Fan Desire for Zelda Series to Copy Fallout 3

The Dutch Ghost said:
Fallout was a well established PC gaming series but it had never appealed to a large gaming base.

And the large gaming base felt so mistreated because of this.
They loved the setting but nothing of the gameplay was made that it would appeal to them, only to a small select group of elitist gamers who were willing to accept turn based, isometric, and interesting story development with C&C rather than cool explosions and nukular bomb launchers.

Fortunate Bethesda came up for the masses and gave them what had been denied to them for years.
I think the folks at Encyclopædia Dramatica call that unwarrented self-importance.

I like Fallout 1 and 2, but I don't think it is Serious Business.
Fallout was a well established PC gaming series but it had never appealed to a large gaming base.
Given how well it sold at the time and the recent success of the trilogy, I'm going to call bullshit. It appeals to a large gaming base, it just doesn't appeal to "casual gamers" and the many of the gamers who came on board with Halo on XBox, especially those who feel that the Halo series has the best games ever made.
Oh noes!!11! Those console-playing, casual gaming, Halo-liking plebians are ruining our glorious PC playing, hardcore gaming, RPG-liking fanbase!
The Dutch Ghost said:
Man, you don't have to be a dick about it.

And admit, most gaming these days is aimed at casual gamers.
Meh. I honestly don't care about casual gaming and hardcore gaming. Both the same thing, only difference is one is more complicated. But yes, there is a lot of simple games.

Sorry bout that, but I love linking to æ articles. They are so funny.
Zelda (and most other decent franchises) have very little to learn from Fallout 3 (except, perhaps, in marketing).

As mentioned above, Zelda wouldn't make a good dungeon romp.

I've always found the "random crap" in TES games annoying. Even in Morrowind (one of my favourite games BTW) I hated the fact that every little bag of shit sitting around had flour or some nonsense that I oddly felt compelled to loot and haul around. It really is pointless.
It's strange, but part of being a gamer is picking up every item the game gives us. Why? Because in most games I've played if an item is pickable, then that item is usefull in a way. I mean, that's what most game designers do. You pick up a bucket? Well, maybe it's part of a quest, a puzzle or heck, maybe it's some kind of head armor, but it's not useless.

On the other hand, the only reason Bethesda games have so many useless items is to show off their engine.

That said, I don't mind having a bunch of items around, but only if they are usefull. For example the books in Morrowind were a nice touch.
OakTable said:
Oh noes!!11! Those console-playing, casual gaming, Halo-liking plebians are ruining our glorious PC playing, hardcore gaming, RPG-liking fanbase!
My experience has led me to believe that gamers that came onto the scene with the XBox tend to prefer more action oriented games with twitch gameplay which require shorter attention spans. I have no problem with such games, I like quite a number of them myself but I don't want every game to be similar.

Relentless666 said:
It's strange, but part of being a gamer is picking up every item the game gives us. Why? Because in most games I've played if an item is pickable, then that item is usefull in a way. I mean, that's what most game designers do. You pick up a bucket? Well, maybe it's part of a quest, a puzzle or heck, maybe it's some kind of head armor, but it's not useless.

On the other hand, the only reason Bethesda games have so many useless items is to show off their engine.

That said, I don't mind having a bunch of items around, but only if they are usefull. For example the books in Morrowind were a nice touch.
Agreed 100%. I've been playing games for long enough that I have been trained to pick up most every item because it's usually useful (still a rule in pretty much every game not made by Bethesda). Diablo and Diablo clones went a long way to teach me not to pick up crappy drops but Bethesda games go to the next level with scattering about garbage. If there is nothing that the player can do with the item then the player shouldn't be allowed to pick it up. I'm not saying that you can't learn not to pick up junk, I'm saying that being able to pick up every item adds nothing of value to the game.
Wanna know something humorous about this? I still find top down '2d' zeldas to be more fun than the Ocarina of Time 3d platformer style.
Eternal said:
Wanna know something humorous about this? I still find top down '2d' zeldas to be more fun than the Ocarina of Time 3d platformer style.
I do too, though it's not to say I don't enjoy the 3D Zelda games aswell.
I found the DS games enjoyable as well, sort of 2D meets 3D.

