Favorite weapon(s)

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For Fallout 1, probably the .223 pistol and Sniper Rifle for the more personal encounters. Of course when taking a caravan job (The most dangerous one, can't remember the name), I just had to take a minigun along to please the crowd :D. Besides those, fooling around with the Rocket launcher or Alien Blaster was pretty fun as well. Just really hard to salvage their equiptment afterwards...

As for Fallout 2, the Grease Gun and XL70E3 (sp?) for personal, and Bozar, Pulse Rifle or any of the 3 miniguns for the masses.
Oni said:
(The most dangerous one, can't remember the name)

the Grimson caravans, they have the most exciting routes AND the best pay! there's no point in even thinking of taking another caravan!
rofl! yeah, that's the one. All the others were like taking candy from a baby compared to Crimson :D
the Bozar

I love a characters body movements when the Bozar really hits home and body parts start flying. Cassidy's shotgun sometimes takes out some awesome chunks too...
I just found the XL70E3, does this gun have ANY purpose at all? By the time the average player gets it you probably have a p90 or gauss if your small guns. It seems to be based off of the l85a1 but i cant tell because its blue..WHAT GUN IS BLUE!?
Yeah, it looks like it's based off of the L85 just with a synthetic receiver instead of a metal one. The "Light Support Weapon" is a direct copy of the heavy version of the L85.

In truth, dark blue/grey/green is kind of better for a weapon than matte black. How many matte black things do you see in nature? With polymers you can have any color that you want really. Bright pink anyone? I think Glock has some training pistols that are either orange or red. - Colt
Suaside wrote:
oh but you are wrong... have you ever taken out 5 unharmed floaters and/or centaurs in one round? have you ever put down 3 enclave soldiers with one shot or burst?

If it makes more than 300hp damage in one turn on karrigan in the final of FO2 I'll gibe you that is the most damaging weapon (I actually haven't tried it on karrigan w/ the bozar). I remember doing about 150 hp of damage to him w/one shot in the eyes (using gauss rifle). And if it beats it(300hp damage in a turn), I guess I'll change my gun on the final next time I play it and perform further tests to the bozar.
It's one thing for a weapon to be ultrapowerful, but like others have mentioned in the thread, there's also a question of "style", usefulness, or enjoyability. For instance, the pulse rifle is powerful, but I don't like to use it because it tends to fry inventory. The shotgun isn't the most powerful weapon in the game, but when your character first gets it in FO1, it makes a world of difference over the starting pistol or the MP9. Soooo...

Fallout -- tie between the sniper rifle and turbo plasma
Fallout 2 -- speed-load magnum (w/fast fire perq) and combat shotgun are sentimental faves, the EC assault rifle is mighty fun for cheap bursting w/o reloads, tho
Fallout:Tactics -- the numerous combat shotguns are cool, but the Browning M2 is king of the midgame before the robots show up, and the energy/emp weapons take over. Even then, the M2 holds its own if you can get enough 50 cal. Grenades are very cool in FO:T too, for breaking up those "standoff" situations with some indirect fire.

Biggest disappointment: Flamethrowers. They yield the best death scenes, but such very crappy range and heavy ammo. I'd like to see just ONE good WW2-style bunker-busting flamethrower show up in a Fallout game sometime. Still, once you get some power armor, a rampage through the New Reno casinos with a flame thrower can be extremely entertaining.
0rganism said:
Biggest disappointment: Flamethrowers. They yield the best death scenes, but such very crappy range and heavy ammo. I'd like to see just ONE good WW2-style bunker-busting flamethrower show up in a Fallout game sometime. Still, once you get some power armor, a rampage through the New Reno casinos with a flame thrower can be extremely entertaining.

I have this dream too :twisted:
Hmm... for Melee, I love the Cattle Prod, especially in Tactics where it's even more powerful. It's so fun to cut people in half with it, not to mention that I even blowed one humanoid robot to pieces with the same little Cattle Prod. And of course it should be tried on some brahmin (after all that's its primary use, no?) to see a nice bloodbath.

As for Ranged, there's a bunch of them especially from FO1 and 2 (didn't really liked any ranged weapon in Tactics). Well, to name a couple of them: H&KP90c, .223mm pistol (oh boy, how it rips people apart!), Pancor Jackhammer, Gauss Rifle, Bozar, Plasma Rifle (melt baby, melt!) and so on.
Best/Coolest Weapon in Fallout

What weapon in either Fallout 1 or 2 (Tactics is only combat, so it wouldn't be fare to include that) has the coolest weapon? Also, what do you think the best weapon is in terms of ammo usage, damage done, and ammo availability?

My money for coolest weapon is the YK42B Pulse Rifle, I don't like how it disintegrates people (I'ts hard to pick up thier stuff) but I like the kind of psychadelic design. The people at the Yuma Flats Energy Consortium really were going for the stoner demographic.

The best weapon is without a doubt, the M72 Gauss Rifle. It's ammo is normally easy to find, it does a lot of damage, and it doesn't suck much 2mm EC down, plus it has a good payout--around a death for every 1 or 2 bullets on normal.
Merged with this thread. Next time do a search for similar threads in history.
I don't really know about Fallout... I think the Desert Eagle... and definitely the Minigun. It's because it was in the demo and that was my first Fallout experience ever, and I just loved the way people died when killing them with the minigun.

In Fallout 2 it's Pancor Jackhammer. I love the way that baby looks. And ofcourse the Bozar, because of it's immense power...

And in FO:T my all time favourite is the Razor Claw. I just love sneaking up behind a Super Mutie and stabbing him in the nuts with it. And remaining undetected all the way... yeah. Then it's the Pancor again, and after that it's got to be the FN-FAL. It's sniping and bursting with the touch of a key. My whole squad (all two :P) only used the FN-FAL and the Pancor in the last level... (*cough* Character Editor *cough*)
For Melee: The Super Sledge, Ripper and Combat Knife

For small guns: Pancor Jackhammer, H&K G11, M72 Guass Rifle. Speedloader Revolver Magnum

Energy Weapons: Phazer, Magneto Laser Pistol, Turbo Plasma Rifle, Gatling Laser

Big Guns: Rocket Launcher, Flamer and of course the Mingun!!!
In Fallout 1 nothing beats having a .223 pistol in one slot and a sniper rifle in the other. When they run up close to you, taking out your oversized handgun, aiming it at their face and just *BANGING* them away... That's pure entertainment.
The sniper rifle on the other hand, is charming in the way of picking off ghouls (I hate ghouls! DEATH TO THE GHOULS!!!) from a screen away. "Haha, in your face mutie!".
Besides, .223 FMJ is just a cool type of ammo: looks cool IMO and the name... Full Metal Jacket. Need I say more? :D
I never had anything against the ghouls, though first time I actually made it to Necropolis, everyone was dead and there were huge giants... Man, I had grenades and i let the fuckers have it.

Sniper Rifle and .233 Pistol does wonders indeed.
FO2:Vindicator.....And I really feel like watching the enemies do the fire-dance animation by using my Flamthrower.....well it's not that effective against the Enclave.
And I also like the FN FAL HPFA -- Only small gun that can burst a whole twenty bullets, so powerful.

SuAside said:
in both FO1 and 2 it's a pretty "special" encounter where you get the Red Rider LE BB

anybody know how to get it without going to Sierra Army depot in FO2 ?

The midget in the bazaar out of NCR sometimes sells it.
Hmm, after pumping small guns to 130 % I have gotten a liking for the Pancor Jackhammer again...

Just hit a Radscorpion for 655 hitpoints in a critical hit with burst mode. Anybody beat that? :P