Fargo clarifies

Ausir said:
Hammerstein said:
Fargo is still a bit of a childhood hero to me. Just check out with how many games he was involved. Apart from the Fallout series he was part of titles like MDK2, Sacrifice and Giants:Citizen Kabuto. These 3 alone are diamonds in any producer´s bio.


He's credited with most of the games because he was the head of Interplay at that time. He was not directly involved with most of them.

True, true, I wanted to express that it takes a certain open mindset to even fund the development of games like these. A more conservative company like EA would have turned them down without looking twice. The 3 titles I mentioned were wildly cross-genre and innovative for their time.
In my opinion, we will have the game we want in all aspects and facets when this genre will sell. and that is not happening anymore. if you want to make a game just for the people that can understand this genre and will pull money from their pockets to buy it (and lets not touch the subject of piracy), you must do a game with a far smaller budget that your average game budget from nowadays to make a profit.

From what I understand from various articles, Fallout's budget was pretty high for its time. Does anybody how big were the budgets for F1 and F2?

Though I wouldn’t mind if a future Wasteland 2 would look like Fallout, with the same budget that Fallout had, now Wasteland 2 would look much better because now the technology would allow to make things faster and cheaper.

I just cant get out of my head Troika's engine demo for an unnamed post-apocalyptic project. Who has the right for it now? what happened to it? I would love to see it in future spiritual successor of Fallout.
The problem is that the world has gotten much more complicated.

Remember how awesome Elite was and that it was programmed by a single person ? Nowadays you need a huge team of artists, coders, musicians and so on to make a game that is technologically on par.

If you decide to make a game that is technologically less advanced you will have a hard time getting someone to fund it, since all the marketing and business majors in their monkey suits, who probably havent touched a good computer game in years will crunch the numbers and disapprove.

Carcass said:
Sure hope it turns out good, because Fallout 3 sure seems like it's going to be crap :?

I wouldnt call it "crap" straight away. Its just not the kind of game many of the first-hour Fallout fans were expecting or hoping for. The outcry wouldnt even be that great if they called it "Fallout-Shooter DC" or something silly like that.
Funny I was just reading about the creation of Elite the day before yesterday, it was created by two people and it was turned down by one company because as they saw it games should have 3 lives and take 10 minutes to complete. The company that did back it was intially dubious, not about the size, gameplay etc but because it was being developed by a partnership and not a single programmer. They thought it might complicate the process.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:
Funny I was just reading about the creation of Elite the day before yesterday, it was created by two people and it was turned down by one company because as they saw it games should have 3 lives and take 10 minutes to complete. The company that did back it was intially dubious, not about the size, gameplay etc but because it was being developed by a partnership and not a single programmer. They thought it might complicate the process.

:D Shame on me, I had only thought about David Braben and forgotten Ian Bell.
woah :shock:

that is indeed fantastic news.

Forget Bard´s Tale. That was a lesson learned. We´re moving on to something I´ve been yearning for, for a very long time. :boy:
I actually liked much of Avellone's stuff for Van Buren, I wish if the game had been made they had sticked with his background for the main antagonist.
It's rejoicing and it's very clever of him.
While Bethesda couldn't care less about NMA's, DAC's, "the-site-that-shall-not-be-named"'s (© Bethesda) and their own forums users, moaning, groaning and cursing ... he runs and takes the ball Beth's dropped.

Oh wet dreams of phone calls and mails between Fargo and Cain and the others ...
" Hey I read you had a license and actually planning to make something of it
- hey I saw you had an engine and you might like to make some game around it
- hey I heard you might be offering jobs .... "
Reminds me of the trype on VH1 where they took some very good musicians from some top level bands and put them together thinking it would create a "super band" since each member was from a succesful band anyway.

What you got was super flop. All the big egos just could not get along.

I suppose like in football you can create a "dream team" of the programmers and writers but I wonder what would happen if they got locked together for say 6 months :twisted:
This is the best news i've heard in ages I think fargo's timing is excellent he's obviously been following the progress of fallout 3 and the reactions of the true fallout fans. I personally believe he feels some love for fallout and wasteland and he wants to see a true heir born and not the son of a ho*. just as you mentioned the bards tale I will add that it is a great game when patched and it is in many ways very different from anything else on the market, I completed it and would buy a sequel if ever made. Maybe some of you are listening to too many fps idiots? Mind you I'm ashamed to say I also bought metalheart r.r without waiting for a review and am still receiving treatment :falloutonline:
Also I know its off topic and sorry but space rangers is one of the most underrated games ever made, it's 3 games in one most notably it has hundreds of choose your own adventure style side quests and c+c style land battles.
At this point I will take whatever I can get, I will take just about anything these days as long as its a true to roots cRPG....
Once again a button labeled 'hope' is pushed. Hope it won't be in vain (I did not say 'again').
I don't care who makes it. I just want another sci-fo CRPG with turn-based combat, isometric view as default camera (rotateble camera is okie), dark humor and wasteland theme. I don't care how long it takes.

How hard can it be? (to game developer)
Man I loved Wasteland! I wonder what hes gonna do with it. I wasnt impressed with A Bards Tale at all played through it in eight hours one sitting. He better not scrag it