Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

Hello everybody. I read through the thread but still cannot solve my problem.
Downloaded F4.2, copied 4 files from F2 installation folder but i am getting still CRC check error.
I am not one who understands much about that so please if there is somebody to help me with solving it i would appreciate a lot.
Hello everybody. I read through the thread but still cannot solve my problem.
Downloaded F4.2, copied 4 files from F2 installation folder but i am getting still CRC check error.
I am not one who understands much about that so please if there is somebody to help me with solving it i would appreciate a lot.
1. Show the values from the error (or screenshot of the error) to fix
2. run sf-configurator - system - get crc - run the game
1. Show the values from the error (or screenshot of the error) to fix
2. run sf-configurator - system - get crc - run the game

Hi again. "Cannot open the game executable for CRC check." That is exactly a message i am getting.... Please can you explain you second step more like to a noob? :) I am not so good at it :/
In the game\mod folder there are "sf_configurator.exe" - run this and go to the "system" tab, find the "get crc" button and specify "fallouty.exe" - the value will appear in the line: 0x******. Now, click Done for exit or Run the game for starting the game. The game should start.
In the game\mod folder there are "sf_configurator.exe" - run this and go to the "system" tab, find the "get crc" button and specify "fallouty.exe" - the value will appear in the line: 0x******. Now, click Done for exit or Run the game for starting the game. The game should start.
Problem is that i dont have that file in the folder FY4.2... Do i have to download it separately or can i use the one from F2 ?
1. Install Fo2
2. Install FY4.2u2 in subfolder and run from Yesterday icon.
3. play the game
if the same error appears, use the advice above.
if the other - write.
if you are confused by a possible warning about an "unknown program", this is normal.
1. Install Fo2
2. Install FY4.2u2 in subfolder and run from Yesterday icon.
3. play the game
if the same error appears, use the advice above.
if the other - write.
if you are confused by a possible warning about an "unknown program", this is normal.
Do you have please a source of the game ? i think i downloaded wrong one then
Any original distribution (gog\steam\egs\etc)
Hello again. I am alredy desperate aout running this game. I went through the all the threads here or discord and reddit but i have still problem with "Game initialization failed". Is a problem with my steam F2.exe file ? Or i am missing to copy some files?
Hello again. I am alredy desperate aout running this game. I went through the all the threads here or discord and reddit but i have still problem with "Game initialization failed". Is a problem with my steam F2.exe file ? Or i am missing to copy some files?
  • update directx9
  • launch the game with HRP
  • launch the game with sfall
  • launch the game with minimum resolution
You need to run this mod from FY shortcut/exe, you do not need to use Fo2 shortcut/exe.
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Hello again. I am alredy desperate aout running this game. I went through the all the threads here or discord and reddit but i have still problem with "Game initialization failed". Is a problem with my steam F2.exe file ? Or i am missing to copy some files?
or just read the damn readme.txt in the installation.. it clearly says you require to copy the .exe from fallout2 and should rename it properly *or else it won't work* duuuh...

having the directx_web_setup instaled also hellps preventing issues, however this plus having all the VC++ libraries installed is a bread and butter of any pc gamer, if you can't do this go buy yourself a PS5 and go play games on that.
or just read the damn readme.txt in the installation.. it clearly says you require to copy the .exe from fallout2 and should rename it properly *or else it won't work* duuuh...

having the directx_web_setup instaled also hellps preventing issues, however this plus having all the VC++ libraries installed is a bread and butter of any pc gamer, if you can't do this go buy yourself a PS5 and go play games on that.
Sorry that i am disturbing you by my knowledge but even an electrician cannot be a doctor at the same time for example. Espacialy for people borned earlier like my case. I have read all readmes all over the place so for that i am asking what i am missing. Even i thought this is a forum to help each other and i see in your reply some frustration but i dont know what i did to you?
  • update directx9
  • launch the game with HRP
  • launch the game with sfall
  • launch the game with minimum resolution
You need to run this mod from АН shortcut/exe, you do not need to use Fo2 shortcut/exe.

What is that AH? I tried your tips but right now i am getting 2 errors "Could not find/load text fonts" or "Fallout appears to be running on compatibility mode...." but i checked .exe files and configuratour and i have 640:480. Administratot unchecked as it says later in that error.
Sorry that i am disturbing you by my knowledge but even an electrician cannot be a doctor at the same time for example. Espacialy for people borned earlier like my case. I have read all readmes all over the place so for that i am asking what i am missing. Even i thought this is a forum to help each other and i see in your reply some frustration but i dont know what i did to you?

Look all the installations of fallout: Yesterday, and I've played up until it became subscriber only due to certain troll video on You tube, had an instruction in the readme as a part of installation process to copy the fallout2.exe and rename it to FalloutY.exe. now i don't know if this is still the case, but previous versions did not run without this. To fix fallout game you don't need a doctor, but a fallout modder :p

[explanation rant]
As of fridy eve I am searching for a doctor, since i have a fucking throat infection, and it hurts like hell, couldn't even eat freaking xmas eve dinner cause of the pain, sorry but as i know it hungry man in pain is an angry man in pain, as the saying goes, so i might have been a bit edgy. I'm sorry, to have hurt your feelings for beeing rough on you.. ok? Just ment to point out the .exe name change in the readme..

oh.. and please don't be discouraged by any stylistic errors I've made in this post, I'm just to exhausted from the fighting with the infection, I don't have the strength to do a quadruple check on the post for any spelling mistakes, missing capital letters etc.
I don't hold any grudge over You or anything. So chill, it was just a ricoche from a very bad weekend I had.
after all since as You say You're older You prolly know us millenials are like that :p
As for beeing an electrician it's just school education, it doesn't say much about skills habbits and hobby knowledge
[/explanation rant]
1. Everyone with the last Christmas holiday (those who celebrate)
2. Who is sick - get well.
3. Let Fallout Run and play =)
1. Everyone with the last Christmas holiday (those who celebrate)
2. Who is sick - get well.
3. Let Fallout Run and play =)
I think i will be never able to run it. game was installed as subfolder FY in C-Steam-steamapps-F2-FY. F2.exe file was copied and renamed as falouty (2). All setings were UNmarked as "run as administrato, 256 colors, ..." as the error says. Did i forgot to copy other files? Is it problem with a steam? I am going to smash with everything here...
I think i will be never able to run it. game was installed as subfolder FY in C-Steam-steamapps-F2-FY. F2.exe file was copied and renamed as falouty (2). All setings were UNmarked as "run as administrato, 256 colors, ..." as the error says. Did i forgot to copy other files? Is it problem with a steam? I am going to smash with everything here...
1. Install Fallout 2 (is done)
2. Install Yesterday r4.2u2 (this version with installer)
3. Play the mod by running from Fallout Yesterday.lnk
*No other actions are required.
*If it doesn't work, reinstall it in the folder with the game by changing the path and clicking the "root directory" button...

Happy New Year. Happiness, health, love.