Hello Everybody!! Pandaman85 here and this is My top 10 console RPG's:
1. The entire Phantasy Star Series. The soundtrack on these games might be one the best of all the Mega Drive games. PSII gave me my first WTF! moment.
2. Buck Rogers Countdown to Doomsday. Strategic RPG awsomeness! Could spend hours playing this with my friends passing the controller around.
3. Starflight. Best inro EVER!! Could play this for hours when I was kid. Also I still have this one for my Mega Drive.
4. Landstalker. The best Action RPG with puzzles I have ever played.
5. Rings of Power. Hard Ass Game that I never finished, but awsome nonetheless.
6. Chrono Trigger. Epic story, great characters, sweet setting and superb combat. What more could you ask for.
7. Sword of Vermilion, Awsome Action RPG. I actually got so mad at this game once that when I hit the chair I was sitting on the game froze. Ahhh the memories.....
8. Shining in The Darkness and the Shining Force games. Still have the first Shining game but stupidly sold Shining Force 2 when I was a kid.
9. FaXanadu. Played it when I was like 5 and it was the first RPG I ever played and I will never forget it.
10. YS I &II. Recently played it on the Wii and couldn't stop for some reason. it has one of the best soundtracks out there.
Well that's my list and I will stand by it.