Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

I feel for the guy. He's obviously a pervert, but it in no way seems to have rubbed off on the mod - he is not responsible for any of the questionable content - he just made PIP-Boy icons and armor models, the only remotely questionable thing is that he put in a skunk plushy. Which is cringe, but does not compare to "Stolen-asset-snake-men-orgies"

And besides who said that Zu wouldn't lie and tell half-truths, he is person of interest too.
I feel for the guy. He's obviously a pervert, but it in no way seems to have rubbed off on the mod - he is not responsible for any of the questionable content - he just made PIP-Boy icons and armor models, the only remotely questionable thing is that he put in a skunk plushy. Which is cringe, but does not compare to "Stolen-asset-snake-men-orgies"
From what I heard, Zu, if you could believe it, was the one that tried to get the America slavery quest and other fetish content like the deathclaw sex and scalie fetish fuel cut from the final product. That leads me to believe that there are bigger perverts then Zu on the Frontier dev team and, like Ezra who is one of the leads for Fallout Miami said, was a convenient scapegoat for the other perverts on the Frontier team. I mean, it must be really easy to blame the furry pedo for all the fetish fuel in the mod in order to save your own ass. These people are just pure, fucking disgusting degenerates. To think that they believe that they are morally superior to others who don't share their beliefs.
That leads me to believe that there are bigger perverts then Zu on the Frontier dev team
I think it is less that there are bigger perverts and more that there are secret perverts. insidiously implanting themselves in the mod community hoping nobody finds them out, ya know kinda like a male feminist.
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Just to answer some of the points. I must say that I am not angry or annoyed, but I have trouble writing large posts without always sounding annoyed or something. :postviper:

It's not TTW's fault people ask modders for compatibility for it. People have been asking modders to make their mods compatible with other large and popular mods since modding is a thing. :roffle:

No dev is a cuck, I should know... I'm one of the oldest TTW team members still active. So please don't go around insulting people you probably don't even know. :lol:

Ruined balance? both FO3 and FNV allow to make an OP unbalanced character by level 5 or so... Not to mention that some of the most popular mods for NV are "perks per level" and "more perks" and even "max character level 99". A lot of people play with those three types of mods in vanilla FNV, and that makes the game way more unbalanced than TTW can ever do.
Specially since no one forces the player to pick certain perks. If perks from both games makes the game unbalanced for you, then don't pick them, pick only FNV perks or FO3 perks. The player is the one who chooses how to make their character, don't blame TTW for having more choices to pick from, blame the player for picking those perks. :rofl:

Also, most FO3 players who play TTW consider it extremely hard. They say that the Capital Wasteland's Super Mutants are too hard.

The mod can't corrupt your entire game at all. I have no idea where you got this from, but game corruption is not caused by TTW.

Usually what corrupts the game is people not following instructions, being impatient and canceling the installation process midway through, not listening to the TTW team and install incompatible mods because "it works fine for me", installing generally broken mods, installing junk into their game's Data folder, using shit mod managers like NMM, installing broken codec packs on their computer or validate Steam files with TTW installed, which makes Steam remove TTW altered files and replace them with the vanilla ones, which will break TTW.
Basically, people corrupt their games because they don't know how to mod. :help:

Also the TTW team officially recommends people to use Mod Organizer 2 and make their own Game profile for TTW (which is a default option on Mod Organizer 2 and everything), if people do that, they can't possibly corrupt their FNV game in any way using mods through MO2. :postviper:

EDIT: I understand people who criticize TTW because it adds FO3 to FNV, so it's quite a stark contrast of quality. Playing FNV and FO3 side by side in the same game makes this quite visible.

I understand people who criticize TTW because it improves FO3 but doesn't do much for FNV.

I understand criticism from people who say that TTW is more restrictive in terms of modding, than just FNV or FO3.

I understand saying it's not lore-friendly, because it's not, and no team member will ever say it is. TTW is a total conversion with it's own lore, of course it's not lore friendly... Hell, even just by having FO3 content makes it never gonna be lore friendly.

I understand people who say that TTW has several balancing issues with the price of stuff (selling and buying), with some weapons being UP and OP, with some enemies being unbalanced, etc.

I understand criticism about TTW having both FNV and FO3 speech checks (value and %), and about how TTW's FO3 part doesn't have Factions like FNV.

TTW is not perfect and never will be, we are balancing the entire game for version 3.3. So maybe the balance will be better then, but no matter what we do, it will never be perfect, just like FO3 and FNV are not perfect either.

We welcome constructive criticism, but saying "Devs are cucks lol", "unbalanced because it has perks from both games", "players nag modders for compatibilty" and "it corrupts the entire game", are not helpful and some are not even true. :aiee: :lol:

The community is cancerous yeah, as you can see seeing the replies below your message, but there's no way you can fix it so i can't blame you.

