Fantasy Football '10: Revenge of the Festini

Good games all around. I was doomed by too many mediocre players and would consistently start the wrong W/T and W/R towards the end of the season. The fact that I was in the playoffs and starting two backup running backs is pretty funny though.

Looking forward to next season anyone?
Oh god no, I hate baseball.

Good game, Trite. Not only were you starting 2 backup RBs, you put up a ridiculous amount of points. But still lost because I put up a ludicrous amount of points. Ludicrous>ridiculous.

So yeah, Dutchie final. I'm gung stomp BN.
Sander said:
So yeah, Dutchie final.

I think I need to revise my draft strategy of doing absolutely no research or preparation whatsoever and then getting stoned right before the draft takes place.
You will all notice how I came from "Worst" to "Best of the Worst" this year (If only I would have tried harder those first few weeks, dammit).

Also: Next year let's do a pay league, please. Nothin' big, maybe 5 bucks a person? Make it a lil' more fun.
So yeah, I'm champion.


But yeah, good fight BN. Too bad half your team decided to go on vacation for week 16.
Yeah, 'grats Sander.

TwinkieGorilla said:
You will all notice how I came from "Worst" to "Best of the Worst" this year (If only I would have tried harder those first few weeks, dammit).

Your late-season run was the stuff of legends. Shame you fell short of the playoffs.

Guiltyofbeingtrite was an awesome rook. Manwithnoname also impressed for a short while but he collapsed. Good, competitive year overall.

TwinkieGorilla said:
Also: Next year let's do a pay league, please. Nothin' big, maybe 5 bucks a person? Make it a lil' more fun.

There's a bunch of changes we should probably discuss prior to launching the league next year. Amongst which:
- Tweaking DEF team scoring
- Including IDPs
- Enabling waivers
- How to handle absenteeism
- Pay league

And hopefully this time people will actually give feedback when I ask for it prior to the league launch rather than the usual time, which is the explosion of RAGE in W3 of the regular season.
Brother None said:
Well, he didn't say I cheat well.


I don't know which is funnier these days - how well you 'get me' and my posting style, or how poorly sander doesn't get it... :wink: