Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

Who needs to review each other’s notes when you have pages upon pages of fetish-ridden dross that the perv crowd will eat up?

Why bother if you're inconsistent about lore of the world to begin with, the mod fans will eat it up anyway.
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I was doing a playthrough of this mod, but damn is it brutal. On the one hand I kind of want to play it and just laugh at it like you would the Room or a Neil Breen movie on the other hand I might just start a playthrough of a genuinely good Fallout Total Conversion Mod.
I was doing a playthrough of this mod, but damn is it brutal. On the one hand I kind of want to play it and just laugh at it like you would the Room or a Neil Breen movie on the other hand I might just start a playthrough of a genuinely good Fallout Total Conversion Mod.

Don't waste your time man, find and play genuinely good Fallout Total conversion mod, and Four decent friends will do the rest.
I was doing a playthrough of this mod, but damn is it brutal. On the one hand I kind of want to play it and just laugh at it like you would the Room or a Neil Breen movie on the other hand I might just start a playthrough of a genuinely good Fallout Total Conversion Mod.

I say play through it once to see how bad it is. The open world exploration is not that bad, its not great, but you take what you can with this mod.
Not only that but in the NCR questline AJ is brutally raped and made into the Legates sex slave. So, was the guy just okay with his boss turning his little sister into a sex slave? Jesus Christ! Now I can see what people were saying about the writers not having much contact with each other or going over each others notes.
This. Is. Why. We. Don't. Do. That. It's. Wrong. We. Need. More. Support. For. The. Enclave.
aj shows the team were not communicating. she is a sex slave in the ncr route that you save

and in the legion route we meet her brother that just allows his sister to be a sex slave for no clear reason.

I am honestly surprised that Odin and Nazo didn't name all the Asian Crusaders after their favorite hentai characters or favorite Asian porn stars. I mean, seriously!

I think they're playing a different version then I did. Some voices sound different , there were no mean options in joining the Crusaders and there was no option to refuse to join.

I am surprised they didn't comment on Jolene's backstory of being a NCR spy in the Brotherhood.
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Why do all of these multiple-years-in-development, high-concept, 100+ developer mods always turn out to be embarrassing dumpster fires, while New Vegas mods made by a handful of people turn out awesome but aren't appreciated?

Nobody who still plays New Vegas plays it for linear spray-and-pray action, and yet these geniuses sunk 7 years into making a knockoff Call of Duty in the Gamebryo engine and it was the most hyped mod of the year until it wasn't. Meanwhile nobody noticed Autumn Leaves until Bethesda ripped it off to put in Far Harbor. It makes me sad.