Fallout TV show in development

Fallout 1's plot about needing to find clean water and Fallout 2's plot about the Enclave. It's shameless how Bethesda stitched together these two plots that had no business being combined.

Don't forget the Homefront storyline about returning to Vault 101, and the Lone Wanderer is then kicked out of Vault 101 forever for basically no reason just so they can reference "You're a hero, and you have to leave" word for word.
It would be great if it was based on the first two games, but ultimately the real tell of how watchable the show will be is going to be the content rating. Anything less than 18+ will be a disaster. It would be extra great if all this snowflake stuff doesn't happen and every episode is preceded by a trigger warning. Then the show can tackle intensely depressing themes the way the first two games do.

But yeah I agree with the sentiment in the comments that it will probably just be a dumpster fire of epic proportions. Still holding out hope for something decent though.
Danieltje, if anything it is going to be based on Bethesda's version of Fallout who would prefer that people forgot all about Fallout before they acquired it and "revived it" (zombified it).

And you can bet that some degree of Bethesda's idea of dark humor will appear in the show, perhaps making it more fitting for adult swim.
Fallout 1's plot about needing to find clean water and Fallout 2's plot about the Enclave. It's shameless how Bethesda stitched together these two plots that had no business being combined.
And Fallout 4 plot ripped off Fallout 3 plot. It is amazing what Bethesda will rip off in order to create a bugged filled mess of a game.
Fallout 1's plot about needing to find clean water and Fallout 2's plot about the Enclave. It's shameless how Bethesda stitched together these two plots that had no business being combined.
They even ripped off FOBOS... The whole thing about a rogue chapter of the BoS wanting to eradicate evil mutants and protect the "civilians". Also FOBOS had a Mininuke too, but it was a unique grenade instead.
And Fallout 4 plot ripped off Fallout 3 plot. It is amazing what Bethesda will rip off in order to create a bugged filled mess of a game.

Is it really though? I played both games and the similarities that I was able to find are that both games are about finding their family member and "saving" the wasteland. Oh and both Fallout 3 and 4 don't have a good main story. I guess that's another similarity between these two.
I wonder if Bethesa even recalls Nuka Break.

Playlist for all episodes:

I remember that Chris Avellone and Tim Cain were in it (and that they liked the series) and that the Nuka Breaker item in New Vegas was an easter egg referencing said series.

Bethesda owns the IP, they can do whatever. Stop complaining.
How cute that you think people care to obey random noobs.
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Remember it? They're going to steal everything they can from it.

Can anyone here envision any plausible possible format for a Fallout TV series, other than copying the Walking Dead? (I mean of more than five episodes)

We're not going to get X-Files, Shogun, or Seinfeld caliber; this is a series where the IP holder has no clue about core premise, or how to write anymore of it... and they've used all of it before.

The writers will do like Bethesda themselves did; use the IP like a new dress for a familiar [show] template. Think NukaBreak/Walking Dead in the retro 50's wastelands. Ghouls, Mutants, and Yao guai, oh my! ~~And a Ron Perlman cameo! Mayhaps a [Granamyr like] talking Deathclaw.
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Super Mutants in Canada
Super Mutants in Brazil
Super Mutants in France
FEV was manufactured and distributed world wide with specific FEV dipping instructions
Super Mutants in Canada
Super Mutants in Brazil
Super Mutants in France
FEV was manufactured and distributed world wide with specific FEV dipping instructions
I feel like they might actually not just use Super Mutants and innovate new species, because if all they did was use super mutants and ghouls for the entirety of the show it would just be boring as hell and no one would be interested
I feel like they might actually not just use Super Mutants and innovate new species, because if all they did was use super mutants and ghouls for the entirety of the show it would just be boring as hell and no one would be interested
Super Mutants in Russia. Super Mutants in South Africa. Super Mutants in Iraq. FEV cola. FEV kool aid.