Fallout Tycoon 2

Calculon00 were you going to post the docs you have done so far? As maybe you might get some good feedback and ideas if you do.

Cheers Thorgrimm
Well, I sent a message to Kaczor asking him how I post stuff in the Fallout Tycoon 2 Section of VDHP, but untill I hear back from him, here are the design docs:


Enjoy! I still have to add more to them as the game develops. Also, the descriptions I used for each town arn't in there.

EDIT: If you want to download the design docs, right click on the link I just posted and click on "save target as". Just clicking on the link will make you view the design doc in your browser.
<sarcasm>Wow, this is just great</sarcasm>
I try to upload what I have so far on Fallout Tycoon 2 and the host that is hosting my files goes down.

On another note:
*Whew* I mjust finished all the town descriptions for the game. I was going to upload what I had so far so you guys could see it, but the server went down. Poop.
Yeah, one of the "wonders" of the internet :wink: Thanks for the doc UL Calculon. I am very intrested in looking at them, and if you do not mind, give my 2 cents.

Cheers Thorgrimm
OK! so the server is back up, and I uploaded what I have so far with FTR.

Right click on this link and choose "save target as" or youll be waiting a long time for the browser to load the file before it displays. The file is 10.7 mb
http://aa.1asphost.com/fallouttycoon2/FalloutTycoon Rebirth.swf

The only button that works on the main menu is "new" and all you can do is click on different parts of the landscape to choose a location of your city, but you can see all the descriptions I gave for all the towns and terrain types.
Calculon00, sorry to bother you dude, but i tried to dl the docs and i keep getting "a connection to the server could not be established." Just wondering if i am doing something wrong. :scratch:

Cheers Thorgrimm
After deleting all my internet files, I right-clicked on the link and went to save target as and it worked....I don't know whats wrong, but I also posted a link for Fallout Tycoon Rebirth if you want to see how choosing you city is going to work.
Calculon00, Thanks for the email dude. And if you do not mind i have a couple of questions.

1. How are you going to represent population growth? Immigration and intrinsic growth? And if so does satisfaction play a major role in growth?

2. How are you going to do research? Once you build a University are you going to have certain techs, or just certain research levels that activate buildings?

3. Are you going to have a maintenence cost on buildings? And if so is there going to be a tax system for population and trade?

Cheers Thorgrimm
Thorgrimm said:
1. How are you going to represent population growth? Immigration and intrinsic growth? And if so does satisfaction play a major role in growth?

Each city will have a growth rate percentage assigned to it. At the start of each year, it will be reset to a random nuber between two numbers. Certain cities, for example, will have a growth rate of 2-3%, while other cities will have a rate of 0-0.5%. Every month, the population will be increased accordingly.

Thorgrimm said:
2. How are you going to do research? Once you build a University are you going to have certain techs, or just certain research levels that activate buildings?

I was thininhg that research could only be carried out in labs. The schools are only used to train scientists to work IN the labs. When you start research on a topic, it will take a certain number of reserch points to complete, and at the end of every day, each of the scientists working on the topic will add research points to the total in that topic. A lab can only employ so many people, and you will have to expand your lab or build a new one if you want to employ more scientists.

Thorgrimm said:
3. Are you going to have a maintenence cost on buildings? And if so is there going to be a tax system for population and trade?

Most buildings you build will have a small maintenance cost. It will be like sim city. For example, each section of sewer will cost $0.10 a month to maintain.(This isn't the actual cost, just an example)[/quote]
@Calculon00, about growth most people agree that they move to a place where they are happy and basic amenities are available. I think if you tie satisfaction into your growth curve you could more accurately portray immigration to the city. As the more items the city has that increases the satisfaction, the more people will flock to your city, and i think it would give people an incentive to build satisfaction buildings. You could also tie in a tax system to population also, which would give another incentive to build satisfaction buildings. Just a thought. :)

Cheers Thorgrimm
Yeah, definitely. The growth model I just described in my last post would be applied to all other cities, the demand for residential areas would be directly proportional to satisfaction levels.

S level= Satisfaction level
W level = wealth level

Here’s what I was thinking for the system for city satisfaction:

At the beginning of every day, satisfaction is calculated for each tile of residential zone. This S level is calculated on a number of things like schools, hospitals, sewers, blah blah blah. Anyway, the S level will range from 0 (Piss poor), to 100(Paradise), and the chance that someone will move into that square that day will be equal to the S level. (If s level is 40 then 40% chance).

When a person moves into a house, the S level that was on that square when they moved into it will be their wealth (W) level, so people who have moved into a poor neighborhood will be poor, and generally make the place look like a slum (The buildings will be faded brown). If people move into a neighborhood with a high S level, then the neighborhood will look clean and desirable. If a S level on any given house falls below half of the W level of the people who live there, the house will become abandoned, and can be moved into by poorer people as if it were newly zoned residential.
I believe the correct spelling would be "civilization". Also, I think you want to make the music sound kinda scratchy like it's an old record.

Other than those points, I thought it was a great intro. Had a very Fallout feel to it.

Might want to talk more about forming cities and large groups, though, since that's what the game is about.
Calculon00 What can i say? :shock: Superb! I figured Moody River would make a good Fallout song! :D I am looking forward to the rest of it! :ok:

Cheers Thorgrimm
Wow. From what I have seen this is an extremely well organised project. You've even stopped me thinking about FO3 and start thinking about FT:R. I'm very impressed. Keep up the good work.
OK. I'll today add Intro and Selecting map files to FT: R section at VDHP. When you'll have new updates,let me know. I want to have info about FT: R up to date.
Ok, for those of you who don't know, there is now a FTR section of the pic gallery. I;ve posted several high-res versions of the buildings and some maps if you want to take a look.