Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

I wanted to use the inventory sorter but it doesn't work. Also, another bug: I didn't notice before but I was dumped right in the middle of the world map. When I tried to get back to the Tibbets, it was lebeled error and I spawned in the black void. Reloading last save (from some random encounter map) crashed the game. After reopening the game, save worked but the error remained.

I can't offer support for customized installations right now, sorry. I have no clue what changes you did to the game by installing custom mods but sounds like things broke!

I found the tribal temple, talked to the guy there. He said he gives me tools but I have none in the inventory, also the message on the car says I can't fix it. Is this just an easter egg or can I obtain the vehicle (or is it something waiting for the full version)?

You should have received the tools.. unless you stole them first? But anyway, the car can't be repaired in this release. It will work in the next one.

Are you going to release the game in chunks like this or is it just a demo/proof of the concept and the whole thing will just show up someday?

The game will be released in updates like this one. Work on the next one already started.

or are you simply talking about that map transition to the spore plant?.

Yeah, I was referring to this one.

I feel like there could've been more characters in the Prison for the PC to interact with (the Prison feels a bit empty at times) but other than that the main story is intriguing and I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us next.

Tibbets is much, MUCH larger than what you've seen. It's not meant to be fully accessible from the start. Speaking of NPCs, yeah I had to remove quite a bit of content in order to hit the July deadline I set a few months earlier. The cut content will be back in the next release and other areas will become accessible with the progress of main plot.

Just escaped Tibbets. The frames throughout this demo where choppy even with the high-resolution patch, which really was the only upsetting thing that threw me out it.

What are you running this on? There shouldn't be any choppiness unless you're not used to animations with 8 to 12 frames. It is an old but responsive engine.


got your original .avi videos converted to a format playable by Fallout 2 engine. also have both files in 2 versions one in 640x480 and one upscaled to 1440x1080. both versions of both files do work under Fallout:Yesterday, though the quality gain from the upscaled version is marginal compared to 480p. however it's still shit tons better than your .MVE videos which you haven't transformed with -hq parameter in order for them to be 480p. instead both your .MVEs are 240p as in 320x240 ( that's what happens if you don't use -hq parameter). Anyways .avi playback in game has a side effects. if you don't use <filename>.cfg and <filename>.pal thoghether with the movie both side belts during playback have strange colors for example white or blue. however if you do use theese files together with .avi files video has artifacts during playback. nothing major, but still annoying.

if you want i can share the files, although the 1080 versions are quite big. intro.avi in 1080 is over 1,2GB big. 14mins video though.

Thanks so much for your assistance, those MVEs were just a temporary fix I made quickly since reports started coming in fast about people being unable to get past the AVIs.

Where did you turn on the -hq option? In avi2mve ?
I'll definitively be using MVEs in the future but I'm not happy with their current quality so the plan is to rebuild MVEs using the official Interplay tools for next release.
I'll gladly check your files as a source, send them my way. If I end up using them I'll put you in the credits :)
Thanks so much for your assistance, those MVEs were just a temporary fix I made quickly since reports started coming in fast about people being unable to get past the AVIs.

Where did you turn on the -hq option? In avi2mve ?
I'll definitively be using MVEs in the future but I'm not happy with their current quality so the plan is to rebuild MVEs using the official Interplay tools for next release.
I'll gladly check your files as a source, send them my way. If I end up using them I'll put you in the credits :)

in command line tool you simply add the "-hq" without the quotes by the end on the othe rhand if you talk about THIS GUI:

OR command line:


besides no need to convert to .MVE

As I said I *recompiled* your .avi fles, and now they *DO* work in the game. the version for 480p intro.avi You already have from 2 posts away. now I present you with:

intro.avi recompiled to: format: mpeg1 codec: mpeg1 audio: mpeg2, extension changed to avi in order to work in fallout2 engine. simply input intro.avi and uncomment ";" from before MovieXX=

forgot about this one :
intro.avi @ 1440x1080 bitrate upped to 12,5Mb/s

Same deal as above but for timemach.avi 640x480:

and lastly timemach.avi 1440x1080:
edit bitrate upped to 12,5Mb/s


Once agin: No need to convert them.... they *do* work in fallout. I personally made sure they do.

