There, I've read all that's been posted so far. I guess it's apt to say I'm embarassed for the behaviour of my fellow citizens...but I've never been good at doing that, so I'm just going to say: don't take these fools too seriously (most of you didn't, which I am glad to see).
Where shall I start, hmm:
meson said:
Estonia is practically under embargo (oil transit is cut due to "railway repairing" which started week after bronze night).
And why did the embargo start? Because the Bronze Soldier was relocated. The monument is important to the local Russians, since most of their grandfathers fought in WW2. A pretty logical flow of events. Though nothing to do with any Russian conspiracy against Estonia.
meson said:
russia financed the elements who did the looting and marauding during bronze night.
A half-truth at best. It's not known whether the Russian government financed anything. No evidence for that has been produced so far. The investigation is ongoing.
meson said:
Russian media constantly attacks Estonia, according to them we are a fascist/apartheid state.
On this, I mostly agree, though you are somewhat exaggerating the matter. Estonia is of a rather passing interest to the Russian media. As long as nothing noteworthy happens concerning Russians in Estonia, or the Soldier, Estonia is ignored. As most medias in today's world, sensations and sensitive subjects like issues connected to nationalism are chosen by the media in order to get as many viewers/readers as possible. There's no Kreml-funded media campaign against Estonia.
meson said:
our ambassador was attacked but russian law enforcement did nothing.
Another half-truth. They got there a bit late and did not manage to contain the situation fully. They obviously weren't prepared. However, a few days later, police was patrolling the street, it was closed for traffic. I'm gonna be quoting one of Estonia's best read papers, the Postimees. Sorry, but I couldn't find any English sources. It wasn't that well covered by foreign media. Those who don't speak the language, please accept a rough translation. Note that Postimees has a conservative Estonian nationalist slant - just so meson and viper don't accuse me of using Russian propaganda.
Postimees said:
Eesti saatkonna kolmanda sekretäri Franek Persidski sõnul [...] «Autoliiklust saatkonna juures veel ei toimu, tänav on miilitsa valve all ja korrakaitsjate koostöö saatkonna diplomaatidega sujub kenasti,»
[Translation: The Estonian embassy's third secretary Franek Persidski said [...] 'There's no traffic near the embassy yet, the street is guarded by the police, who are smoothly cooperating with the diplomats'.]
meson said:
Then there were "cyber attacks" which were traced back to russian government agencies.
The statement in bold is an outright lie, and a bold one at that (pun intended). Here's what our Defense Minister said about a week ago:
Postimees said:
puuduvad tõendid, nagu oleks Eesti vastu suunatud küberrünnakuid juhitud otse Kremlist või Vene riigiasutustest.
Ta võrdles küberrünnakuid valitsusväliste organisatsioonide blokaadiga, mida korraldati Eesti saatkonna ümber.
[Translation: there is no evidence that the cyber attacks against Estonia were directed by the Kreml or Russian government institutions.
He compared the cyber attacks to the blockade of the Estonian embassy, which was organized by non-governmental organizations.]
Also, an Israeli cyber security expert has stated that the attacks were made by ordinary internet users. Russian blogs offered easy instructions on how to join the attack. (In English: ).
The internet is a powerful thing indeed.
meson said:
yes, russians are not discriminated here.
Half-truth, again. Can you imagine how many times I've been called "tibla" and "vene-russ, kapsauss"? How many times I've had to hear my Estonian friends and acquaintances say things like "those Russians should go back to the hole they crawled out from" and "they should be deported"? And all this despite the fact that I've been born here, have citizenship, graduated an Estonian school and am thus fully fluent in the language (quoting my Estonian teacher: "you speak better Estonian than most Estonians"). No, there's no "official" discrimination by the government, that is. But you and I both know Estonia is not a tolerant country. We know that the people talk badly about Russians. Well I've got news for you, buddy. THAT is also discrimination. Ignoring the fact doesn't make it disappear.
I also know Estonian history well enough to know that Estonians have been conquered many times by numerous countries, most recently the USSR. Thus I understand where all that anger comes from. Which doesn't make it rational. The USSR is gone. Do you want to pretend it's still here or do you want to have peace between Russians and Estonians?
meson said:
russian media talks about only russian schools and puts a twist on it
Of course, it's always THEIR media that puts a twist on it. The Estonian media never spins nationalist propaganda, right? OH WAIT.
