the whole critical failures being more common for both you and enemies. lol.
Thank god, even though they allow you flirt with your companions, there is no romance in this. Good god, imagine if they tried to write romance.




Thank god, even though they allow you flirt with your companions, there is no romance in this. Good god, imagine if they tried to write romance.




Someone posted the dialogue of of America, Mae, AJ and all the other women in the Frontier in the r/MenWritingWomen Reddit page and the post got over 20k upvotes. Some of the most upvotes that the Reddit page ever had. As I told my boyfriend, the writers for this mod are basically incels who got all their understanding of women and female interaction from hentai and PornHub. I don't think any of the writers for this mod, especially OdinSword the writer for America and the Crusader quests, ever had any interaction with women besides from porn.

A part of me wonders if maybe I should have been more assertive with Mac and had him let me join the writing team when he let me look at their cliff notes and plot synopsis all those years ago. At least they would have had a member of the opposite sex who would have reigned them in on shit like this. Then again, after reading some stuff about what horror and hell the mod team was from CellblockPsycho maybe it was for the best that I never joined The Frontier mod team. Dodge a bullet there.
Someone posted the dialogue of of America, Mae, AJ and all the other women in the Frontier in the r/MenWritingWomen Reddit page and the post got over 20k upvotes. Some of the most upvotes that the Reddit page ever had. As I told my boyfriend, the writers for this mod are basically incels who got all their understanding of women and female interaction from hentai and PornHub. I don't think any of the writers for this mod, especially OdinSword the writer for America and the Crusader quests, ever had any interaction with women besides from porn.

A part of me wonders if maybe I should have been more assertive with Mac and had him let me join the writing team when he let me look at their cliff notes and plot synopsis all those years ago. At least they would have had a member of the opposite sex who would have reigned them in on shit like this. Then again, after reading some stuff about what horror and hell the mod team was from CellblockPsycho maybe it was for the best that I never joined The Frontier mod team. Dodge a bullet there.
which was the fuck wit that wrote that lizard person saying Humans find us sexy line? that fucking guy has got some serious issues. I want to see the discussion logs of that weirdo selling that quest line to the mod team and them all just giving it the go ahead.
which was the fuck wit that wrote that lizard person saying Humans find us sexy line? that fucking guy has got some serious issues. I want to see the discussion logs of that weirdo selling that quest line to the mod team and them all just giving it the go ahead.

I think it was rikkurikku. He got kinda of pissy at the mod that removed the lizards and in one of his quest mods you could have sex with a talking deathclaw. And he wrote the deathclaw sex scene.
I think it was rikkurikku. He got kinda of pissy at the mod that removed the lizards and in one of his quest mods you could have sex with a talking deathclaw. And he wrote the deathclaw sex scene.
Another funny thing about rikkurikku is that his avatar in the Frontier dev room is one of the lizard people. Yeah, it quite clear that he has a scalie fetishes. Also, another one of the devs, Phobos, was going to make a mod about the Divide where there was a female character in transition into becoming a Tunneler. Basically a half-scalie. It is like the dev team for this mod was full of furry/scalie fetishists.
I think in the old times this archetype was meant as metaphor to symbolize the vicious nature of women, if they strive for power. Maybe it is origins for someone calling them vipers.
As someone who is a avid reader of mythology you are not wrong. Many myths used to compare vicious, manipulative and power hungry women to snakes with many female monsters having the forms of snakes or whose symbols are snakes. The most famous painting of the demon Lilith is her caressing snakes. These myths back then were meant to warn men of the the manipulative nature of certain women. Now in current year, instead of snake women being a symbol of why men need to be wary of certain women now some men want to literally fuck actual snake women. If this isn't a sign of how decadent and degenerate the West has become I don't know what is.
As someone who is a avid reader of mythology you are not wrong. Many myths used to compare vicious, manipulative and power hungry women to snakes with many female monsters having the forms of snakes or whose symbols are snakes. The most famous painting of the demon Lilith is her caressing snakes. These myths back then were meant to warn men of the the manipulative nature of certain women. Now in current year, instead of snake women being a symbol of why men need to be wary of certain women now some men want to literally fuck actual snake women. If this isn't a sign of how decadent and degenerate the West has become I don't know what is.

This is fucking sad actually. Damn, were are on the verge of very big changes, if they haven't started already. I have a feeling it will be worse the further we go.

Edit: It isn't the first and won't be the last time when horny bastards ruin something.
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I just beat the Crusaders' questline. It feels like a last minute addition.

