Favorite Power Armor?

Vault 69er said:
Possibly the only powered armour in existance to come with a beer belly. :)


Ok the mondoshawans are more fat then having a beer belly but still verry close.
If Ned Kelly was on crack he might qualify, otherwise I'd have to go with FOT Power Armour design, personally i thought it was the best part of the game.
Loxley said:
The starcraft power armor looks cool. Still I feel compelled to ask..."how do you pee in that thing?" I mean..the work just to get it on...


considering the fact that a terran marines lifespan is some odd 9 seconds upon entering combat, they probably weren't terribly concerned about that. then again, the introduction of medics might have motivated them to add a trapdoor on the back.....
If I were one of those marines, I wouldn't want to pee; imagine a 'lil zergling chopping your dick right off.

I've had bad luck finding my favorite powerarmour, but I'll compensate by telling you some things about it; it's actually a prototype for a real powerarmour, and could perhaps be used within the army someday; it builds on the principle of something spiderweb-related, and therefore is totally bullet-proof.
If someone else saw the documentary, which was shown on Discovery Channel, you will know what I'm talking about.
Also, it has funky pimp colors.
It occurs to me that most power armours would come with.. facilities to handle bodily waste. Like present day astronaut space suits do.
I've always had this thing for Iron Man. Awesome 'power armour' that, especially in the old version.


I have most of the Dutch translations of the series (Junior Press Strip), but the original, American ones are very hard to find and very pricy as well.
DoughboyJones said:
i was wondering how long it'd take for someone to mention iron man...

Not long, methinks. :P

You really like the older designs better, Alec? Bucket-Head Man? For the pinnacle of personal defense technology, it always looked a bit like a metal wetsuit/ski-mask combo to me. Or an iron luchador.
I think, power armor (as a way to protect soldier) is a LAMEst idea. Exept cool appearance.

Guyver (not power, but BIO-BOOSTED... same unrealistic shit):

He rules, especially with his TIT-BLAST.
ben-ten said:
I think, power armor (as a way to protect soldier) is a LAMEst idea.

Way to win the stupidest quote award. :x

We as humans are very fleshy and very easily cut/broken, as we have internal skeletons and are made of flesh/bone. Crabs have an external exoskeleton that serves like armor, but they sacrifice the internal skeleton in return.

So, having both an internal and external exoskeleton makes it sort of 'optimal' does it not?

Also consider this: Powered armor is meant to increase your strength, so this allows you to manuever even better than you normally could, as well as carry the 500 pound armor on you.

Would you rather be running around with a regular bulletproof vest... or would you rather have 500 pounds of steel on you and super strength?

So yeah, saying powered exoskeletons are a bad way to protect soldiers is like saying having castle walls is a bad way to protect a town. :roll:
DarkLegacy said:
ben-ten said:
I think, power armor (as a way to protect soldier) is a LAMEst idea.

Way to win the stupidest quote award. :x

We as humans are very fleshy and very easily cut/broken, as we have internal skeletons and are made of flesh/bone. Crabs have an external exoskeleton that serves like armor, but they sacrifice the internal skeleton in return.

So, having both an internal and external exoskeleton makes it sort of 'optimal' does it not?

Also consider this: Powered armor is meant to increase your strength, so this allows you to manuever even better than you normally could, as well as carry the 500 pound armor on you.

Would you rather be running around with a regular bulletproof vest... or would you rather have 500 pounds of steel on you and super strength?

So yeah, saying powered exoskeletons are a bad way to protect soldiers is like saying having castle walls is a bad way to protect a town. :roll:

The armor from BOS is fucking stupid and looks unefficient and overly dramatic.

The best looking one, at least from what I can think of now, is the Advanced Power Armor from FO1 and 2 because the eye holes are bigger and it looks more aerodynamic and looks more feasable, and plus it just looks intimidating (but not overdone).