Fantasy Football '10: Revenge of the Festini

So el Prez got back to me and has simply been to busy, will presumably pick it up when he isn't. I hope.
Oh yeah, I scored the most points this week, easily.
That's what you'll see the rest of the season out of me!
so i'm just going to start talking about my other league now, ok?

3 week winning streak, with a 136.5 over 58 (though his highest possible was 88.45) and a coach rating of 99%. boo-ya!
TwinkieGorilla said:
so i'm just going to start talking about my other league now, ok?

3 week winning streak, with a 136.5 over 58 (though his highest possible was 88.45) and a coach rating of 99%. boo-ya!

My money-league team is decidedly average, but I've somehow lucked into sitting at the top of my division at 3-2.

Tampa Bay Mike Williams carried me to a narrow victory last week.

The players in that league have become incredibly savvy over the years. The free agent pool is stropped clean of any potential prospects.
Errbody still playing?

This league is actually pretty competitive, lots of 4-4 teams and opportunities abound, so I hope most people are still IN.
Brother None said:
Errbody still playing?

This league is actually pretty competitive, lots of 4-4 teams and opportunities abound, so I hope most people are still IN.
Just like last year: one dominant team, everyone else clustered together.
Just got Stafford, surprised he was a FA after last week's game.

Cutting Thomas Jones was easily my worst move of the season. After chris johnson i've got javid best and deangelo williams.

I'd gladly take one or two improvements over those in exchange for guys like:

M. Lewis
Hines Ward

I'd even trade Chris Johnson if someone offered two very solid RBs