This is the kind of thing Postimees puts on their front page once in a while:
The article is entitled "I don't hate russians". I'm not going to bother translating, but the article basically says "it's not hate, it's just caution". What's worse, it's written by a 17-year-old. She even has the audacity to claim she's a very apolitical person.
Another example. These articles were both posted on the front page, in large bold letters, one after the other, less than a week before Bronze Night:
The titles are as follows: "A quarter of Russians believes Sun revolves around the Earth"; "The Russian propaganda machine is preparing provocations for May 9"
Oh no, the Estonian media NEVER puts a spin on things. And it's never ever biased, no sir
meson said:
well, I dont know about lithuania and latvia but in estonia no russian schools being converted into estonian ones. its impossible to do even if we wanted to. there just isnt enough teachers around who could teach estonian curriculum. Most teachers in russian schools dont know how to speak estonian, let alone teach in it.
Another full lie. You're sure making it a habit. You either don't know what's going on in your own country, not to mention Lithuania and Latvia, or you're spinning the info to make it seem like there's no discrimination.
There has been a reform in preparation for years the purpose of which is to convert Russian schools into Estonian. It has started this year, with grades 6 to 12 having one subject in Estonian: Estonian literature. From now on, one subject will be added every year. Next up: ühiskonnaõpetus (dunno how to translate), music, geography, Estonian history. By 2011 every school will have to choose two more subjects to be taught in Estonian. The end objective: 60% of subjects in Estonian.
Every coin has two sides though. While it's important for children to learn Estonian in order to have better access to jobs and higher education, it's difficult to say if this will cause assimilation or integration. Time will tell. It might just produce people who don't speak either language as well as they should, and have limited knowledge of the history and culture of both.
GreyViper said:
Listen to yourself. You talk like a conspiracy nut.
meson said:
public schools are divided by the language. anyone who wants to have their kids schooled in russian can do so.
False. They can't anymore. Read what I wrote about schools above.
GreyViper said:
That since they don't know how to speak countrys national language and don't want to learn it, they have 0% chances to get into university or get a good jobs.
Hello, my name a Borat, nice meet you. (sorry, I could not resist, back to the subject)
Those that want to, do. Those that don't, don't. Ever heard of freedom of choice? If someone wants to be a dumbass, how can you force him to become educated? And please don't come telling me that all Estonians are smart and go to universities and get good jobs.
GreyViper said:
SO russian goverment is one thing russian people is another. ANd its the politicans who are playing these games.
I agree, good that you recognize this. Yet you still talk like a conspiracy nut, and your buddy too.
But do you also recognize that Bronze Night was the political game of Andrus Ansip and the Reform Party? I suspect the answer will be "no, it wasn't".
GreyViper said:
I assure you we dont have anything about blacks, asians or caucasians, what cant be said about our neighbor.
Ha, you sure are a demagogue. You are referring to the large number of neonazi gangs in Russia, am I right? Funny coincidence, this morning I read this: (a group of skinheads threw rocks at a black exchange student). We don't get a lot of other races in Estonia, because the few asians and black that come here usually experience at least some verbal abuse at least once during their stay. Most don't report it to the Police. Not that there's rampant racism everywhere, but there is some very obvious intolerance, and Estonia is not free of skinheads.
Internet comments to such articles are also quite often something like: "serves them right, they're not welcome here".
meson said:
courses themselves arent free but those who successfully pass the citizenship exams will be refunded.
Actually, they are free...but only as of summer 2006. They should have been offered for free long ago.
GreyViper said:
Chechenya again all your examples apply there. A lot of gruesome stuff happened there, done by both sides.
Iraq. A lot of gruesome stuff happened there as well. Still no WMD found though. No Osama either. Makes me doubt whether it's safe to have the US as world policeman
Finally, one more thing I'd like to say: Russians sometimes also tend to exaggerate what goes on in Estonia. Estonian Russians do so because their feelings are hurt by events such as Bronze Night and the negative bombardment by the press. Russians in Russia do so out of pure patriotism, but often don't really know much about Estonia. Propaganda influences both sides, intolerance breeds intolerance - this is important to recognize.