Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

Started anew. It's just ''Go on'' and dialogue window closes. Thank you too, you make great games!
Installer that fixes issue with accessing one Special Encounter is up! I also sneaked in some other minor world map fixes too.

How about adding the "use on" flag to currency?
it's annoying as hell to purchse out those afterburner gums and coke from vending machines by using caps from inventory. sfall 4.2.8(1) has a neat feature of selecting "use on" for item in active hand slot with pressing the reload ammo button (selectable in sfall) so when for example we set reload button to "w" (=17) and having "use on" flag on currency one simply puts currency in hands and presses "w" and clicks on the vending machine and that's it purchase done. Not plowing down through inventory to get to caps.... waaay to many clicks for waaay to little purchase.

other thing i find weird is vending machines *usually* operate on coins i actually haven't found any that accept bottle caps as payment method, as they do in Fo:yesterday :p

cola machines in Fo1 were non functional they worked in Fo2 but Fo2 used gold coins as currency. and I'm not counting in oddnesses as paper money accepted by cola machines as in Fo:Nevada...
Updating sfall from 4.2.8 to would be a nice thing too as ddraw.ini stays the same only ddraw.dll needs to be replaced. also some annoying bugs get squashed, by this single moove.
other thing i find weird is vending machines *usually* operate on coins i actually haven't found any that accept bottle caps as payment method, as they do in Fo:yesterday :p
Old School Soda-Pop Machine

New School Vending Machine

I'm not sure if Fallout's Nuka-Cola machines were supposed to be old fashioned (gears, slots, and springs) or run on SCIENCE! Anyway I suppose the machines could be modified to take whatever, but since the games use them mostly as scenery, I wouldn't think that there would be an in-game explanation. However, there are explanations for many other aspects of the setting in Fallout games.
FNV's Lonesome Road Commissary used "counterfeit-proof" chits that were the same size and shape as bottle caps. So the player can buy stuff from the machine using bottlecaps.

Maybe the Drinking Machines used the same "counterfeit-proof" chits or something :lmao:.
FNV's Lonesome Road Commissary used "counterfeit-proof" chits that were the same size and shape as bottle caps. So the player can buy stuff from the machine using bottlecaps.

Maybe the Drinking Machines used the same "counterfeit-proof" chits or something :lmao:.

Don't get me wrong but I don't consider any post apo game to be a fallout game unless it's *isometric* and *turnbased* post apo game with fallout title. Therefore Fallout3; F:NV and Fo4 are not Fallout games but just a simulator about living as a bum. That is traveling from trashcan to trashcan and looking for junk to sell like pencils and broken toys, old teddy bears etc, classic Fallouts had the digninty to spare their players such abysmal fate.
Don't get me wrong but I don't consider any post apo game to be a fallout game unless it's *isometric* and *turnbased* post apo game with fallout title. Therefore Fallout3; F:NV and Fo4 are not Fallout games but just a simulator about living as a bum. That is traveling from trashcan to trashcan and looking for junk to sell like pencils and broken toys, old teddy bears etc, classic Fallouts had the digninty to spare their players such abysmal fate.
I understand, but the fact is that FNV is a direct sequel to FO2 and made by a few people involved in making FO2 too.
I don't care for Bethesda "lore". But FNV, for the most part, not only follows classic Fallout lore, but it also respects and adds to it in a positive way.

Even if we only consider the classic Fallout games "Fallout", there is nothing stopping us from being able to adopt in our projects something that we can consider good enough from the more modern games.

Just out of curiosity, do you consider Fallout Tactics a fallout game too?
I understand, but the fact is that FNV is a direct sequel to FO2 and made by a few people involved in making FO2 too.
I don't care for Bethesda "lore". But FNV, for the most part, not only follows classic Fallout lore, but it also respects and adds to it in a positive way.

Even if we only consider the classic Fallout games "Fallout", there is nothing stopping us from being able to adopt in our projects something that we can consider good enough from the more modern games.

Just out of curiosity, do you consider Fallout Tactics a fallout game too?

I consider Fo1,5:Resurrection Fo:Nevada; Last Hope mod ; Fo:Sonora to be more fallout canon than F:NV as it's just oblivion with guns to me and has that new fucking vibe of adding modern life politics to the game you either side with faggots, nazis, Make yourself a king or fuck up everything, and no other way.

As for Fo:Tactics i consider it a Fallouty like hybrid game since there's no speech skill and it's not exactly turn based mechanics when everything is adapted to sort of realtime with freaking pause.. same way FOnline held me back. same way as Player driven factions beeing more powerfull than strongest NPC factions in the game..
I mean freaking BBS overtaking NCR?! what's next BBS takes over Shi, BoS or Enclave?! that's freaking hilarious.
Pvp element in this game shhould be remooved, same way as pvp stealing without any crcumvention. For example Player steal attempt chance 1/PE x 100% of target player no other freaking way. Game is ruinned by less than 50 nerds with bazzilion of alts.

