Favorite Power Armor?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
This type of armor has been featured in a wide variety of video games, movies (not so much, unfortunately), books, etc. So the question is, which is YOUR favorite version and what's it from?

Personally, I'm torn between the terran marine armor from starcraft and the armor hulk hogan had in 'suburban commando'
Do you mean favorite by looks or by function? If by looks then Advanced BOS Power Armor, if by function SPARTAN i guess.
The Heavy Armor from Natural Selection was pretty cool.

The Starcraft marine armor is too bulky, the Spartan armor is too 'stylish' to be power armor, and the Warhammer 40K armor's helmet reminds me of Darth Vader.

So yeah, I'd like a mix of all of them please. (Which is exactly what Fallout's armor is.) :D
T-51b Power Armor for retro-knight's-armor style and Advanced Power Armor for retro-gas-mask style.
I liked the power armor in the movie, Lost In Space (the one the dude from friends wore), yeah I know cheesy ass movie but the power armor featured in it was cool.

The power armor worn by the last boss in Crusader No Remorse was also cool

But the Enclave power armor tops them both.
The Centurions FTW


Man and machine. PowerXtreme
definately the MET-427 "Cobra" from the Aquablue graphic novels. but that's more an exo-tank than a powerarmor, i guess.
I like the Enclave one a lot, but it always irritates me when there is a gas filter visible and its not symmetrical with the rest of the head gear..
I actually like the original Fallout power armor i'm sure its based on a few movies that were before my time but It looks so cheesy i love it.
So far no other PA beats Fallout's PA, imo. But the Tau battle suits in Warhammer 40k beats even FO's PA, specially the XV22 used by Shas O'Kais in Dark Crusade.

Man, that guy wields Plasma Rifle in right hand, Flamer in left hand, has Missile Pods in the shoulders, can jetpack around/in/out the battlefield, not to say the uprades in the campaign mod (steath field, sensor helmet, iridium reinforcing, shield drone and gun drone). And has a nice excuse t use it all: the Greater Good!
Agreed, apart from fallout 1&2, Jin Roh wins. I'm fairly sure Starcraft and Warhammer marines have to have their arms and shoulders removedand placed on some form of extensions to get their arms to start that far off their sides. The Spartan armor is neat, but I can't say I'm much of a fan of Halo at all. The stuff is just too damn shiney. I don't think anything beats the armor in Jin Roh for drawing a picture of an ruthlessly fascist government in a dismal alternate timeline. Half the appeal of the armor is just how well it fits the story and draws parallels in your mind.

Plus it does look rather neat and intimidating while being feasible.

And yes, the Diamond Sword are badassed as well.
Jin Roh...ah, I forgot about that one. The "PROTECT" armor, if memory serves.

PhredBean: The Space Marines are not normal humans. They're much larger, stronger and tougher than a normal human, even without the armor. A Marine in armor stands about 3m or so. So no, their arms aren't removed or anything.

Keyser Soeze: Where's that third pic from? Is that CGI or an actual suit? If it's the latter, where the hell can I get one?