the upscaled files were a slideshow so i had to up the bitrate to 12,5Mbps so now they
need Fallout to be placed on a fast drive like a high quality SSD or an M.2 NVMe drive.

finally pasword for the above 3 files is:
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besides no need to convert to .MVE

As I said I *recompiled* your .avi fles, and now they *DO* work in the game. the version for 480p intro.avi You already have from 2 posts away. now I present you with:

intro.avi recompiled to: format: mpeg1 codec: mpeg1 audio: mpeg2, extension changed to avi in order to work in fallout2 engine. simply input intro.avi and uncomment ";" from before MovieXX=

Is there a 100% guarantee that those AVIs will work for everybody on every OS version the game is playable on?
I'd rather not embarrass myself again by trying to fix the same issue twice xD
i have no idea, however video format: mpeg1 with codec: mpeg1 is as close to .MVE as possible. besides all video based on DirectShow should work your .avi's did not because they were H.264. besides .AVI specification v1.0 is as simple as it can get and it's not compressed so simply put it in theory should work on any system. besides Your versions did not work for me eigther because sfall AllowDShowVideo= does not support h.264 codec only some brands of mpeg. although i can give no guarantee on this.
Yeah, I won't be taking any chances, I'll stick to MVE.

@gustarballs1983 I tried using your AVIs with avi2mve but all three are giving me errors. I presume it's because of the resolution but then again I'm getting the same error with timemach.avi 640x480 so something else is at work here
This is looking pretty good. I just updated to the latest version and played it for a bit.

I have a few questions and suggestions, if you don't mind:
  1. Does picking Ghoul or Super Mutant affects the character in any way? (stuff like stats, skills, resistances, AP, carry weight, usable equipment, etc)
  2. Some of the new Traits descriptions are a bit vague. Would it be possible to make a text file with the Traits effects and include it in the installation archive? (like the Install Instructions txt is included)
  3. How much repair is needed to disable the behemoth's minigun? I have 102 and can't disable it, so I'm curious. :aiee:
  4. How do I make the attack to Tibbets happen, so I can escape? In the version before the latest, I managed to trigger the attack somehow, so I got out into the wastes. But the new game I started in this latest version I'm still in the prison and it's already the 16 of November.
  5. Is there any way of disabling the cells' forcefield "doors"? I'm assuming there's not a way, but just curious about it.
  6. Does the boxing equipment in Tibbets' gyms do anything if our character already has a high Unarmed skill? I used them all and my unarmed stayed at the initial 80 (I usually play with unarmed characters).
  7. Is there a way of removing Radiation from our character in Tibbets? Those slugs always radiate my character and I have no way of removing that radiation. I thought that the showers could help with that, but they are not usable. Then I thought that maybe there was an infirmary, but there's not one, not an AutoDoc or something like that either. This is not a complaint or anything, I'm just curious if I missed something obvious :roffle:.
  8. Those slugs are tough, poison and radiate, but they give little XP. I can't remember how much, but it felt underwhelming defeating them. Maybe there could be a chest or locker in the room where the slugs are with some junk loot or something, just to feel more rewarding (unless I missed something that's already in there).
  9. Don't know if this is a bug, but I disabled the Vault Boy hologram using the repair (or maybe it was science, can't remember anymore) skill. It vanished, but when I came back to the area later, he was back. I then punched it and killed it, gaining 1 XP and his body stays there. Is this a bug?
Ok, these ended up being longer than I thought. I am loving playing this. I already played Tibbets with 3 or 4 different characters, only one got out of it though. :lol:
It's rare for me to find a game these days that I want to try different characters at the start, just to see what I can do in it. And your work made me want to do it. This project is great and I thank you for it. :ok:
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1. Does picking Ghoul or Super Mutant affects the character in any way? (stuff like stats, skills, resistances, AP, carry weight, usable equipment, etc)

I answered this a few days ago here. Let me copy/paste the answer:

"Actually the reason that didn't get implemented is because I'm still looking for a good way to communicate those to the player in real time on the Character Creations screen due to technical limitations of Fallout 2. It's on the TODO list and will be sorted out in the next release."