Yeah in my Book FO:Yesterday will be added to my list of Fallout games as soon as it leaves 'demo version' stage of development, as right now it's unfortuneatly not much more. Fun to bug test but not much more than wandering. Although I admit that facing cazadores without any sort of armor is painfull.
The vibe of shitty to no armor always attracted me to the early stages of those games, and here the fun lasts even longer, heck I even got Avenger Minigun with plenty of ammo and a solar scorcher, but still no armor, it's up to a point where it becomes creepy. One thing tho,
A note to @hexer here:
Mysterious Stranger is OP. One simply has to chose this perk and enter the desert couple of times to encounter him and rob him. 2x Stimpacks and plenty of ammo (rinse and repeat).
the only Fallout that I've seen had fixed this was/is FO:Sonora where it's scripted to be impossible to steal from Mysterious Stranger. Let's face it, grind the Stranger enaugh times and one swimms in stimpacks and ammo. that's OP. I don't thik it was considered as intended, so my guess is it should be fixed.
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Strange...I've done all as stated in the install instructions but when I try to start the game I get "Game initialization failed!"

I had no such problems with the previous version.

Any help? :sad:
Strange...I've done all as stated in the install instructions but when I try to start the game I get "Game initialization failed!"

I had no such problems with the previous version.

Any help? :sad:
that is most probably that the *install instructions* don't take into account that Fallout2 from gog.com or Restoration project or 99.9% of most fallout2 exes are *patched* to utilize High Resolution Patch known as HRP.

while patched fallout2.exe will require f2_res.dll ; f2_res.ini and f2_res.dat as well to be copied together with Fallout2.exe in order to work correctly. otherwise one needs to unpatch the Fallout2.exe with F2res-patcher.exe. also gog.com versionand steam version might require additional .dll files from fallout 2 folder to work. Your best bet would be downloading Fallout2 1.02 US patch instaler version and run it to unpack somwhere. you'll get both non-HRP partched Fallout2.exe and the required for FO:Yesterday but nowadays obsolete patch000.dat which no modern version of Fallout 2 uses anyways. Missing master.dat and critter.dat must be taken from fallout2 installation folder.
Not sure what else might be the problem..
that is most probably that the *install instructions* don't take into account that Fallout2 from gog.com or Restoration project or 99.9% of most fallout2 exes are *patched* to utilize High Resolution Patch known as HRP.

while patched fallout2.exe will require f2_res.dll ; f2_res.ini and f2_res.dat as well to be copied together with Fallout2.exe in order to work correctly. otherwise one needs to unpatch the Fallout2.exe with F2res-patcher.exe. also gog.com versionand steam version might require additional .dll files from fallout 2 folder to work. Your best bet would be downloading Fallout2 1.02 US patch instaler version and run it to unpack somwhere. you'll get both non-HRP partched Fallout2.exe and the required for FO:Yesterday but nowadays obsolete patch000.dat which no modern version of Fallout 2 uses anyways. Missing master.dat and critter.dat must be taken from fallout2 installation folder.
Not sure what else might be the problem..

Well, I'm indeed using the gog version. Should I look for the old version?

When I put f2_res.dll ; f2_res.ini and f2_res.dat to my Fallout Yesterday folder I still get a blue screen and a crash afterwards.

Its strange though that I had no problems with the previous version of Fallout Yesterday even with the gog version.
Well, I'm indeed using the gog version. Should I look for the old version?

When I put f2_res.dll ; f2_res.ini and f2_res.dat to my Fallout Yesterday folder I still get a blue screen and a crash afterwards.

Its strange though that I had no problems with the previous version of Fallout Yesterday even with the gog version.

Well I alredy told you to get fallout2.exe from "1.02 US installer official patch" i think it's in Dobrovik's archive somwhere ( stickied in modding subforum). You'll need "Fallout2.exe" and "patch000.dat" from there. "master.dat" and "critter.dat" need to be copied from Fallout 2 instalation folder into Fallout:yesterday. and that's it.
If you want the HRP to work as well say so. it's possible but requires additional steps.

also WHOAA.. if you get bluescreens you might as well check stuff with a good antivirus i didn't get any bluescreens. perhaps you still run an older version of the game? new version unpacks to "Fallout Yesterday R2"
So I added the exe. and the patch000.dat from the 1.02d patch to the Fallout Yesterday folder alongside the master.dat and the critter.dat from the original game but I still get the "Game initialization failed" message and the blue screen :(

I even used the original version of the game in case the gog version was eaten by a virus or something.

Maybe something else needs to be done?

All versions run well with the previous version of Fallout Yesterday though.

I'm using windows 10. Might that be the problem?
The message means one of engine functions that handles the game system initialization somehow failed.
You can try setting DebugMode=2 in [Debugging] section and see if there is any "Failed on blah_init" message in debug.log to determine which part of game failed to initialize.
The message means one of engine functions that handles the game system initialization somehow failed.
You can try setting DebugMode=2 in [Debugging] section and see if there is any "Failed on blah_init" message in debug.log to determine which part of game failed to initialize.

All right, so I've done that and I got this in the debug.log:

Fade time is 79
Fade steps are 531
Chi squared is 20.582000, P = 36.420000 at 0.05
Sequence is random, 95% confidence.
>partyMember_init soundInit: Setting primary buffer to: 16 bit, 2 channels, 22050 rate
soundInit: Primary buffer settings set to: 16 bit, 2 channels, 22050 rate
Reading SNDLIST.LST Sound FX Count: 2168
>gsound_init >initMovie >gmovie_init >moviefx_init cache_init failed in art_init
art_init failed in iso_init
Failed on iso_init

What could it mean?
Looks like the game might fail to allocate memory for the art cache.

Hmmm, so what should I do?

Make more free space on my HD?

Reistalling probably won't do since I'm just borrowing files for Fallout Yesterday.

Something is corrupted in the art folder and needs to be either deleted or added?

Run on previous windows compatibility or with admin priviledges?