Also about SOME of the devs being dickheads, a few of them started shitting on simply uncut and spreading misinformation about it like how the mod's navmeshes and scripts breaks because it's an ESP, despite the fact that the mod worked perfectly fine for many people, they also did it againt several other mods as well, and i really hope one of them weren't you because you seem surprisingly nice and can take criticism very well.

About the mod corrupting my entire game, it happened to me when i tried to enter a building, the game CTD and i couldn't start the game up for some reason afterwards, forcing me to reinstall both FNV and TTW and it was really stressful and annoying, i followed up all the instructions and didn't used any mods other than bug fixing ones like YUP (version made for TTW) and it still happened.
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And besides who said that Zu wouldn't lie and tell half-truths, he is person of interest too.
Dude's getting treated like shit on every available platform from what I've seen (i.e. his youtube page) and getting blamed for all the faults in the mod because "blaming the furry" is a convenient out. Even the guy behind the Crusarder quest line tried blaming creepy shit on him, only for tgspy to say that was bullshit. And after how hard that guy threw him under the bus to the point of framing it as "oh yeah we're going to inform the authorities" on a stream, yeah pretty clear Crusader guy was lying.

I know I'm new to this community, but I'm not new to the Fallout community and certainly not to modding. And this guy was treated like a patsy. I can't think of many 'teams' that get this far and yet are this much a mess.
Dude's getting treated like shit on every available platform from what I've seen (i.e. his youtube page) and getting blamed for all the faults in the mod because "blaming the furry" is a convenient out. Even the guy behind the Crusarder quest line tried blaming creepy shit on him, only for tgspy to say that was bullshit. And after how hard that guy threw him under the bus to the point of framing it as "oh yeah we're going to inform the authorities" on a stream, yeah pretty clear Crusader guy was lying.

I know I'm new to this community, but I'm not new to the Fallout community and certainly not to modding. And this guy was treated like a patsy. I can't think of many 'teams' that get this far and yet are this much a mess.
Funny given that the guy who wrote the Crusader's quests, the guy is named Odin, also wrote the character America. If anything Odin is a bigger perv then Zu as Zu at least didn't add his sick fetishes to the mod while Odin did. Also, the guy who wrote the deathclaw sex scene is a guy named Riiku who made a pervious mod about a half-deathclaw teenage girl who you can romance. Ah... perverts of a feather flock together.
Is it ever explained why Archimedes II is different to the one in the base game which is deliberately meant to be borderline useless as the crux of the Mojave Brotherhood's entire arc.
Is it ever explained why Archimedes II is different to the one in the base game which is deliberately meant to be borderline useless as the crux of the Mojave Brotherhood's entire arc.
one of two things. they forgot there was already a Archimedes II or This is Archimedes II 2: The other one. Also the the fact it has ARCHIMEDES II in giant glowing letters on the side of it is the best part.
one of two things. they forgot there was already a Archimedes II or This is Archimedes II 2: The other one. Also the the fact it has ARCHIMEDES II in giant glowing letters on the side of it is the best part.

I think they probably literally just didn't finish the HELIOS ONE story or just got confused whilst playing it.
I think they probably literally just didn't finish the HELIOS ONE story or just got confused whilst playing it.
hell that might be it right there. they confused HELIOS ONE with ARCHIMEDES ONE and made the space station 2. Also here are some Nazis Enclave is space.
This is a huge setback for modding on this scale too.


I don't know why people get excited about mods that market themselves as equal to if not greater than the vanilla game

it made people think you can be wacky and silly in new vegas because of it.

My main issue with OWB was how it was balanced, enemies just turn into bullet sponges at higher levels. I thought the tone was great and made sense.

Is it ever explained why Archimedes II is different to the one in the base game which is deliberately meant to be borderline useless as the crux of the Mojave Brotherhood's entire arc.

Because it would be Cool
Also about SOME of the devs being dickheads, a few of them started shitting on simply uncut and spreading misinformation about it like how the mod's navmeshes and scripts breaks because it's an ESP, despite the fact that the mod worked perfectly fine for many people, they also did it againt several other mods as well, and i really hope one of them weren't you because you seem surprisingly nice and can take criticism very well.
But this is true. Navmeshes do break on ESP files... This has been known for at least 20 years now, some people say it also happens on FO3, and others say it might happen in Oblivion too.

The thing is that many times, people don't realize what is broken because they don't see the problems (they happen behind the scenes) or just attribute the problems to be caused by "it's a Bethesda game, it has random problems". The majority of people that refuses to stop using mods that are generaly broken or incompatible with TTW is because "it works for them without problems" because they don't directly see ingame how their game is broken.