I implemented it two days ago and it will be in the next release.

2. Some of the new Traits descriptions are a bit vague. Would it be possible to make a text file with the Traits effects and include it in the installation archive? (like the Install Instructions txt is included)

I also answered this a few days ago: "Description style follows the same style of Fallout 1/2. Numbers are rarely mentioned but I'll review if there's room for improvement."

3. How much repair is needed to disable the behemoth's minigun? I have 102 and can't disable it, so I'm curious. :aiee:

With 102, you only have 7% chance of doing it. Keep trying :)
P.S. He has 4 miniguns so he's not disarmed if you grab one.

4. How do I make the attack to Tibbets happen, so I can escape? In the version before the latest, I managed to trigger the attack somehow, so I got out into the wastes. But the new game I started in this latest version I'm still in the prison and it's already the 16 of November.

Basically, you need to attend your trial, then get the Mach V bomb from the smuggler and then enter the turbine room and plant it on the computer. That's when the attack happens and the soldiers intervene into your plans.

5. Is there any way of disabling the cells' forcefield "doors"? I'm assuming there's not a way, but just curious about it.

Currently you can only disable the red ones. White ones will be available for disabling in the future. I cut lots of unique NPCs from those cellblocks due to late July deadline. They'll be back.

6. Does the boxing equipment in Tibbets' gyms do anything if our character already has a high Unarmed skill? I used them all and my unarmed stayed at the initial 80 (I usually play with unarmed characters).

Every punching bag should raise your unarmed by 1 before you break it. It's weird that it didn't have an effect on your character as I remember it worked when I tested it. I'll check it out again.

7. Is there a way of removing Radiation from our character in Tibbets? Those slugs always radiate my character and I have no way of removing that radiation. I thought that the showers could help with that, but they are not usable. Then I thought that maybe there was an infirmary, but there's not one, not an AutoDoc or something like that either. This is not a complaint or anything, I'm just curious if I missed something obvious :roffle:.

I didn't have enough time to implement and test the showers but they'll be functional in the next release.

8. Those slugs are tough, poison and radiate, but they give little XP. I can't remember how much, but it felt underwhelming defeating them. Maybe there could be a chest or locker in the room where the slugs are with some junk loot or something, just to feel more rewarding (unless I missed something that's already in there).

Low XP for slugs is an oversight and will be fixed.

9. Don't know if this is a bug, but I disabled the Vault Boy hologram using the repair (or maybe it was science, can't remember anymore) skill. It vanished, but when I came back to the area later, he was back. I then punched it and killed it, gaining 1 XP and his body stays there. Is this a bug?
No that's not a bug. OMG, you killed him! xD

And your work made me want to do it. This project is great and I thank you for it. :ok:

You're welcome and thank you for playing it! :ok:
Nice to see that Risewild's critique is similiar to my own. Btw, boxing bag works fine for me.
I've been playing a little more and I found two little things that can probably be fixed easily:
- When fighting slugs, sometimes (after a critical hit) text says: ''slug was hit (...) the floater drops to the ground''.
- Corrections officer bot has no named body parts in aimed shot window. (yes, I tried fighting robots, but they are tough - as they should be!)
On a side note, it would be great if we could find an antidote or two. I guess the medical ward is in a totally different part of Tibbets?