Thing with the bigger ones is, after a while I don't feel like playing them anymore, perhaps because all those mini games are sometimes very frustrating in order to get extra money bags, ammo bags, or heart pieces.
I_eat_supermutants said:
An Oblivion/Fallout 3 style gameplay mechanic would rape and cum all over the leg of Zelda. It's meant to be an adventure game with puzzle solving elements. Not a boring dungeon romp. Though if done right some voice acting wouldn't hurt.
I prefer the voice acting of Zelda to those like seen in Fallout 3 though (to say that the old Zelda games had no voice acting and that was better then what I have seen in Fallout 3 and Oblivion).
Ausir said:
The quest to make Zelda more like Fallout 3 continues:
It's goofy to want Zelda to be as verbose as Fallout 3, it's an action platformer whose plot and NPC interactions are there entirely to service the gameplay. The more dialogue you put in, the more you slow down time between gameplay. I think the complaint about the lack of dialogue comes down to the feeling that the world is dead but that's silly, in reality you don't talk to everyone you walk by in the street so you certainly don't need to do it in an action game, especially one with the kind of random NPC dialogue that Zelda has.

If Nintendo wants to satisfy these people then they need to make a RPG spin-off and not muck up the main series.

Crni Vuk said:
I prefer the voice acting of Zelda to those like seen in Fallout 3 though (to say that the old Zelda games had no voice acting and that was better then what I have seen in Fallout 3 and Oblivion).
Voice acting is a good thing but when your game has as much chatter as Fallout 3, it needs to be good. I'm all for Zelda games being fully voice acted, I also would be happy with an option to turn it off so that if it bothers me, I don't have to listen to it.
Actually, i think Fallout 3 has A LOT to learn from a game like "The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask". The game really isn't for casual gamers. It takes some effort to actually finish the game.
actualy I have to say though something that was mentioned there is really interesting and I think that could even work for Zelda

Ausir said:
The quest to make Zelda more like Fallout 3 continues:

^OK... how about something like this: Link comes up to Zelda in the court-yard and they are looking through the window with Gannon and the King, Zelda has a necklace that and a royal symbol and such... Now that we have the Wiiremote, Link could point at Gannon, press A and Zelda would respond: "That's Gannon..... I don't trust him...". Point at necklace: "Oh that, I got this necklace....". There could be things like this with all kinds of characters some more important than others. some NPCs may not know anything about what you're "asking" but some might lead to providing hints. This way you can interact and decide to what extent you are going to communicate but if you are going up to someone, assuming link doesn't talk, it has to be assumed he says: "Hi, I'm link, what is troubling you?" or whatever the state the person is in.

Link goes up to a chicken farmer and dead chickens are everywhere. Link points (translation: "what happened to the chickens") - person responds: "I don't know what has killed them." Link looks around and sees a "clue" (maybe wolf hair or something), points and A. Farmer responds: "You're right they must have been attacked by wolves, but the only place there are wolves are..." Link points to farmers bald-head(what happened to your hair?), Farmer: "I haven't had any hair since I was 20, I hear there is a salesman who carries Rogane in a town far from here, I'd give anything to try some."
That's why I've always liked the Ys series more - Falcom sees it for what it is, a fast-paced action game with some stats, and without all the bother of trying to make it more "casual" or market it for a broader audience (the recent PSP sequel was a bit of a fuck-up though).

That's what, imho, every franchise with a considerable amount of fans should do - work to satisfy the existing fanbase, and change things only as much as that base is willing to tolerate. Otherwise, just make a different franchise.
Astiaks said:
Actually, i think Fallout 3 has A LOT to learn from a game like "The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask". The game really isn't for casual gamers. It takes some effort to actually finish the game.
Because having crap you can't figure out without Internet help is GENIUS!
OakTable said:
Astiaks said:
Actually, i think Fallout 3 has A LOT to learn from a game like "The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask". The game really isn't for casual gamers. It takes some effort to actually finish the game.
Because having crap you can't figure out without Internet help is GENIUS!
You must really suck at Zelda games if you think the internet is essential to complete one.