Big No
Watch as I open and close this door
Dang, retcons so hard even I can't justify them, and I'm the resident Bethesda shill!
I had my doubts at first. But after watching and confirming. Bethesda is dead to me as a company. They will never do anything half compotent enough to not need a retcon.Jesus fucking christ what a shit show, the amount of retcons from the orignal games and NV where staggering. I knew this show was gonna be shit when the trailer was released. Bethesda had to piss on the grave of the real fallout games and then light a match to burn them for that cherry on top. Thanks for this amazing show that did not need to exist.
I doubt Tim Cain would want his name attached at this point.
If i were Tim Cain i wouldnt want my nane attached to this steaming pile of radioactive shit either.
super mutants and death claws
Honestly I'd rather have a new season of that than whatever Amazon made here.![]()