I managed to successfully use my 106% Science on Odysseus, awesome little secret!
Gasbots are my favourite robots, they are... cute and seem clumsy. But they can hit hard!
I'm really intrigued how the Tibbets prison will look in the next release. I think we can compare it to the Temple of Trials/Arroyo map of Fallout 2, and I think it is already more interesting, because there is a sense of mystery and you can see all this wonderful high-tech stuff.

As a tutorial area, I guess that Tibbets could benefit from several NPCs: a trader (drug dealer?), a ''love interest'' to flirt with and try your Speech & Charisma, maybe a gambler-tragic player too (to use gambling skill)? In general, I'd love to talk to other prisoners. The whole situation in Tibbets is very interesting, because it is such a nice place, and it has secrets too. Many would probably never want to escape! It makes this place more interesting from psychological perspective.

Slugs could be somehow explained, maybe linked to a quest? Right now we can only kill them or sneak past them. I agree that a reward for killling them would be nice. Or maybe we could persuade robots to kill them? Or maybe the player could fix an eyebot, gain a temporary companion and kill the slugs more easily with its help? At least wiki said something about fixing a robot.

Btw, I tried to spread the word here and there. Not a bad result imho, it was posted on monday and tuesday :)
Hi Sagez and thanks for reporting bugs and your suggestions!

- When fighting slugs, sometimes (after a critical hit) text says: ''slug was hit (...) the floater drops to the ground''.

Hmmm.. think I know what that could be.

- Corrections officer bot has no named body parts in aimed shot window. (yes, I tried fighting robots, but they are tough - as they should be!)

Really, I thought I did that... I know I did it for the service bot models. Will check it out.

On a side note, it would be great if we could find an antidote or two. I guess the medical ward is in a totally different part of Tibbets?

You are correct, the medical ward is on a lower level. However, the antiseptic showers in cellblocks will work in the next release.

Your Tibbets suggestions are pretty much in line with what is already been planned. You will be happy seeing how it evolves in the future releases :)

And a big THANK YOU for helping spread the word, my przyjaciel! ( Hope I got that right :D )
I've been encountering an error message every time i try to play this going along the lines of:

The instructions at 10028635 referenced memory at 00000000
The memory could not be read from

I think my laptop just may not have enough memory, but I don't know
I've been encountering an error message every time i try to play this going along the lines of:

The instructions at 10028635 referenced memory at 00000000
The memory could not be read from

I think my laptop just may not have enough memory, but I don't know

Can you tell me which OS are you using?
What are your hardware specs?
And are you using fallout2.exe version US 1.02d?
Sorry but how can I enter a new game?
When I enter a new game,it will be:

If I press esc and save game,it will:

and if I load this game:
Whoa! Looks like a broken game due to some mod you installed.
Did you customize the installation?
Whoa! Looks like a broken game due to some mod you installed.
Did you customize the installation?

No,I just install a GOG version and run Fallout Yesterday R1.exe then unzip all files into fallout 2 folder.Or maybe it need a new folder in fallout 2 folder?
You just drop your Fallout2.exe in a newly created folder for Yesterday, not extracting everything to your Fallout2 folder...
Can you tell me which OS are you using?
What are your hardware specs?
And are you using fallout2.exe version US 1.02d?

I'm using windows 10 with Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3060 @ 1.6GHz processor on a 64 bit-operating system. I believe it is US 1.02 since it says that at the the bottom right of the corner when i boot up the game, but i could stil be wrong i've done much of modding before. Hope that's helpful
I'm using windows 10 with Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3060 @ 1.6GHz processor on a 64 bit-operating system. I believe it is US 1.02 since it says that at the the bottom right of the corner when i boot up the game, but i could stil be wrong i've done much of modding before. Hope that's helpful

That doesn't sound right. This is what it should say in the bottom right corner


I suggest unpacking the game into a new folder and only copying fallout2.exe inside, don't try merging it with an existing Fallout 2 installation like some players tried to.