The questline is basically

  • You give the Crusaders a 19th century Mormon book.
  • America unleashes her backstory on you
  • The head mechanic(Mollie) makes you babysit America, by asking you to assist her by finding a printer so they print out a blueprint. (apparently they don't a printer, despite the fact they are in fucking RobCo HQ)
  • The blueprints are for a fusion cannon. Mollie asks you find parts to build it.
  • You get the parts. Eye bot that Mollie was working on broadcasts Enclave message. You go to missile silo to blow up the space station. (Thank god)
  • Mollie builds the fusion cannon asks you to test it out(I just walked around and killed some Legionnaires, so I missed the Enclave soldiers scene)
  • Mollie ask to find more parts so you can build more fusion cannons. Factory goes up in flames. Mission is a bust.
  • Mollie asks you to come back to HQ because Charlene went into in a coma. So you need to someone to perform surgery.
  • After the surgery is done, you talk to the Dommina and she wants to assault the Legion and NCR. Finishing the questline.
So you didn't anything to help to their war effort. You were kinda of pointless. At least they don't call you Courier every 30 seconds. Also at some point the companion Wrench leaves you. (Probably because she is a Asian woman and doesn't want to put into a slave collar.)





I just beat the Crusaders' questline. It feels like a last minute addition.

The questline is basically

  • You give the Crusaders a 19th century Mormon book.
  • America unleashes her backstory on you
  • The head mechanic(Mollie) makes you babysit America, by asking you to assist her by finding a printer so they print out a blueprint. (apparently they don't a printer, despite the fact they are in fucking RobCo HQ)
  • The blueprints are for a fusion cannon. Mollie asks you find parts to build it.
  • You get the parts. Eye bot that Mollie was working on broadcasts Enclave message. You go to missile silo to blow up the space station. (Thank god)
  • Mollie builds the fusion cannon asks you to test it out(I just walked around and killed some Legionnaires, so I missed the Enclave soldiers scene)
  • Mollie ask to find more parts so you can build more fusion cannons. Factory goes up in flames. Mission is a bust.
  • Mollie asks you to come back to HQ because Charlene went into in a coma. So you need to someone to perform surgery.
  • After the surgery is done, you talk to the Dommina and she wants to assault the Legion and NCR. Finishing the questline.
So you didn't anything to help to their war effort. You were kinda of pointless. At least they don't call you Courier every 30 seconds. Also at some point the companion Wrench leaves you. (Probably because she is a Asian woman and doesn't want to put into a slave collar.)





Hey, a new drinking game. When playing NCR campaign take a shot every time someone says courier.
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This is fucking sad actually. Damn, were are on the verge of very big changes, if they haven't started already. I have a feeling it will be worse the further we go.

Edit: It isn't the first and won't be the last time when horny bastards ruin something.
This is what happens when you have a society that tells men that their natural urges and arousals towards women is "wrong" and "unnatural". You have a generation of men that now indulge in fetishes or degeneracy as according to most Twitter puritans admiring Miranda butt from Mass Effect 2 is wrong but wanting to fuck deathclaws and lizard people is okay and normal. I hate current year social justices politics so goddamn much.

I just beat the Crusaders' questline. It feels like a last minute addition.

The questline is basically

  • You give the Crusaders a 19th century Mormon book.
  • America unleashes her backstory on you
  • The head mechanic(Mollie) makes you babysit America, by asking you to assist her by finding a printer so they print out a blueprint. (apparently they don't a printer, despite the fact they are in fucking RobCo HQ)
  • The blueprints are for a fusion cannon. Mollie asks you find parts to build it.
  • You get the parts. Eye bot that Mollie was working on broadcasts Enclave message. You go to missile silo to blow up the space station. (Thank god)
  • Mollie builds the fusion cannon asks you to test it out(I just walked around and killed some Legionnaires, so I missed the Enclave soldiers scene)
  • Mollie ask to find more parts so you can build more fusion cannons. Factory goes up in flames. Mission is a bust.
  • Mollie asks you to come back to HQ because Charlene went into in a coma. So you need to someone to perform surgery.
  • After the surgery is done, you talk to the Dommina and she wants to assault the Legion and NCR. Finishing the questline.
So you didn't anything to help to their war effort. You were kinda of pointless. At least they don't call you Courier every 30 seconds. Also at some point the companion Wrench leaves you. (Probably because she is a Asian woman and doesn't want to put into a slave collar.)





Goddamn does OdinSword have yellow fever and bad. Normally I wouldn't care what race a person is attracted too but with Odin it is disturbing as most Asian women he writes tend to end up having a slave collar on their neck. I mean, the way how he writes women in general makes me feel uncomfortable.
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This is what happens when you have a society that tells men that their natural urges and arousals towards women is "wrong" and "unnatural". You have a generation of men that now indulge in fetishes or degeneracy as according to most Twitter puritans admiring Miranda butt from Mass Effect 2 is wrong but wanting to fuck deathclaws and lizard people is okay and normal. I hate current year social justices politics so goddamn much.

Goddamn does OdinSword have yellow fever and bad. Normally I wouldn't care what race a person is attracted too but with Odin it is disturbing as most Asian women he writes tend to end up having a slave collar on their neck. I mean, the way how he writes women in general makes me feel uncomfortable.

This whole situation is FUBAR times infinity.