Fallout Trilogy selling, Interplay hiring


Vault Consort
Staff member
The monthly NPD list for May reported by Edge Online features the Fallout Trilogy combining its good weeklies into a #9 position, Fallout 3 featuring at #15 and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Edition rearing its head at #17. No new titles in the top 10, but here it is anyway:<blockquote>1. World Of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
2. The Sims 2 Double Deluxe
3. World Of Warcraft: Battle Chest
4. World Of Warcraft
5. Empire: Total War
6. Spore
7. Left 4 Dead
8. The Sims 2 Apartment Life
9. Fallout Trilogy
10. Starcraft: Battle Chest</blockquote>Meanwhile, Interplay's careers page lists two new job opportunities. One of them is for a Concept Artist with "excellent 2D skills and traditional art knowledge" among other things, the other for a MMORPG Content Designer with "4 plus years experience in game design, with a detailed understanding of RPG dialog and quest systems", "Excellent creative writing skills" and preferably "Familiarity with the Fallout universe". Both of them should come equipped with a "strong work ethic", but I'm sure that will rub off on them from the management anyway.

at least it isn't bad news! :P
plus they sound like they care the way they word the job listings

no news about FOOL being canceled or not as far as I know
which would lead me to assume that Bethesda isn't so cut-throat about it as i thought before

things are looking up, even if not a whole lot
well if things with FOOL go to the court then I would not expect any kind of information for quite some time. Such things usualy are always a battle between laywers and that many times degenerates in to a trench warefare.
Well, least the classics are still selling.

Heh. Funny how F3 is lower down the list than the originals. Oh well.
lasix9 said:
Well, least the classics are still selling.

Heh. Funny how F3 is lower down the list than the originals. Oh well.

Well most that wanted Fallout 3 I think have it by now, Or with the news of the GOTY version this fall will wait for that (I know of alot of PS3 owners getting that/ selling their version now and rebuying the goty later).

Still though its nice to see the classics selling, Is this the same pressing as the euro dvd version? (I have Fallout 1 and 2 releases on disc, and then the Euro dvd collectors pack with 1, 2, and tactics on a single dvd).
Good for them. Imho FOOL will be much better than fallout 3. (Yes, I know, fallout 3 is utter crap so it shouldnt be hard to make something better than that :P)
I just wish they would put the trilogy box set up for sale in Canada. I don't understand the reasoning as to why they wouldn't...
ZombieSupaStar said:
lasix9 said:
Still though its nice to see the classics selling, Is this the same pressing as the euro dvd version? (I have Fallout 1 and 2 releases on disc, and then the Euro dvd collectors pack with 1, 2, and tactics on a single dvd).

More or less I think. It's the same exact games. Maybe just the American versions over here is the only difference I can think of.

Does the Euro version come with the extra patches on the disc? (Killap, high res, etc.)
lasix9 somehow I doubt it. Otherwise it would be on my must buy list. Currently my around 90 bought discs hold up well enough.
I'm trying to pursue a career as a content designer (for starters) and I'd happily submit my meager CV if it were not for that stupid 4 year experience requirement. God! Who on earth will want to go work for interplay if they have 4 years of experience in content design!? Seriously!

Also, if anyone informed in the matter is reading this: how the hell can I gain experience in content design, level design and/or game design if I have no experience in the field? Freelance unreleased work? Or modding any of the crappy games out there that have CSs? Like, say, NWN2...

crappy crappy crappy.
You should apply anyway, Morbus. The requirements listed on a job posting are for the employer's ideal candidate. Yeah, all other things being equal, if someone else applies who has 4+ years of experience, they'll probably get the job. But... what if no one else that satisfies that requirement applies? Or what if your other qualifications outweigh not having the experience in the eyes of the person in charge of hiring?

In any case, the worst that happen if you do apply is you won't get hired. Which is what will happen anyway if you don't apply. So the moral of the story is: Apply damnit!
Morbus said:
Freelance unreleased work?

That'll look great on a CV, like saying that people used to love your MUD areas. Mod work could be useful if you've got your mind set on working for a particular company (cf. Bethesda).
Morbus said:
Also, if anyone informed in the matter is reading this: how the hell can I gain experience in content design, level design and/or game design if I have no experience in the field?

Normally you start as a QA guy and work your way up within a company. Once you're in, you're in, is the rule.

Having modding experience helps.
All that and the fact that I'm Portuguese and live in Portugal...

The QA thing is good advice, I believe. Might try it out if applying for "higher" stuff doesn't work out. I'm in the talks with some Portuguese studios, in any case, so, who knows?
lasix9 said:
ZombieSupaStar said:
lasix9 said:
Still though its nice to see the classics selling, Is this the same pressing as the euro dvd version? (I have Fallout 1 and 2 releases on disc, and then the Euro dvd collectors pack with 1, 2, and tactics on a single dvd).

More or less I think. It's the same exact games. Maybe just the American versions over here is the only difference I can think of.

Does the Euro version come with the extra patches on the disc? (Killap, high res, etc.)

got the trilogy and it does come with the unofficial patches and high res fixes

That's what I wondered, can they just use it without permission since its their I.P.?

Didn't id used to pack popular mods together for doom like that?

I don't know if they paid them or not though.
One of them is for a Concept Artist with "excellent 2D skills and traditional art knowledge"


You know, if I hadn't read ex-Interplay workers' stories about their policies and practices, this would sound interesting...

... except that my skills are far from "excellent" :D
Holy crap on a stick, my work is included in an official release!? Which version of my patch are they using? Does it come with my readme?

Interesting how they didn't even contact me about this...