Brian Fargo, producer of Wasteland, founder of Interplay and InXile, told Duck and Cover:<blockquote>I am indeed looking into bringing back the game that spawned the Fallout series. Stay tuned....</blockquote>Spotted on Duck and Cover.
Autoduel76 said:Well, I'm more of a Wasteland fan than I am a Fallout fan even...
But...Bard's Tale? And wasn't Fargo quoted as saying that Bethesda was going the right way with RPGs not long ago? Maybe it was just part of his scheme to have Fallout abandoned by the fanbase, so that he could come in with Wasteland...
Still not going to get my hopes up and that type of statement "looking into bringing back..." makes it sound like an awful long ways off, if ever.
Here's what Fargo had to say about Wasteland in 2003:
As for Wasteland, I can't give much commentary on it yet but it would be a totally different treatment than what we are doing with BT. Wasteland is a heavier subject matter with a more intense system behind it.
June 13, 2003: Brian Fargo and his new game company, inXile, acquire the rights to Wasteland with the United States Patent Office. Soon after, Mr. Fargo shows up at Snake Squeezins to ask for comments about the game from its loyal fans. He notes the reason he didn't get the rights sooner was that Electronic Arts was sitting on them. When they expired, Konami grabbed it for use with their Yu-Gi-Oh series, but they were kind enough to let him have the trademark back. And the new Wasteland will be "darker in nature than the first one," and touts that it will be "very much an old school RPG that uses the skill systems, open ended nature of design, and puts the player into a world that is not black and white but shades of grey." Soon after joining Squeezins, he bails out as others were cross-posting his posts to other forums, and I guess he didn't like that.
Brian Fargo: Personality, depth, re-playability, humor and its innovative approach to things should really get peoples attention. No matter what you think of RPG's (console or otherwise) this game [is] guaranteed [to] make you laugh. Our soul that we put into it is evident. How can you not like game that makes you laugh the whole time? Ultimately all the games these days have great graphics but it's the entertainment value of it all that will make one shine. The movie Shrek had great graphics but that was not what made it the blockbuster that it was.
Hammerstein said:Fargo is still a bit of a childhood hero to me. Just check out with how many games he was involved. Apart from the Fallout series he was part of titles like MDK2, Sacrifice and Giants:Citizen Kabuto. These 3 alone are diamonds in any producer´s bio.,339/