Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday


I'm loving the mod so far, great work, hope there'll be more updates soon!

My question is: how can you repair the power armor in BoS? I have 129% repair and always fail to fix it. I even have the manuals from the commanders quarters. What am I missing? Is there another way to get a power armor? I'm about to wipe out the CoS hideout and I could really use one right now. :)

I'm loving the mod so far, great work, hope there'll be more updates soon!

My question is: how can you repair the power armor in BoS? I have 129% repair and always fail to fix it. I even have the manuals from the commanders quarters. What am I missing? Is there another way to get a power armor? I'm about to wipe out the CoS hideout and I could really use one right now. :)

Thank you!

You can't repair that suit yet because if you did a Science check on it you would get info that you need these to repair it:
T-51b technical manual, systolic motivator and the unit's unlock codes.

However, you can repair the Circle of Steel suit with just T-51b technical manual and systolic motivator.
Hey Hexer, I've been loving Fallout: Yesterday! Been playing it for around 8-10 hours now and having a blast.

A few questions/comments though.
- Could you tell me how to find the CoS hideout?
- Does it take First Aid OR Doctor to help cure Elder Brixley? (Just making sure so I know which skill to raise.)
- What is the teaser location you mentioned north of The Reservation?
- Will the guy from the Radspider cave ever be a companion at some point, or does he just exist for the random encounter?
- How do I find a systolic motivator to repair the suit of power armor? I have found the technical manual already.
- How do you repair the memory banks and water chip on level 2 of the Maxson Bunker? I tried using a water chip on the computer and it did nothing, and repairing the memory banks made time pass but it told me I couldn't repair it.
- Is there anything else to VACCS other than the one map? (Shack inside fences) What's the point of that location?
- In Fort Abandon/Aradesh, is there any point to the ventilation tunnels? I found a keycard down there, but does it do anything?
- In Fort Abandon/Aradesh, is it possible to clear the rocks in the tunnels underneath the farm to further pursue the Legionnaires with the Deathclaw eggs?
Thanks for all your hard work, and I'm looking forward to keeping up with your future updates, because I'm hooked!
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Hi, you'll find my answers in the spoilers section.

Hey Hexer, I've been loving Fallout: Yesterday! Been playing it for around 8-10 hours now and having a blast.

A few questions/comments though.
- Could you tell me how to find the CoS hideout?

Take Devon's head back to Tibbets' Asylum and talk to Doctor Linder there. Once Hoover Dam gets added to the game there will be an alternative way.

- Does it take First Aid OR Doctor to help cure Elder Brixley? (Just making sure so I know which skill to raise.)

Doctor skill but it's a tough 90+ check!

- What is the teaser location you mentioned north of The Reservation?

The Crater!

- Will the guy from the Radspider cave ever be a companion at some point, or does he just exist for the random encounter?

Only for the random encounter.

- How do I find a systolic motivator to repair the suit of power armor? I have found the technical manual already.

Search the teaser location.

- How do you repair the memory banks and water chip on level 2 of the Maxson Bunker? I tried using a water chip on the computer and it did nothing, and repairing the memory banks made time pass but it told me I couldn't repair it.

Your Repair skills is too low. Try again after you level up. Also, keep the water chip you'll need it :D

- Is there anything else to VACCS other than the one map? (Shack inside fences) What's the point of that location?

It's also a teaser location that will be added after I finish the main game. You can encounter someone there during the night :)

- In Fort Abandon/Aradesh, is there any point to the ventilation tunnels? I found a keycard down there, but does it do anything?

That keycard helps you unlock the door inside the oil refinery power plant.

- In Fort Abandon/Aradesh, is it possible to clear the rocks in the tunnels underneath the farm to further pursue the Legionnaires with the Deathclaw eggs?

Not at the moment!
Thanks for all your hard work, and I'm looking forward to keeping up with your future updates, because I'm hooked!

Thanks for playing the game :)
I think I've found all the locations now, it just took a few years, is all.