If you don't believe the TTW team, here's some examples of others helping people with their navmesh problems in esp files:
Notice how this one was posted in January 2 2011:
Another one from 2011, this one in October 11 and from rickerhk, which is someone that knows what he's talking about:
Here's Chucksteel in 2015, talking about it and other issues with esp files. Chucksteel is the author of the popular "Interiors Project" mod series for FO3 (DC Interiors Project), FNV (NV Interiors Project) and FO4 (Beantown Interiors Project), so he has a lot of experience with new interior cells and custom and edited navmesh:

The second post on this one already talks about the problem:

And there's plenty more if someone puts more time than 2 minutes (that's the time I put int this) into searching the internet.

About the scripts breaking, I have no idea since I never looked inside that mod, but it might have to do with how FO3 and FNV have a bug where they load temporary records as persistent, if it's an esp plugin but load them correctly (as in, the script will not run) if it's a esm plugin.

This is talked about in this thread:

This is the biggest problem with converting some mods from esp to esm that edit or add navmeshes, because they might have stuff that is not flagged persistent in them, and then it would break when converted to an esm (so navmeshes work properly).

So I'm assuming that the talk about the Simply Uncut navmeshes and broken scripts was something like this:
"Simply Uncut has problems, because it's an esp file and edits navmeshes, that means that those navmeshes are broken, and to make matters worse, since it has references and/or other things that are not flagged persistent, we can't really convert it to an esm to fix the navmeshes. Because that would break it's scripts, due the esp file bug that makes them work on non persistent stuff."
All of this would be true, if the mod Simple Uncut does make changes or add navmeshes and has scripts targeting things not flagged as persistent.

I hope this helps you realize that it wasn't misinformation, it was actually true and has been known and tested for more than 2 decades. The misinformation is usually from people that say stuff "works without a problem" for them. Just because someone doesn't notice or see the issues unless they are right in front of their character's eyes, doesn't mean that there's no issues.
About the mod corrupting my entire game, it happened to me when i tried to enter a building, the game CTD and i couldn't start the game up for some reason afterwards, forcing me to reinstall both FNV and TTW and it was really stressful and annoying, i followed up all the instructions and didn't used any mods other than bug fixing ones like YUP (version made for TTW) and it still happened.
CTD when entering buildings, waiting or sleeping are usually caused by the game's Auto Save function (or some auto save mods that might have some issues too), this is also well known and it's recommended to disable the game's auto save function, while using a more modern auto save mod (unfortunately the popular CASM is a bit buggy in some situations), the recommended auto save these days is the one included in lStewieAl's Tweaks.

Other things that will cause CTD are mods with broken Mesh models, installing TTW without having clean and vanilla FNV or FO3 games (like having mods installed in those, or having remains of mods in the games' Data folder), broken mods or mods that are incompatible with TTW (when using TTW obviously :lol:), mods with badly made scripts, using too many mods without the Mod Limit Fix mod, Windows OS (yes, Windows can and sometimes will crash your game when Windows update, run scans, etc), highly aggressive defense/protection software, some overlays (like Steam overlay or Overwatch overlay for example), NVSE buggy functions, NVSE plugins with bugs, having the game installed in a Windows protected directory (under any "Program Files" directory), and even using large texture replacement packages (the game will run out of memory and crash).

TTW crashes much less than FNV or FO3 by themselves, due to some engine bugs we fixed.

If you were using Mod Organizer 2 (I'm not assuming you didn't used it, I'm assuming you used it), then no mod would directly affect your FNV installation, so no mod could directly corrupt your game (save game files could still get corrupted).

What could happen is when the game CTD, it might corrupt some of the mod's files. This can make it so FNV with the mod installed, will not go past the starting screen or crash before showing the main menu (When the Start, Continue, Options, etc appear on the screen).

The problem here is that when a game or other software CTD, there's always a chance it will get corrupted, this is the natural behavior of any software that CTD. There's always the chance of file corruption in these cases, specially in older software. This is not the blame of mods, but just how CTD work.
This is very rare, but it can happen.

If TTW was the cause of CTD corrupting the entire game, we would have had many people asking for help with this problem. I don't have recent numbers now, but the mod was "unique" downloaded more than 50.000 times just in the first 2 months of the release of the 3.2 version back at the end of 2018. We would definitely have been made aware of this issue by now, but the only people that ever came up to us with this problem was always found out to be caused not by TTW itself, but by one of the previous reasons I posted a few paragraphs above.

I can understand the frustration you might have felt, this would annoy me too. And I'm sorry you have had to deal with this issue. But I can guarantee that TTW wasn't the direct cause for the game corruption.
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Honestly the project lead doesn't seem like that bad of a guy overall, he just let his team have tooo much freedom and not near enough oversight. I wouldn't blame him as much as the rest of the team.
one of two things. they forgot there was already a Archimedes II or This is Archimedes II 2: The other one. Also the the fact it has ARCHIMEDES II in giant glowing letters on the side of it is the best part.
Archimedes II 2: Archimedes II Harder: Electric Boogalo 2