I also tried blowing up the truck in the crater to go further inside like the text box suggested but it didn't do anything.
Also, is the power plant another map in Fort Abandon? I've found the entrance, parking lot, farm, ventilation ducts, and tunnels underneath the farm so far.
If it was implemented, the time limit would have lost me the game by now!
I think I've found all the locations now, it just took a few years, is all.
View attachment 18430
I also tried blowing up the truck in the crater to go further inside like the text box suggested but it didn't do anything.
Also, is the power plant another map in Fort Abandon? I've found the entrance, parking lot, farm, ventilation ducts, and tunnels underneath the farm so far.
If it was implemented, the time limit would have lost me the game by now!

As the Crater is a teaser location, you won't be able to explore it just yet.
Yes, the power plant is another map in FA. In the entrance go east and lockpick the door.

Think the game's capped at 13 years so you should be fine :D
I suppose this works out as bug testing for you, more finds/comments:
Almost all holotapes, 4/5 I have tested so far, have made the game crash after downloading them to the Pip-Boy...
This includes the autobiography tape (Maxson Level 2 Jail Locker), the feeder educational tape (Tibbets Kitchen Locker), and the movie trailer tape (Tibbets Classroom Locker), which I was able to watch but crashed after it ended.

Also I tried curing the elder again at 90 Doctor and it didn't work, then again at 100 and it still didn't work. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right or not, I'm just using the terminal in Sarah's room and trying to work out a cure, it always gives me the message that "12 hours has gone by and you're still not sure how to cure her". However, I got my repair up to 90 and that was enough to fix the other thing I was having problems with.

Related to that one, downloading Brixley's medical information doesn't show up as a file on your Pip-Boy, guess I just assumed it was supposed to.

None of the Ponte/Asylum quests work except the one related to the COS (I only know this because of a screenshot earlier in the thread.) you have to talk to a doctor there for. You can start them, but go no further than that.

Every time you enter Tibbets' kitchen after the military break-in, it will make a distant bang and say that a bomb went off down the corridor.

Using the Mark V mine on the turbine computer will cause the military break-in sequence to happen again if it was previously triggered without doing so.

Betty's post-barter text at the Reservation says "Error".

The game crashed after I talked to Captain Lowell about his run-in with "The Beast" in Cell Block 20. I loaded the save I made just before it in Cell Block 21 and went back to 20 and had the same conversation with him, but it was fine that time...

One more thing, I think when my follower (Hanged Man) leveled up, his max health dropped to my current max, from over 150 to 78.
Hope this information is helpful and doesn't come off as annoying.
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I suppose this works out as bug testing for you, more finds/comments:
Hope this information is helpful and doesn't come off as annoying.

Thanks for reporting those. I'm aware of some and some are new. The Tibbets' bomb one is hilarious :D

For Sarah's terminal, even though you have a big Doctor skill, you still have to pass a roll. That's how most Fallout checks work, it's not just having a certain number of points in a skill - there's a roll with failure chance present. If you have Doctor 91% due to difficulty it means you only have 1% chance of succeeding.
New day, new problems.
I can't figure out how to legitimately get the information that Devon is the poisoner. I've talked to every named NPC in the bunker and even pickpocketed them in hopes of finding some evidence, to no avail. I brute-forced it by blowing Devon up from a safe distance so the base wouldn't turn hostile and got the head to show the doctor, wiped out the COS base, yadda, yadda, yadda, but was left unsatisfied because I didn't do it "right". Could you give me a pointer or two? Am I missing something?

Also, what kind of repair skill does the suit of power armor at the COS hideout require?! I was 90 repair and using a Super Tool Kit as well as the skilldex on it at least 30 times but failed each and every time. I have the technical manual as mentioned before, and I got the systolic motivator from The Crater.

I wanted to ask just one thing I was curious about as well, are you going to include every location from Van Buren? And are they going to be in the same places as the design document leaks? VACCS and Crater seem unrelated to Van Buren; are you going to put more original lore-friendly locations in as well?
Thanks in advance for your answers! I just want to do everything you can in the game! I'm sure this information would be very helpful for anyone else who's looking for assistance as well. :)
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Hi KitsuneArmy! You can find my answers in the spoiler section.

New day, new problems.
I can't figure out how to legitimately get the information that Devon is the poisoner. I've talked to every named NPC in the bunker and even pickpocketed them in hopes of finding some evidence, to no avail. I brute-forced it by blowing Devon up from a safe distance so the base wouldn't turn hostile and got the head to show the doctor, wiped out the COS base, yadda, yadda, yadda, but was left unsatisfied because I didn't do it "right". Could you give me a pointer or two? Am I missing something?

You need to watch the video surveillance and find poisoned stimpak in the trashcan on level 2 and then run a scan on it on Sarah's terminal.

Also, what kind of repair skill does the suit of power armor at the COS hideout require?! I was 90 repair and using a Super Tool Kit as well as the skilldex on it at least 30 times but failed each and every time.

Repair must be at least 151% although I wouldn't even attempt it before hitting 175%.

I wanted to ask just one thing I was curious about as well, are you going to include every location from Van Buren? And are they going to be in the same places as the design document leaks? VACCS and Crater seem unrelated to Van Buren; are you going to put more original lore-friendly locations in as well?

The Crater is mentioned in Van Buren. VACCS is a common sense location related to the G.E.C.K. and Vaults. It won't be explained or accessible until the main Van Buren locations are all in. It's more like an expansion thing for the end.
Thanks in advance for your answers! I just want to do everything you can in the game! I'm sure this information would be very helpful for anyone else who's looking for assistance as well. :)
151%?! Sounds like a lot more grinding around the Reservation is in order... unless you can suggest a better way to get levels, I'm level 14 already!

Sorry for being uninformed! I did play Tactics, but it was a long time ago, and Van Buren never saw release, so I'm not exactly as educated on it as I wish I was. I watched Retcon Raider's videos about the design documents and my imagination ran wild thinking about how fun it would be to play the game if it were finished.

I think I softlocked myself somehow. I used Science to hack the security terminal so I could watch the security footage, then got the depleted stimpak from the trash can and took it to Sarah's computer to cross-reference the ID. When I went back to Devon, no new dialogue options appeared. I'm stumped. Is there someone else I'm supposed to talk to, or more evidence I have to find?
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Can I ask how big Fallout Yesterday is compared to FO1, FO2 or Nevada?

Itching to try a new mod/conversion!
Can I ask how big Fallout Yesterday is compared to FO1, FO2 or Nevada?

Itching to try a new mod/conversion!

Right now there's probably about 5 hours of gameplay.
Once it gets finished, it will be 3 times the size of Fallout 2.
Right now there's probably about 5 hours of gameplay.
Once it gets finished, it will be 3 times the size of Fallout 2.

Thanks, wow that would be massive!

Any estimate on when that would be, or what the current progress state is?
I assume you are getting more exposure tnx to releasing what you done thus far, correct?
how big is your team atm? hopefully you're getting some quality help with this huge task at hands.
Many contributed over the years but the active team currently consists of me, 2 writers and we've got one onboarding member who's still looking where he could contribute best.

Any estimate on when that would be, or what the current progress state is?

Everything related to the main story is probably 2 years away but we'll see how it goes, sometimes we deliver releases sooner than expected :D
Many contributed over the years but the active team currently consists of me, 2 writers and we've got one onboarding member who's still looking where he could contribute best.

Everything related to the main story is probably 2 years away but we'll see how it goes, sometimes we deliver releases sooner than expected :D

I'm rooting for you guys, keep up the good work !
After an hour of searching on the world map, just found 2 locations. Can i find the locations by myself or should i do quests?
After an hour of searching on the world map, just found 2 locations. Can i find the locations by myself or should i do quests?

For now, the BOS bunker is accessible to the south west of Tibbets. Once more quests get in, it will become hidden until you do them. Probably in the next release. I presume you found Fort Abandon easily. Reservation is east of the BOS bunker and there's a teaser location north of it. Two smaller locations are hidden until you talk to some people/take quests on.
just installed Fallout Yesterday, question: can I use the sfall and/or the high resolution patch to change screen size/resolution in this mod?